Launching iTunes Store within iPhone app using PhoneGap - iphone

When I use itms:// it works fine in xcode.
But, I'm trying to use this in phonegap and external linking is not working.. is there a way to launch itunes within app.. ex: _webapp?

iPhone will recognize an URL to the iTunes store and open it with the proper app.
try to open the following url using an iOS device:
On your URL, there is a dot (.) before itunes, maybe your problem is this.


facebook connect + Phonegap

I followed the phonegap plugin to integrate facebook using
It works well.But when I try to make the build or ipa file for my iOS app, it is always shown in the organizer window as mac app archive.How can I use this plugin for iOS app builds? Please help.
Actually I had mistakenly added all the files provided which were really of no use.I removed the unused ones and it worked.

Can we call one iphone app from another iphone app?

Say, that i am clicking on one iphone app icon,when launched it will create one .app file.So is it possible to call one more iphone app from that app.Or can we do something in that .app file such that it will call another app.
Yes: you need use URL Schemes:
Essentially, one app registers the fact that it handles a particular URL prefix, and then to launch that app, you have to navigate to that URL.
You can pass parameters through this URL too
If by calling another app, you mean to use other app as a service then No. One iPhone app can not communicate with another iPhone app.
The best you can do is launch another iPhone app from you app. You need to know the URL for that other app. If you want other apps to launch your app then you need to register a URL for your app so that other apps can launch your iphone app using that url.
Please note here the app will only launch if it is already installed on the iPhone. It will not automatically get it from iTunes.

iPhone: Start or Download App if not exists from Safari

I know its possible to open an app from mobile safari using custom URL Handlers.
Is it possible to open the App Store from Safari on the iPhone and automatically install the app?
Or might it even be possible to open the app if it exists on the users device and to download it if it doesn't?
You can't automatically install the app, but you can go to an App Store URL via UIApplication's openURL: method.
To open another app from within yours, see this question: Launch an app from within another (iPhone). (I don't know how you'd find out if the other app is installed. Maybe just try to open it, and if that fails, open the App Store URL?)

iPhone SDK connecting to iTunes

Anybody know if there's a way to access iTunes from an iphone native program? Is there an sdk for that? i.e. - is there a way I can write a native iphone program and put in a 'buy' button that will bring up iTunes and go to some artist's song? Or better yet, just buy it right away?
In big-iTunes, find the song your want and select Copy Link. Put the link in your iPhone app.
You can then open this link using UIApplication's openURL: method and it will open in iTunes.

How do I link to another app in the App Store in an iPhone app?

I used this technique, but it appears to not work anymore in 3.0. In the simulator at least, my app opens Safari, and then there is a visible redirect, but then I get a message that there has been too many redirects. Any fix?
Have you tried this on the device? There is no App Store application on the Simulator, so any attempts to redirect to it will fail.
Within my application, the links for the App Store work just fine under 3.0 on the actual devices.
I can't test this right now, but have you tried changing the 'http:' protocol in the link to 'itms:' instead?