IntelliJ IDEA Scala plugin turning off - plugins

I'm using Scala plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and my project has a few thousands lines of source code.
Unfortunatelly, when I'm typing the code IDE freezes frequently(i.e. on code completion etc.). I tried to switch off inspection, but there was no effect.
Is there a way to turning off all plugin's features for using it just as syntax highlighter and build tool?

Try closing or reconfiguring all views that show detail at the level of individual class members (methods, vals and vars, basically). Specifically, that's the Structure view and the Project view when the "Show Members" option (in the "cogwheel" menu at the top right) is enabled. It is reported that maintaining these views slows the Scala plug-in appreciably.
You should also get the 9.0.4 EAP of IDEA (currently #95.538) and stay up-to-date with the Scala plug-in nightly releases. There sometimes bugs, but as a rule, quality is good and progress is sufficient to warrant doing this.
The two views that do (or can) present information at the class member level of detail and which can slow the plug-in substantially are:
The Structure tool window (Window -> Tool Windows -> Structure / Alt+7)
The Project tool window (Window -> Tools Windows -> Project / Alt+1)
The Structure tool window always shows the class member level of detail, so if it's open, you're susceptible to this slow-down. The Project tool window only shows class members if you configure it to do so. The way this option is controlled is in the menu that is attached to the "cog wheel" or "gear" icon in that window's upper-right corner. The option to disable in that menu is "Show Members."

Try IDEA X EAP plugin version. It's much faster.


Swiching between different perspective in Eclipse?

What is the difference between 'Java Perspective', 'J2EE Perspective' and 'JPA Perspective' in Eclipse ?
Will it hamper anything to the code if i switch between perspectives?
"A perspective is a visual container for a set of views and editors (parts)"
As an example, in the "J2EE Perspective" is the "Server"-view already added. This view does not make any sense at "Java Perspective".
So perspecitves (and views, editors) are only about the User-Interface. The perspectives do not have any effect on the code.
No changes in code result if you switch between perspectives which are layouts in Eclipse
Check out these links
Eclipse - Perspectives(,
Java Perspectives(
A perspective in Eclipse is the way it will show you code and tools. Every perspective is made for an individual workflow. "Java" e.g. is for simple coding in Java and focusses on the Code in the middle. "Debug" e.g. perspective does not focus on the code but instead shows you tools which help you to analyze you actual problem (Thread Monitor, Variable Monitor etc.)

What is this Eclipse view and how to implement it in other Eclipse-based products?

In Flash Builder 4.6's code assist, there is this extra box on the right of the classes, outlined in red, (image: that pops up when using the default Flex SDK. What is it called?
I find this feature very useful and wondering where I can get more information to implement a similar one in another Eclipsed-based IDE that I'm using.
this window is called JavaDoc View
any developer that uses the eclipse IDE knows this windows, it's shown the javadoc content of selected element,
it's part of Eclipse Java development tools (JDT)

Eclipse 4.2 release perspective issue

I've downloaded latest Eclipse platform 4.2.1 and faced issue with configuring views for different perspectives.
I'm unable to configure views independently for different perspectives, after configuring some perspective and switching to another I can see my changes were applied to all perspectives. This is undesirable for me. Is there a way to use old "independent" style of perspectives configuration?
What you're probably running into is a new "feature" in Eclipse 4.2 (Juno), namely the ability to drag views out of the Perspective. This new "area" for views shows up regardless of what Perspective, so what you're seeing is that you've put views there and now they show up in all Perspectives, making it seem like all Perspectives have been changed.
They (the Eclipse Platform UI team) are working on some improvements to the drag-and-drop of views that will, supposedly, make it harder to do this and thus less confusing to users.
See and

Adding/removing menus in Eclipse 4.1 (Customize Perspective not implemented)

According to the Eclipse wiki, Eclipse 4.x does not have the "customize perspective" option:
Given the increased flexibility allowed by a modeled UI, we have not put effort in the 4.x release into modeling the same perspective functionality as in Eclipse 3.x.
My question, of course is: how, then, do I add or remove menus from a perspective when I need to?
For example, I need the "Team" menu visible in order to use source control (I still have access via the context menu, but for some reason key shortcuts do not work). Also, I'd like to jettison menus I never use, like "Commands", "Run" and "Navigate"

Eclipse 3.4.1 - how to view compiler output in Console while building a project

I have what appears to be a very annoying problem. When compiling a project in Eclipse, I see no Console that shows the invocation of the Java compiler and the build results (as in NetBeans).
If I, for instance, import an existing project into Eclipse and invoke Project->Build Project, is there a view that will show me results of the compilation? While I know that my project contains a number of files that have errors, invoking Build Project shows no visual result/progress of the compilation. It does not show the list of errors so that I can quickly jump to them.
I'm aware that there is a "Problems" view, which shows a list of problems (and not just compiler errors) in all projects and not the particular project that I am working with, which makes it very inconvenient to locate and jump to source of the problem.
You can configure the problem view to show only problems in the current project:
Click on the small triangle at the far right of the view.
In the popup menu, select "Configure Contents..."
Select each item in the "Configurations" list and click on "Scope: On any element in the same project"
If you want to see the compiler working, you need open the "Progress" view.
Since Eclipse JDT provides its own built-in Java compiler, you generally do not see the invocation of Java Compiler.
The built-in Java compiler is tightly integrated with Eclipse and JDT, and provides the source indexing that enables powerful IDE features such as refactoring and quick fix.
Plus, it enables incremental build in background after each file modification, hence no visible "java" invocation.
You can replace/complete the java compiler with a javac` call of your own:
For instance, Using Alcatel-Lucent nmake with Eclipse JDT does precisely that, and uses a configuration launcher (which you can instruct to show a console):
You will need to add that special builder in the "builder" section of your project.
Do not forget you can create many "Problem view", and set one of them to show only problems for your current project.
Select: "on any element in same project"
Goto Windows->Show View->Console
Console appears in tab with Problem view
Your question contains a couple of assumptions that you might want to re-think.
It does not show the list of errors so that I can quickly jump to them.
Errors are flagged in the edit window while you are editing. You can fix them on the spot, without having to "jump" anywhere.
If you drop an entire source file into your project, you may not be in an edit window on that file. (And, of course, that's not standard Eclipse usage.) The simplest way I know do deal with that is simply to "Refresh" the project and look in the Package Explorer view to see whether there are any errors detected (which will happen immediately if you "refresh" a file into a source folder). Double-click on any files which show an error icon and look at the right-hand side of the edit window to see exactly where the errors are.
I'm aware that there is a "Problems" view, which shows a list of problems (and not just compiler errors) in all projects and not the particular project that I am working with...
Unless you are using multiple projects, with inter-project dependencies, I find it useful to close all but the current project on which I'm working. Then the "Problems" view is specific to the current context.
Finally, I'd recommend looking at the Mylin "getting started" page for other hints on how Eclipse can help you focus on the current task.