How to open a popup window from a webpage on iphone - iphone

I'm trying to open a popup window (to display another webpage) from my webpage, when an hyperlink is clicked. I'm not able to achieve this on iPhone. I was wondering if there is any way to do this?

Mobile Safari and UIWebView do not support pop up windows.
Mobile Safar is capable of opening a new tab (or page), but not using the conventional methods of opening popup windows.

that will open another safari window in the iphone.

Use JavaScript to force opening a mobile version of your website in the iPhone. On that page you can put a direct "click here" link to your popup page.


How to debug js code inside a wkwebview of safair app extensionn popover?

It's not just a wkwebview, it's a single page app running inside a wkwebview which is the popover of Safari app extension.
I need to communicate between my SafariExtensionViewController and this spa inside wkwebview.
I totally lost the idea of how to deal with it.
if you want to debug javascript code that wkwebview is presenting you need to go to Safari -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Show Develop Menu In Menu Bar
then a new tab will appear on Safari "Develop"
press on it and select the simulator or the device that your app is running on
(if you don't see any device or a simulator its because you ran Safari before the app was running. close it by left click -> close and open it again, it will work)
it will show you the html that the app is currently presenting.. press on it
the you have the option to debug your app, see logs/error on the console
hope I helped

How to bring back "Add to home" banner for progressive web app after removed the icon from home screen?

The reason - I made a Progressive web app, opened in the browser - all is fine and browser offered me to add it to home screen.
Now, I want to demonstrate this on a presentation, and so - removed the icon from home screen. But for the last whole day I've been playing with the website in chrome a lot, and the banner never appears back.
Is it really a once-in-a-lifetime thing? Or is there something specific I need to do?
The app-install banner prompt is normally presented after you've visited the site at least twice with at least 5 minutes between each visit. Using a Chrome flag, you can bypass these checks so that the banner always appears on every visit:
Open Android Chrome.
Go to chrome://flags/#bypass-app-banner-engagement-checks
Click Enable
Click Relaunch Now
You can also simulate an Add To Homescreen event from Chrome DevTools:
Open Android Chrome on your phone, and navigate to a PWA (e.g., the Paper Planes app from
Connect to your Android with a USB cable.
From desktop Chrome DevTools, select Menu > More Tools > Remote Devices. OR CTRLSHIFTP (or CMDSHIFTP for macOS), and enter "Remote devices".
Select your phone by name.
Click the Inspect button next to the list item corresponding to your PWA (e.g., Paper Planes).
In the new DevTools pop-up for your PWA, go to the Application panel, and click Add to homescreen. This should cause the app-install banner to appear in Android Chrome. Note the banner won't appear in the Chrome DevTools screen mirror.
(steps above verified with Chrome 55 on macOS Sierra, and Android Chrome 57)
I found another solution - when I go to the settings of chrome mobile and choose History -> Clear browsing data (make sure that the option to clear Cookies is ticked) then click the Clear Data button - after that I get again the app install banner to add the app to the home screen.
Apparently - it clears not only the data itself, but also makes the browser forget everything about this website.
(Strangely - the old icon doesn't go away ... so now I have a few icons on the home screen :D ...)

How to Open a New Window Even if the Pop-up Blocker Is Turned On in GWT/GXT?

I am using GWT / GXT in my application.
My functionality working is as follows.
I have a button.
On click of the button there is a url which should get opened in a new tab.
Currently on click of button The Url is not opened in a new tab as I have my browser configured to block the popups.
Can anyone suggest a way where I can bypass the popup blocking and open url in new tab anyway??
How Can I achieve this in GWT/GXT framework.

Using forms with Chrome console open

When I have the JavaScript console open in Chrome, I am often unable to use forms, fill in inputs, or click buttons in the browser because Chrome is highlighting HTML elements for me.
Sometimes, it stops, but I don't know what I am doing to make it stop.
Is there a keyboard shortcut or something to make Chrome not highlight HTML elements and let me use the form on the page with the console open?
This irritation can be avoided by using a different keyboard shortcut. cmd+shift+c makes chrome inspect elements on the page, even after you switch to the Javascript console. cmd+option+j opens the console and lets you go on behaving like a user.

Phonegap - open links in browser

I have a button "visit site". Clicking on this button, the webpage should open in a new browser
I tried, '_system'); and some other solution but every time page is opening over app.
Any help is appreciated.
No solution worked for me.
I solved this issue by opening links in iFrame and providing a close link to the top left corner of the iFrame