WP7's WebBrowser.NavigateToString() and text encoding - encoding

does anyone know how to load a UTF8-encoded string using WebBrowser.NavigateToString() method? For now I end up with a bunch of mis-displayed characters.
Here's the simple string that won't display correctly:
The code file is saved with UTF-8 encoding (with signature).

Using ConvertExtendedASCII as suggested works, but is very slow. Using a StringBuilder instead was (in my case) about 800 times faster:
public string FixHtml(string HTML)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char[] s = HTML.ToCharArray();
foreach (char c in s)
if (Convert.ToInt32(c) > 127)
sb.Append("&#" + Convert.ToInt32(c) + ";");
return sb.ToString();

First up, NavigateToString() is expecting a full html document.
Secondly, as you're passing HTML, it's best to pass HTML entities, rather than relying on encodings. Unfortunately, not that many entity codes are actually supported by the browser so you should look at using the numeric unicode values where necessary.
Much like this:
webBrowser1.NavigateToString("<html><body><p>ó Õ</p></body></html>");

Try this article. It should help. Shortly speaking, it proposes to use following snippet to convert your string into appropriate format:
private static string ConvertExtendedASCII(string HTML)
string retVal = "";
char[] s = HTML.ToCharArray();
foreach (char c in s)
if (Convert.ToInt32(c) > 127)
retVal += "&#" + Convert.ToInt32(c) + ";";
retVal += c;
return retVal;

If you have the UTF8 in memory in a byte array then you could try NavigateToStream with a MemoryStream rather than using NavigateToString. You should try to ensure their is a BOM on the UTF8 buffer if you can.
Note that the string in the question is not a UTF8 string. It is a UTF16 string with some garbage in it. By placing zeros between the bytes and storing it in a System.String you corrupted it.


Convert persian unicode to Ascii

I need to get the ASCII code of a Persian string to use it in a program. But the method below give the ? marks: "??? ????"
public string PerisanAscii()
//persian string
string unicodeString = "صبح بخیر";
// Create two different encodings.
Encoding ascii = Encoding.ASCII;
Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode;
// Convert the string into a byte array.
byte[] unicodeBytes = unicode.GetBytes(unicodeString);
// Perform the conversion from one encoding to the other.
byte[] asciiBytes = Encoding.Convert(unicode, ascii, unicodeBytes);
// Convert the new byte[] into a char[] and then into a string.
char[] asciiChars = new char[ascii.GetCharCount(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length)];
ascii.GetChars(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length, asciiChars, 0);
string asciiString = new string(asciiChars);
return asciiString;
Can you help me?
Best regards,
You can convert Persian UTF8 data to Windows-1256 (Arabic Windows):
var enc1256 = Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1256");
var data = enc1256.GetBytes(unicodeString);
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, data);
ASCII does not support Persian. You may need old school Iran System encoding standard. This is determined by your Autocad application. I don't know if there is a direct Encoding in windows for it or not. But you can convert characters manually too. It's a simple mapping.

Storing Special Characters in Windows Azure Blob Metadata

I have an app that is storing images in a Windows Azure Block Blob. I'm adding meta data to each blob that gets uploaded. The metadata may include some special characters. For instance, the registered trademark symbol (®). How do I add this value to meta data in Windows Azure?
Currently, when I try, I get a 400 (Bad Request) error anytime I try to upload a file that uses a special character like this.
Thank you!
You might use HttpUtility to encode/decode the string:
blob.Metadata["Description"] = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(model.Description);
Description = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(blob.Metadata["Description"]);
The supported characters in the blob metadata must be ASCII characters. To work around this you can either escape the string ( percent encode), base64 encode etc.
HttpUtility.HtmlEncode may not work; if Unicode characters are in your string (i.e. &#8217), it will fail. So far, I have found Uri.EscapeDataString does handle this edge case and others. However, there are a number of characters that get encoded unnecessarily, such as space (' '=chr(32)=%20).
I mapped the illegal ascii characters metadata will not accept and built this to restore the characters:
static List<string> illegals = new List<string> { "%1", "%2", "%3", "%4", "%5", "%6", "%7", "%8", "%A", "%B", "%C", "%D", "%E", "%F", "%10", "%11", "%12", "%13", "%14", "%15", "%16", "%17", "%18", "%19", "%1A", "%1B", "%1C", "%1D", "%1E", "%1F", "%7F", "%80", "%81", "%82", "%83", "%84", "%85", "%86", "%87", "%88", "%89", "%8A", "%8B", "%8C", "%8D", "%8E", "%8F", "%90", "%91", "%92", "%93", "%94", "%95", "%96", "%97", "%98", "%99", "%9A", "%9B", "%9C", "%9D", "%9E", "%9F", "%A0", "%A1", "%A2", "%A3", "%A4", "%A5", "%A6", "%A7", "%A8", "%A9", "%AA", "%AB", "%AC", "%AD", "%AE", "%AF", "%B0", "%B1", "%B2", "%B3", "%B4", "%B5", "%B6", "%B7", "%B8", "%B9", "%BA", "%BB", "%BC", "%BD", "%BE", "%BF", "%C0", "%C1", "%C2", "%C3", "%C4", "%C5", "%C6", "%C7", "%C8", "%C9", "%CA", "%CB", "%CC", "%CD", "%CE", "%CF", "%D0", "%D1", "%D2", "%D3", "%D4", "%D5", "%D6", "%D7", "%D8", "%D9", "%DA", "%DB", "%DC", "%DD", "%DE", "%DF", "%E0", "%E1", "%E2", "%E3", "%E4", "%E5", "%E6", "%E7", "%E8", "%E9", "%EA", "%EB", "%EC", "%ED", "%EE", "%EF", "%F0", "%F1", "%F2", "%F3", "%F4", "%F5", "%F6", "%F7", "%F8", "%F9", "%FA", "%FB", "%FC", "%FD", "%FE" };
private static string MetaDataEscape(string value)
var x = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(value);
var sz = value.Trim();
sz = Uri.EscapeDataString(sz);
for (int i = 1; i < 255; i++)
var hex = "%" + i.ToString("X");
if (!illegals.Contains(hex))
sz = sz.Replace(hex, Uri.UnescapeDataString(hex));
return sz;
The result is:
Before ==> "1080x1080 Facebook Images"
Uri.EscapeDataString =>
After => "1080x1080 Facebook
I am sure there is a more efficient way, but the hit seems negligible for my needs.

How to encode Chinese text in QR barcodes generated with iTextSharp?

I'm trying to draw QR barcodes in a PDF file using iTextSharp. If I'm using English text the barcodes are fine, they are decoded properly, but if I'm using Chinese text, the barcode is decoded as question marks. For example this character '测' (\u6D4B) is decoded as '?'. I tried all supported character sets, but none of them helped.
What combination of parameters should I use for the QR barcode in iTextSharp in order to encode correctly Chinese text?
iText and iTextSharp apparently don't natively support this but you can write some code to handle this on your own. The trick is to get the QR code parser to work with just an arbitrary byte array instead of a string. What's really nice is that the iTextSharp code is almost ready for this but doesn't expose the functionality. Unfortunately many of the required classes are sealed so you can't just subclass them, you'll have to recreate them. You can either download the entire source and add these changes or just create separate classes with the same names. (Please check over the license to make sure you are allowed to do this.) My changes below don't have any error correction so make sure you do that, too.
The first class that you'll need to recreate is iTextSharp.text.pdf.qrcode.BlockPair and the only change you'll need to make is to make the constructor public instead of internal. (You only need to do this if you are creating your own code and not modifying the existing code.)
The second class is iTextSharp.text.pdf.qrcode.Encoder. This is where we'll make the most changes. Add an overload to Append8BitBytes that looks like this:
static void Append8BitBytes(byte[] bytes, BitVector bits) {
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; ++i) {
bits.AppendBits(bytes[i], 8);
The string version of this method converts text to a byte array and then uses the above so we're just cutting out the middle man. Next, add a new overload to the constructor that takes in a byte array instead of a string. We'll then just cut out the string detection part and force the system to byte-mode, otherwise the code below is pretty much the same.
public static void Encode(byte[] bytes, ErrorCorrectionLevel ecLevel, IDictionary<EncodeHintType, Object> hints, QRCode qrCode) {
// Step 1: Choose the mode (encoding).
Mode mode = Mode.BYTE;
// Step 2: Append "bytes" into "dataBits" in appropriate encoding.
BitVector dataBits = new BitVector();
Append8BitBytes(bytes, dataBits);
// Step 3: Initialize QR code that can contain "dataBits".
int numInputBytes = dataBits.SizeInBytes();
InitQRCode(numInputBytes, ecLevel, mode, qrCode);
// Step 4: Build another bit vector that contains header and data.
BitVector headerAndDataBits = new BitVector();
// Step 4.5: Append ECI message if applicable
if (mode == Mode.BYTE && !DEFAULT_BYTE_MODE_ENCODING.Equals(encoding)) {
CharacterSetECI eci = CharacterSetECI.GetCharacterSetECIByName(encoding);
if (eci != null) {
AppendECI(eci, headerAndDataBits);
AppendModeInfo(mode, headerAndDataBits);
int numLetters = dataBits.SizeInBytes();
AppendLengthInfo(numLetters, qrCode.GetVersion(), mode, headerAndDataBits);
// Step 5: Terminate the bits properly.
TerminateBits(qrCode.GetNumDataBytes(), headerAndDataBits);
// Step 6: Interleave data bits with error correction code.
BitVector finalBits = new BitVector();
InterleaveWithECBytes(headerAndDataBits, qrCode.GetNumTotalBytes(), qrCode.GetNumDataBytes(),
qrCode.GetNumRSBlocks(), finalBits);
// Step 7: Choose the mask pattern and set to "qrCode".
ByteMatrix matrix = new ByteMatrix(qrCode.GetMatrixWidth(), qrCode.GetMatrixWidth());
qrCode.SetMaskPattern(ChooseMaskPattern(finalBits, qrCode.GetECLevel(), qrCode.GetVersion(),
// Step 8. Build the matrix and set it to "qrCode".
MatrixUtil.BuildMatrix(finalBits, qrCode.GetECLevel(), qrCode.GetVersion(),
qrCode.GetMaskPattern(), matrix);
// Step 9. Make sure we have a valid QR Code.
if (!qrCode.IsValid()) {
throw new WriterException("Invalid QR code: " + qrCode.ToString());
The third class is iTextSharp.text.pdf.qrcode.QRCodeWriter and once again we just need to add an overloaded Encode method supports a byte array and that calls are new constructor created above:
public ByteMatrix Encode(byte[] bytes, int width, int height, IDictionary<EncodeHintType, Object> hints) {
ErrorCorrectionLevel errorCorrectionLevel = ErrorCorrectionLevel.L;
if (hints != null && hints.ContainsKey(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION))
errorCorrectionLevel = (ErrorCorrectionLevel)hints[EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION];
QRCode code = new QRCode();
Encoder.Encode(bytes, errorCorrectionLevel, hints, code);
return RenderResult(code, width, height);
The last class is iTextSharp.text.pdf.BarcodeQRCode which we once again add our new constructor overload:
public BarcodeQRCode(byte[] bytes, int width, int height, IDictionary<EncodeHintType, Object> hints) {
newCode.QRCodeWriter qc = new newCode.QRCodeWriter();
bm = qc.Encode(bytes, width, height, hints);
The last trick is to make sure when calling this that you include the byte order mark (BOM) so that decoders know to decode this properly, in this case UTF-8.
//Create an encoder that supports outputting a BOM
System.Text.Encoding enc = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(true, true);
//Get the BOM
byte[] bom = enc.GetPreamble();
//Get the raw bytes for the string
byte[] bytes = enc.GetBytes("测");
//Combine the byte arrays
byte[] final = new byte[bom.Length + bytes.Length];
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(bom, 0, final, 0, bom.Length);
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, final, bom.Length, bytes.Length);
//Create are barcode using our new constructor
var q = new BarcodeQRCode(final, 100, 100, null);
//Add it to the document
Looks like you may be out of luck. I tried too and got the same results as you did. Then looked at the Java API:
"*CHARACTER_SET the values are strings and can be Cp437, Shift_JIS and
ISO-8859-1 to ISO-8859-16. The default value is ISO-8859-1.*"
Lastly, looked at the iTextSharp BarcodeQRCode class source code to confirm that only those characters sets are supported. I'm by no means an authority on Unicode or encoding, but according to ISO/IEC 8859, the character sets above won't work for Chinese.
Essentially the same trick that Chris has done in his answer could be implemented by specifying UTF-8 charset in barcode hints.
var hints = new Dictionary<EncodeHintType, Object>() {{EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "UTF-8"}};
var q = new BarcodeQRCode("\u6D4B", 100, 100, hints);
If you want to be more safe, you can start your string with BOM character '\uFEFF', like Chris suggested, so it would be "\uFEFF\u6D4B".
UTF-8 is unfortunately not supported by QR codes specification, and there are a lot of discussions on this subject, but the fact is that most QR code readers will correctly read the code created by this method.

What is the character encoding?

I have several characters that aren't recognized properly.
Characters like:
This means that the characters encoding is not utf-8 right?
So, can you tell me what character encoding could it be please.
We don't have nearly enough information to really answer this, but the gist of it is: you shouldn't just guess. You need to work out where the data is coming from, and find out what the encoding is. You haven't told us anything about the data source, so we're completely in the dark. You might want to try Encoding.Default if these are files saved with something like Notepad.
If you know what the characters are meant to be and how they're represented in binary, that should suggest an encoding... but again, we'd need to know more information.
read this first http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html
There are two encodings: the one that was used to encode string and one that is used to decode string. They must be the same to get expected result. If they are different then some characters will be displayed incorrectly. we can try to guess if you post actual and expected results.
I wrote a couple of methods to narrow down the possibilities a while back for situations just like this.
static void Main(string[] args)
Encoding[] matches = FindEncodingTable('Ÿ');
Encoding[] enc2 = FindEncodingTable(159, 'Ÿ');
// Locates all Encodings with the specified Character and position
// "CharacterPosition": Decimal position of the character on the unknown encoding table. E.G. 159 on the extended ASCII table
//"character": The character to locate in the encoding table. E.G. 'Ÿ' on the extended ASCII table
static Encoding[] FindEncodingTable(int CharacterPosition, char character)
List matches = new List();
byte myByte = (byte)CharacterPosition;
byte[] bytes = { myByte };
foreach (EncodingInfo encInfo in Encoding.GetEncodings())
Encoding thisEnc = Encoding.GetEncoding(encInfo.CodePage);
char[] chars = thisEnc.GetChars(bytes);
if (chars[0] == character)
return matches.ToArray();
// Locates all Encodings that contain the specified character
static Encoding[] FindEncodingTable(char character)
List matches = new List();
foreach (EncodingInfo encInfo in Encoding.GetEncodings())
Encoding thisEnc = Encoding.GetEncoding(encInfo.CodePage);
char[] chars = { character };
byte[] temp = thisEnc.GetBytes(chars);
if (temp != null)
return matches.ToArray();
Encoding is the form of modifying some existing content; thus allowing it to be parsed by the required destination protocols.
An example of encoding can be seen when browsing the internet:
The URL you visit: www.example.com, may have the search facility to run custom searches via the URL address:
The following variables on the URL require URL encoding. If you was to write:
www.example.com?search=cat food cheap
The browser wouldn't understand your request as you have used an invalid character of ' ' (a white space)
To correct this encoding error you should exchange the ' ' with '%20' to form this URL:
Different systems use different forms of encoding, in this example I have used standard Hex encoding for a URL. In other applications and instances you may find the need to use other types of encoding.
Good Luck!

What's the CFString Equiv of NSString's UTF8String?

I'm stuck on stoopid today as I can't convert a simple piece of ObjC code to its Cpp equivalent. I have this:
const UInt8 *myBuffer = [(NSString*)aRequest UTF8String];
And I'm trying to replace it with this:
const UInt8 *myBuffer = (const UInt8 *)CFStringGetCStringPtr(aRequest, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
This is all in a tight unit test that writes an example HTTP request over a socket with CFNetwork APIs. I have working ObjC code that I'm trying to port to C++. I'm gradually replacing NS API calls with their toll free bridged equivalents. Everything has been one for one so far until this last line. This is like the last piece that needs completed.
This is one of those things where Cocoa does all the messy stuff behind the scenes, and you never really appreciate just how complicated things can be until you have to roll up your sleeves and do it yourself.
The simple answer for why it's not 'simple' is because NSString (and CFString) deal with all the complicated details of dealing with multiple character sets, Unicode, etc, etc, while presenting a simple, uniform API for manipulating strings. It's object oriented at its best- the details of 'how' (NS|CF)String deals with strings that have different string encodings (UTF8, MacRoman, UTF16, ISO 2022 Japanese, etc) is a private implementation detail. It all 'just works'.
It helps to understand how [#"..." UTF8String] works. This is a private implementation detail, so this isn't gospel, but based on observed behavior. When you send a string a UTF8String message, the string does something approximating (not actually tested, so consider it pseudo-code, and there's actually simpler ways to do the exact same thing, so this is overly verbose):
- (const char *)UTF8String
NSUInteger utf8Length = [self lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSMutableData *utf8Data = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:utf8Length + 1UL];
char *utf8Bytes = [utf8Data mutableBytes];
[self getBytes:utf8Bytes
range:NSMakeRange(0UL, [self length])
You don't have to worry about the memory management issues of dealing with the buffer that -UTF8String returns because the NSMutableData is autoreleased.
A string object is free to keep the contents of the string in whatever form it wants, so there's no guarantee that its internal representation is the one that would be most convenient for your needs (in this case, UTF8). If you're using just plain C, you're going to have to deal with managing some memory to hold any string conversions that might be required. What was once a simple -UTF8String method call is now much, much more complicated.
Most of NSString is actually implemented in/with CoreFoundation / CFString, so there's obviously a path from a CFStringRef -> -UTF8String. It's just not as neat and simple as NSString's -UTF8String. Most of the complication is with memory management. Here's how I've tackled it in the past:
void someFunction(void) {
CFStringRef cfString; // Assumes 'cfString' points to a (NS|CF)String.
const char *useUTF8StringPtr = NULL;
UInt8 *freeUTF8StringPtr = NULL;
CFIndex stringLength = CFStringGetLength(cfString), usedBytes = 0L;
if((useUTF8StringPtr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(cfString, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) == NULL) {
if((freeUTF8StringPtr = malloc(stringLength + 1L)) != NULL) {
CFStringGetBytes(cfString, CFRangeMake(0L, stringLength), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, '?', false, freeUTF8StringPtr, stringLength, &usedBytes);
freeUTF8StringPtr[usedBytes] = 0;
useUTF8StringPtr = (const char *)freeUTF8StringPtr;
long utf8Length = (long)((freeUTF8StringPtr != NULL) ? usedBytes : stringLength);
if(useUTF8StringPtr != NULL) {
// useUTF8StringPtr points to a NULL terminated UTF8 encoded string.
// utf8Length contains the length of the UTF8 string.
// ... do something with useUTF8StringPtr ...
if(freeUTF8StringPtr != NULL) { free(freeUTF8StringPtr); freeUTF8StringPtr = NULL; }
NOTE: I haven't tested this code, but it is modified from working code. So, aside from obvious errors, I believe it should work.
The above tries to get the pointer to the buffer that CFString uses to store the contents of the string. If CFString happens to have the string contents encoded in UTF8 (or a suitably compatible encoding, such as ASCII), then it's likely CFStringGetCStringPtr() will return non-NULL. This is obviously the best, and fastest, case. If it can't get that pointer for some reason, say if CFString has its contents encoded in UTF16, then it allocates a buffer with malloc() that is large enough to contain the entire string when its is transcoded to UTF8. Then, at the end of the function, it checks to see if memory was allocated and free()'s it if necessary.
And now for a few tips and tricks... CFString 'tends to' (and this is a private implementation detail, so it can and does change between releases) keep 'simple' strings encoded as MacRoman, which is an 8-bit wide encoding. MacRoman, like UTF8, is a superset of ASCII, such that all characters < 128 are equivalent to their ASCII counterparts (or, in other words, any character < 128 is ASCII). In MacRoman, characters >= 128 are 'special' characters. They all have Unicode equivalents, and tend to be things like extra currency symbols and 'extended western' characters. See Wikipedia - MacRoman for more info. But just because a CFString says it's MacRoman (CFString encoding value of kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, NSString encoding value of NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding) doesn't mean that it has characters >= 128 in it. If a kCFStringEncodingMacRoman encoded string returned by CFStringGetCStringPtr() is composed entirely of characters < 128, then it is exactly equivalent to its ASCII (kCFStringEncodingASCII) encoded representation, which is also exactly equivalent to the strings UTF8 (kCFStringEncodingUTF8) encoded representation.
Depending on your requirements, you may be able to 'get by' using kCFStringEncodingMacRoman instead of kCFStringEncodingUTF8 when calling CFStringGetCStringPtr(). Things 'may' (probably) be faster if you require strict UTF8 encoding for your strings but use kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, then check to make sure the string returned by CFStringGetCStringPtr(string, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman) only contains characters that are < 128. If there are characters >= 128 in the string, then go the slow route by malloc()ing a buffer to hold the converted results. Example:
CFIndex stringLength = CFStringGetLength(cfString), usedBytes = 0L;
useUTF8StringPtr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(cfString, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
for(CFIndex idx = 0L; (useUTF8String != NULL) && (useUTF8String[idx] != 0); idx++) {
if(useUTF8String[idx] >= 128) { useUTF8String = NULL; }
if((useUTF8String == NULL) && ((freeUTF8StringPtr = malloc(stringLength + 1L)) != NULL)) {
CFStringGetBytes(cfString, CFRangeMake(0L, stringLength), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, '?', false, freeUTF8StringPtr, stringLength, &usedBytes);
freeUTF8StringPtr[usedBytes] = 0;
useUTF8StringPtr = (const char *)freeUTF8StringPtr;
Like I said, you don't really appreciate just how much work Cocoa does for you automatically until you have to do it all yourself. :)
In the sample code above, the following appears:
CFIndex stringLength = CFStringGetLength(cfString)
stringLength is then being used to malloc() a temporary buffer of that many bytes, plus 1.
But the header file for CFStringGetLength() expressly says it returns the number of 16-bit Unicode characters, not bytes. So if some of those Unicode characters are outside the ASCII range, the malloc() buffer won't be long enough to hold the UTF-8 conversion of the string.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but to be absolutely safe, the number of bytes needed to hold N arbitrary Unicode characters is at most 4*n, when they're all converted to UTF-8.
From the documentation:
Whether or not this function returns a valid pointer or NULL depends on many factors, all of which depend on how the string was created and its properties. In addition, the function result might change between different releases and on different platforms. So do not count on receiving a non-NULL result from this function under any circumstances.
You should use CFStringGetCString if CFStringGetCStringPtr returns NULL.
Here's some working code. I started with #johne's answer, replaced CFStringGetBytes with CFStringGetLength for simplicity, and made the correction suggested by #Doug.
const char *useUTF8StringPtr = NULL;
char *freeUTF8StringPtr = NULL;
if ((useUTF8StringPtr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(cfString, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) == NULL)
CFIndex stringLength = CFStringGetLength(cfString);
CFIndex maxBytes = 4 * stringLength + 1;
freeUTF8StringPtr = malloc(maxBytes);
CFStringGetCString(cfString, freeUTF8StringPtr, maxBytes, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
useUTF8StringPtr = freeUTF8StringPtr;
// ... do something with useUTF8StringPtr...
if (freeUTF8StringPtr != NULL)
If it's destined for a socket, perhaps CFStringGetBytes() would be your best choice?
Also note that the documentation for CFStringGetCStringPtr() says:
This function either returns the requested pointer immediately, with no memory allocations and no copying, in constant time, or returns NULL. If the latter is the result, call an alternative function such as the CFStringGetCString function to extract the characters.
Here's a way to printf a CFStringRef which implies we get a '\0'-terminated string from a CFStringRef:
// from: http://lists.apple.com/archives/carbon-development/2001/Aug/msg01367.html
// by Ali Ozer
// gcc -Wall -O3 -x objective-c -fobjc-exceptions -framework Foundation test.c
#import <stdio.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
This function will print the provided arguments (printf style varargs) out to the console.
Note that the CFString formatting function accepts "%#" as a way to display CF types.
For types other than CFString and CFNumber, the result of %# is mostly for debugging
and can differ between releases and different platforms. Cocoa apps (or any app which
links with the Foundation framework) can use NSLog() to get this functionality.
void show(CFStringRef formatString, ...) {
CFStringRef resultString;
CFDataRef data;
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, formatString);
resultString = CFStringCreateWithFormatAndArguments(NULL, NULL, formatString, argList);
data = CFStringCreateExternalRepresentation(NULL, resultString,
CFStringGetSystemEncoding(), '?');
if (data != NULL) {
printf ("%.*s\n", (int)CFDataGetLength(data), CFDataGetBytePtr(data));
int main(void)
// To use:
int age = 25;
CFStringRef name = CFSTR("myname");
show(CFSTR("Name is %#, age is %d"), name, age);
return 0;