Directory 'X' following -L not found - iphone

I have two warnings for my project in xcode, both don't stop the app running but I want to make sure I build without any warnings.
I recently removed Flurry from my app, and libsimulate and I can't get these messages to stop appearing despite spending many hours searching for answers on StackOverflow and Google.
I know it must be a simple problem to solve. Here is an image to help you understand:

In the project or target build settings, search for libsimulate. It's being passed as an argument to -L somewhere in there, likely by Library Search Paths; edit it out. Then do the same for FlurryLib.


Xcode Build Fails on Archive, but the Build does not Fail on Run with ResearchKit

What I am trying to achieve is to archive the app and still have a working consent form on the app.
Although this piece of code is deprecated and says to use ORKInstructionStep I haven't found anywhere how to use ORKInstructionStep instead of ORKVisualConsentStep.
Whenever I try to Archive the app I keep getting this problem. Still, I also can't remove the ORKVisualConsentStep because I haven't been able to find anywhere how to add the consentDocument otherwise.
I've looked at so many other tutorials and all of them use the ORKVisualConsentStep and haven't seen anyone that has had this problem show how to still keep the consent form working. I can get the app running on a phone but I can't get it to archive so not entirely sure what is going on.
Any insight would be beneficial thank you
If you don't know how to added all frameworks, libraries and Embedded contents then you can find shown below what I shared and you can remove it. Please check after your local files remove it.
I managed to fix the problem by using cocoapods to install the ResearchKit framework instead of dragging ResearchKit into my project. It now archives however I had to comment out this line of code instructionStep.imageContentMode = .scaleAspectFit for my survey tasks.

Advice to fix 'No such module' issues for pods in Xcode project

I'm facing this No such module 'SomeModule' error in an XCode solution that I've inherited from some other developers. Initially the error is No such module 'ObjectMapper', but I find that if I swap the position of that line with the one below, it becomes No such module 'Alamofire'.
I've tried all the simple things suggested on this site (and others), making sure I'm opening the .xcworkspace file, deleting everything and re-installing (derived data, the whole Pods directory, etc.), updating cocoapods, etc.
I suspect that what's actually going on is that either the pods themselves aren't building, but for some reason the errors there are making their way to XCode's obtuse errors list, or that they are building but somehow not being linked correctly.
This is actually a project I've inherited from some other developers, so it's hard to know what weird or wonderful configuration they've done to break things. They are using an approach that I've not seen before where there's 3 build schemes for different environments (in this case Develop, Stage and Prod) then this kind of parent scheme for all the other three.
I've also tried going to 'Manage Schemes' then ticking the 'Show' checkbox for the Pods-Sunflower project. When I try to build just that project, I get a bunch of errors (mainly for Facebook, Google and Realm pods) that say things like:
Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit-xcframeworks-input-files.xcfilelist'
I don't expect anyone will be able to provide me a set of steps on how to solve this issue (I mean, that would be great), but I am hoping that someone can help me find ways to just work out what the problem is here, like:
How can I verify that all the separate pods are actually building?
Is there some folder where I can see all the built pods?
When you get a No such module 'SomeModule' error, where is Xcode trying to find the modules (like, in the file system? where?)
Thanks. I know this is one of those perennial issues, appreciate any advice.
The solution which worked for me was:
First thing i do when i got project from another developer is make a copy of pods and completely delete following files
Pods folder
In case you already once use that same project try deleting derived data
After deleting pods, reinstall pods and open project and let xcode do indexing of your project and after indexing look left side where warnings and errors shows, In there sometime you just have to just click and update or convert whatever xcode suggesting.
Note: - Sometimes doing same thing doesn't work try changing sequence because its xcode sometimes become dumb. Also try restarting
Honestly in these situation all i do is hit and try.
But above steps generallt works for me.

Not able to archive Swift app and upload to the app store without "Your app can't contain standalone executables or libraries" error

After trying to investigate this, I've seen this in a few other places, namely the Flurry Analytics framework, but their solutions don't seem to apply to my issue.
The error is referencing a file with my app's name and a .o extension
My build log shows it twice under two "CompileSwift normal arm64" sections:
Name/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/App" -o
Searching for anything .o in Xcode turns up nothing, but maybe I could navigate to what it shows in the build log, but I don't know how that would solve my issue, aside from attempting to delete it, but I'm not sure if it's the right approach because I have no idea what this file is for.

Xcode won't build to device

This problem has been KILLING me. I've been working on this app for 8 Months, and I am so close to finishing, I just can't seem to build for device. Building for the simulator works fine, but device always gives me the SAME 2 errors.
The 1st Error:
"Instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled"
From googling, I've found this probably means I'm not linking a binary I should be, but I'm not sure.
The 2nd Error:
If you can't read it, it says: Generating ... error: unable to open executable '/Users/ajr1188/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/JWFNS-azshgysfabycfagnebotitpcyaww/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'
This is the big one. I cannot seem to build the .app.dSYM file properly. I went in and deleted the build folder, I looked at EVERY stackoverflow question I could find and tried changing any random thing mentioned in another question, but all of it is to no avail. I'm so suck right now. AHH. PLEASE. Any help would be so appreciated!
Maybe your project has become hopelessly corrupted. One thing to try is to start a brand new project and copy/import all your sources/assets into the new project to see if that fixes the problem.
Another less nuclear (but perhaps more time consuming) approach is to binary search the build. Exclude absolutely everything except main.m and see if that fixes the problem. If it does, include half your sources, and buid again....repeat, trying to narrow in on the problem spot. Maybe a file or group of files has received special build settings that don't belong there.
I've had very similar problems, I cant remember the exact error message but it was very similar. Are you able to make a new project that will run on your device?
if so (and I know this sounds bad but it's worth a try) Create a new project and simply copy all the code and resources across and see if it still works. If it doesn't then there is something wrong with you code and you can continue trying to isolate the problem from there.
Hope this is helpful.
check the frameworks you link to. there's a chance that you linked a framework (say quartz) of osx, instead of ios.
Answering in detail is probably going to take looking at your target settings. But it looks like you may be building for the wrong architecture. (It doesn't link, so there is no .dSYM symbol file.) For example, if you have only recently built for device, you probably created your project under an older Xcode, and it may not have the arm6/arm7 settings right.
To check, show the Build Settings for your target (not the project), and filter on Architecture.
Make sure that in build settings the architectures are armv6 and armv7. Also make sure that in .plist file, the "Application requires iPhone environment" is TRUE. Delete "Required device capabilities" in the .plist if present.

Unknown warning [duplicate]

I have two warnings for my project in xcode, both don't stop the app running but I want to make sure I build without any warnings.
I recently removed Flurry from my app, and libsimulate and I can't get these messages to stop appearing despite spending many hours searching for answers on StackOverflow and Google.
I know it must be a simple problem to solve. Here is an image to help you understand:
In the project or target build settings, search for libsimulate. It's being passed as an argument to -L somewhere in there, likely by Library Search Paths; edit it out. Then do the same for FlurryLib.