UITableView inside UIScrollView - iphone

This should be straight foreward, but I simply can't figure it out(!)
I have a UIView 'filled with' a UIScrollView. Inside the scrollView I wan't to have a UITableView.
I have hooked up both the scrollView and the tableView with IBOutlet's in IB and set the ViewController to be the delegate and datasource of the tableView.
What else do I need to do ? Or what shouldn't I have done?

An UITableView is already an UIScrollView. Why do you need to add an additional one between your top view and your table?
Just remove the UIScrollView and it will work better than before :)

You can add the UITableView next to the UIScrollView (as a sibling, not a child). Then use scrollViewDidScroll (or layoutSubviews in case of a subclass) to synchronise the vertical position of both scrollviews.


iPhone: Make UIScrollView from UIView

I have a UIView with labels and textfields and I tested it in the simulator and noticed that I cannot scroll to see the rest of the view, how can I make the view into a UIScrollView and what do I need to do so I can make the view scrollable? I don't want to move labels and stuff or delete the UIView, is there a simple way?
Take a UIScrollView in Xib file outside your view. drag your view into this scrollview. The subviews inside your view remains same. and set the scrollview's contentSize

iPhone - scrollview with a textview and tableview inside

I have an interface which will have a text view and a table view below it. My current view looks like this
Currently the TextView and TableView can scroll vertically..but what i want is the whole screen to scroll up/down. Why doesn't this work properly?
You can put a TableView inside a ScrollView, but you must resolve conflicts between touches, scrolling, and bouncing in IB or with code, and you must set the ScrollView's contentSize with code, not in IB.
If the TextView really "belongs" to the table, consider putting it in a table cell, or better, as a header, that's what they're for.

Setting static content in a UIScrollView through XIB

I need a UIScrollview to show some static content in my app. I have taken a UIScrollView through XIB and started adding some UIImageViews and textViews in to it. But after coming to the end of the scrollView the view is not exapanding anymore. I need more space so that I can add some more views below. Is there any way in which I can do this (through XIB and not through code).
I struggled a lot to get this done in a more elegant way then the solution described by Csabi.
It's really simple:
In your xib file just add a generic view which is not a subview of your viewController.view (i.e although this view is in your xib file, it is not a part of your viewController's view hierarchy.)
Then select this view and using size inspector set the width and height that suits your need. Add whatever objects you want to this view. Hook up this view to your viewController with an IBOutlet. (Let's call it IBOutlet UIView *myBigView).
in your viewController.view drag a ScrollView and adjust the size of the scroll view as you like. Hook this up to your viewController. (IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollView)
Now it's super simple:
-(void) viewDidLoad{
[super viewDidLoad];
self.scrollView.contentSize = self.myBigView.bounds.size;
[self.scrollView addSubview:self.myBigView];
Yes it is you can define the height of the UIScrollView simply for example height:1800
now you get bigger UIScrollView then your view you can put your objects to scrollview, and if it is filled simply pull it upward and drag and drop other items when you are finished simply pull the scroll view to its position and you have it.
It is simple :)
Hope it helps
Ask if you have any other question

how does a subview of a scrollview know the scrollview is being scrolled

I placed a few uiimageview objects into a scrollview. How can the imageview know the scrollview is being scrolled? Since the imageview is a subview of the scrollview i can't set the scrollview delegate to the imageview.
I want to create something similar to the apps view on the iphone. Where you can hold down an app and then drag it, but if you hold and move your finger too far to the left or right the action is stopped and scrolling takes over.
"Since the imageview is a subview of the scrollview i can't set the scrollview delegate to the imageview."
And why not?
You have viewcontroller which shows the particular scrollview correct? this viewcontroller should be the delegate of the scrollview, and viewcontroller should also hold pointers (either explicitly in an array or through tag of some sort) to the uiimageviews.
Then, whenever scrollview notifies viewcontroller (through scrollviewdidscroll type of delegate method), implement your logic to update uiimageview.
To implement the exact touch sequence, you can subclass UIGestureRecognizer or write your own touch handler.. take a look at Apple's documentation on Event Handling Guide :
It doesn't, it just draws and draws. The scrollView makes sure you only see the part you really want to see
You might want to look at three20, they have a class that is very similar to the springboard. -- Used in facebook.app
Thanks Everyone, but I found out that UIScrollView sends the touchesCancelled message to the subview when scrolling starts.

Prevent subview from scrolling in a UIScrollView

I have a UIScrollView subclass with a certain subview I'd like to prevent from scrolling (while all the other subviews scroll as normal).
The closest example to this I can think of is UITableView's "index strip" on the right side (look in the Contacts app to see an example). I am guessing this is a subview of the table (scrollview) but it does not move as the user scrolls.
I can't seem to make my subview stay put! How can I accomplish this?
The trick is to adjust the frame of the "non-scrollable" subview inside -layoutSubviews.
Add the view that you want not to move as a sibling view of the scroll view on top of the scroll view instead of as a subview.
You can set it's property called userInteractionEnabled to NO