how to zoom in & out in GWT - gwt

i created a widget, say MyBox, which has many other widgets. i have to use that widget on different page, however on different page, the size of the widget is different, on some page it's smaller, on other page it's bigger. Just wonder is there any way in GWT to zoom in & out the widget? Thanks

You can set the width and height of a widget, and the normal kinds of "zooming" that happen with HTML will happen to your widget too. If you want inner widgets to resize automatically, check out Layout Panels in GWT 2.0 and later.


How to scale down a widget to display an overview in a grid view?

In my Flutter app, the user can create and edit multiple pages that are displayed in a PageView. The user can see one page at a time. Now I want to show an overview of all pages by shrinking the widgets and showing them in a Wrap layout widget.
I've tried this with the Transform.scale widget, but this keeps the original size of the page and just displays the child widget at a lower scale.Therefore this does not bring the desired effect in a wrap layout.

How to prevent widgets from being hidden behind the system status bar

So I am creating a new flutter widget and I am unable to understand how my app looks because of the space on top of the screen in my emulator,
As you can see there is a shaded area on top and my widgets are under it, is there any way to remove it?
Use Safe Area.
SafeArea is basically a glorified Padding widget. If you wrap another widget with SafeArea, it adds any necessary padding needed to keep your widget from being blocked by the system status bar, notches, holes, rounded corners, and other "creative" features by manufacturers.
Check this link for more.
Wrap your code with the SafeArea.
more info about SafeArea class

Scrollbar + any scroll widget bug on scrolling in web

I need to use Scrollbar widget for web as it enables scrollbar always on AND the ability to edit its size and width. I also have to use it with a child that is scrollable (singlechildescrollview, listview, etc), but after updating to flutter 2.2, I've seen that 2 scrollbars appear on screen and keeps buging the experience (can be seen when changing the size of the scrollbar in the parent).
I've tryed to disable the scrolling in the child, but its scrollbar still shows. I cant use the default scrollbar in the child, as its more geared towards mobile.
Fixed using rawascrollbar. It removes any padding when pressing on the side of the screen, and gives the ability to change the color of scrollbar (that way hides the child scroll). Better then the Scrollbar widget.

Adding Semantics to the first widget on every page with Flutter

Google Play warns me about missing Content labeling under Accessibility tests for every page the crawler can reach.
I've tried to add a Semantics Widget to every page to surround the body element of the scaffold, I've even added an Extra Container as the first child of this Semantics widget with double.infinity as width and height.
The only other thing I can think of doing is to make it the parent of the Scaffold - but what is the correct solution?
Somewhat related: Should SafeArea be the parent or the body element of the Scaffold?
Concerning the placement of the safearea, you should always put your scaffold first. In other words, wrap the safearea with the scaffold. The content label error from play console can also be solved by specifying information such as hint text in input fields or labels for buttons where necessary.

How to make widget to occupy all the available space in Gtk.HBox

I am implementing a custom Gtk# widget which is based on Gtk.EventBox. When I am inserting it into the HBox or VBox it occupies the exact size that is returned by OnSizeRequested method.
How can I make my widget to occupy all the space given to it by the parent box, window or the widget? Just like HBox does.
There is a slight different between the preferred way to do packing in GTK+2 vs GTK+3. With GTK+ you would typically use expand and fill properties of a GtkBox to control how space is allocated. With GTK+3 they are suggesting the user of vertical-expand, horizontal-expand, vertical-fill, horizontal-fill.
A good way to understand how packing works is to play with the fill and expand properties with Glade so you can see the effects in real time. An old tutorial (slightly out of date) shows some screenshots of different packing properties: How_Packing_Effects_the_Layout
As you are developing a widget it is more likely that users of your widget will determine how it should be packed in a larger UI. However, if you're widget is a composite widget (built from other widgets) then you will need to pack the other widgets properly.
PackStart and PackEnd have a fill parameter to specify items that should expand to fill the box. You probably want PackStart(widget, true, true, 0);