Shared UIImageView for background image throughout app - Singleton Property - iphone

I have a UIImage that I use throughout my app as a background image for grouped UITableViews.
I thought that for efficiency I would alloc and init the UIView with my UIImage in my appDelegate and then access throughout my app. That way I would only allocate that imageView once and if I was drilling into a nav stack with multiple tableviews with this image I wouldn't need to worry about releasing and restoring the image as I descend and ascend or incur overhead at each step.
As soon as I tried this I noticed that it seems that the UITableView class is releasing the my shared image down to 0 and it therefore is going away. Makes perfect sense but I would need to prevent the image from ever hitting a 0 retain count for this to work.
Is this a totally goofy approach?
If it is not what's the best way to retain my shared ImageView? I know I could call retain when I setup each tableview's backgroundimage but I was wondering if there is a way to set the retain count of the shared UIImageView to NSUIntegerMax in my appDelegate. I've setup singleton classes before but in this case I'm trying to have a single property that is never released rather than creating a UIImageView singleton subclass.
Sorry if that's a little muddled and thanks for any pointers.

I would not worry so much as + (UIImage *)imageNamed:(NSString *)name are cached.
From the spec:
This method looks in the system caches for an image object with the specified name and returns that object if it exists. If a matching image object is not already in the cache, this method loads the image data from the specified file, caches it, and then returns the resulting object.


Scrolling performance and UIImage drawing

I'm building a UITableView similar to's album browsing view:
I'm importing all the artists and album artworks from the iPod library on first launch. Saving everything to CoreData and getting it back into an NSFetchedResultsController. I'm reusing cell identifiers and in my cellForRowAtIndexPath: method I have this code:
Artist *artist = [fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath:indexPath];
NSString *identifier = #"bigCell";
SWArtistViewCell *cell = (SWArtistViewCell*)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:identifier];
if (cell == nil)
cell = [[[SWArtistViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:identifier] autorelease];
cell.artistName = artist.artist_name;
cell.artworkImage = [UIImage imageWithData:artist.image];
[cell setNeedsDisplay];
return cell;
My SWArtistViewCell cell implements the drawRect: method to draw both the string and image:
[artworkImage drawInRect:CGRectMake(0,1,44,44)]
[artistName drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(54, 13) forWidth:200 withFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:20] lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeClip];
Scrolling is still choppy and I just can't figure out why. Apps like iPod and Twitter have butter smooth scrolling and yet they both draw some small image in the cell as I do.
All my views are opaque. What am I missing?
EDIT: here's what Shark says:
I'm not familiar with Shark. Any pointer as of what are these symbols related to? When I look at the trace of these, they all point to my drawRect: method, specifically the UIImage drawing.
Would it point to something else if the chokehold was the file reading? Is it definitely the drawing?
EDIT: retaining the image
I've done as pothibo suggested and added an artworkImage method to my Artist class that retains the image created with imageWithData:
- (UIImage*)artworkImage {
if(artworkImage == nil)
artworkImage = [[UIImage imageWithData:self.image] retain];
return artworkImage;
So now I can directly set the retained image to my TableViewCell as follow:
cell.artworkImage = artist.artworkImage;
I also set my setNeedsDisplay inside the setArtworkImage: method of my tableViewCell class. Scrolling is still laggy and Shark shows exactly the same results.
Your profiling data strongly suggests that the bottleneck is in the unpacking of your PNG images. My guess is that 58.5 % of your presented CPU time is spent unpacking PNG data (i.e. if the memcpy call is also included in the loading). Probably even more of the time is spent there, but hard to say without more data. My suggestions:
As stated before, keep loaded images in UIImage, not in NSData. This way you won't have to PNG-unpack every time you display an image.
Put the loading of your images in a worker thread, to not affect the responsiveness of the main thread (as much). Creating a worker is real easy:
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(preloadThreadEntry:) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
Preload images far ahead, like 100 rows or more (like 70 in the direction you're scrolling, keep 30 in the opposite direction). If all your images need to be 88x88 pixels on retina, 100 images would require no more than two MB.
When you profile more the calls to stuff named "png", "gz", "inflate" and so forth might not go way down your list, but they will certainly not affect the feeling of the application in such a bad way.
Only if you still have performance problems after this, I would recommend you look into scaling, and for instance loading "...#2x.png" images for retina. Good luck!
[UIImage imageWithData:] doesn't cache.
This means that CoreGraphic uncompress and process your image every single time you pass in that dataSource method.
I would change your artist's object to hold on a UIImage instead of NSData. You can always flush the image on memoryWarning if you get them a lot.
Also, I would not recommend using setNeedsDisplay inside the dataSource call, I would use that from within your cell.
SetNeedsDisplay is not a direct call to drawRect:
It only tells the os to draw the UIVIew again at the end of the runloop. You can call setNeedsDisplay 100 times in the same runloop and the OS will only call your drawRect method once.
If the delay's happening in your -drawRect, then you might want to take a look at this article: Tweetie's developer explains pretty thoroughly the method he used to get that smooth scrolling you're after. This has become a bit easier since then, though: CALayer has a shouldRasterize property that basically flattens its sublayers into a bitmap, which can then—as long as nothing changes inside the layer—give you much better performance when animating the layer around, as UITableView does when you scroll it. In this case, you'd probably apply that property to your individual UITableViewCells' layers.
My guess is that the delay is from storing images in Core Data. Core Data is usually not a good way to store large blobs of data.
A better solution would be to store the images as individual files on disk, using an album id to identify each image. Then you would setup an in memory cache to store the images in RAM for fast loading into your UIImageViews. The loading of the images from disk to RAM would ideally need to be done on a background thread (e.g. try performSelectorOnBackgroundThread) so that the I/O doesn't bog down the main thread (which will impact on your scrolling performance).
Addendum 1
If you're only calling -drawRect: once per cell load (as you should be), then the problem might be the scaling of the images. Scaling an image by drawing it in code using drawInRect will use CPU time, so an alternative approach is to scale the images as you receive them from the iPod library (if you need them in multiple sizes, save a version in each size you require). You may need to do this on a background thread when you import the data to avoid blocking the main (UI) thread.
One alternative thing to consider is that UIImageView may do it's scaling using Core Animation which would mean it is hardware accelerated (I'm not sure if this is actually the case, I'm just guessing). Switching to a UIImageView for the image would therefore get rid of the CPU burden of image scaling. You would have a slight increase in compositing overhead, but it might be the easiest way to get closer to "optimum" scrolling performance.
At this point your best bet is to use Instruments (previously Shark) to try and find bottlenecks in your code.

UIButton setBackgroundImage consumes doesn't release memory?

My UIButton has it's background image set like this:
[myImageButton setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:myImageName] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
myImageButton is a retained property of the class, and is setup with IB. No where else is it accessed in the app.
myImageName is simply an NSString with a filename like #"myImage_number_1.png"
I am loading large images, 1024 x 1024 in size. When the view is shown, it changes the image with the above statement, then available memory decreases.
After I see the view about 7-9 different times, the app crashes with a memory warning.
I thought the method would free up the loaded image.
The view itself is only instantiated and allocated one time, so it's not in the retain/release cycle if the view controller.
Is there something about this setBackgroundImage I don't know that causes it to not release memory?
Ah, found it. Every time imageNamed is used to load an image, it caches the image in memory. I switched to imageWithContentsOfFile - it doesn't cache images.
To future coders, #just_another_coder answer is correct, but there's something you all should know.
[UIImage imageNamed:myImageName] loads the image in a special system cache, and then future calls with that image path will return the image in the cache instead of reloading it from disk.
[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile]simply loads the image at the path you specify, but does no caching. Multiple calls to imageWithContentsOfFile for the same image will result in multiple copies in memory.
So you should think about which one you'd rather, and if you use imagewithcontentsoffile you should remember to nil out that button otherwise you'll be doomed to an ever growing app (memory usage wise)

Does this have to be released?

I've done a lot of research on when it's correct to release things, but it's all confusing to me. I think sometimes the Leaks program is off. Anyway...
background is a UIImageView
background.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"greenbackground.png"];
Do I have to release background? I never alloced it and it's not set as a property, so I'm thinking no.
Actually, you do need to release it.
UIKit uses Key Value Coding to assign IBOutlets to a controller. By default this is causing your controller to increase the retain count by one. From the KeyValueCoding docs:
If you have not defined a setter, then UIKit will directly set the value of the instance variable and then, for anything other than an NSNumber or NSValue date type, UIKit will retain the value after autoreleasing the instance variable’s old value.
Unless you explicitly set a #property with assign, you need to release the object.
No you don't. That factory method returns an autoreleased UIImage. A good rule of thumb that helps me in objective c is whenever you see alloc, copy or new in a method name... you are incharge of releasing the returned object... everything else should be an autoreleased object. Also, I can't think of any class level methods (+) in the api that don't return autoreleased objects.
I read your question too quickly... Mark is correct on this. If you are ever in doubt about these kinds of things you can always do a simple test and log the retain count.
Mark's right that you are responsible for releasing your UIImageView if it is instantiated from a nib, if background is an IBOutlet, and if background does not have a corresponding "assign" property.
Even if you're managing that correctly, you may still see some extra memory in use in ObjectAlloc after you release your UIImageView. That's because -[UIImage imageNamed:] caches the image you load in anticipation of you calling -[UIImage imageNamed:] again later. The image is not necessarily uncached even when the returned UIImage gets deallocated.

Pointer to Pointer to UIImage created by NSURLConnection

Hey all, here's the deal...
I've got a UIImage that is being loaded in the background via an NSURLConnection within a subclassed UIImageView. Until the data finishes downloading, a placeholder image is shown. The UIImage needs to be used by another, separate UIImageView, as well.
The problem I'm having is that if I set the second UIImageView's image property to that of the subclassed object before the download is complete, the second UIImageView never displays the downloaded image, since it's image prop is pointing to the placeholder.
Is there anyway to pass a pointer to a pointer between these two UIImageViews?
I've tried things like this:
imageView2.image = &[imageView1 image];
imageView2.image = *[imageView1 image];
But these don't seem to work. Any ideas?
Those pointers look particularly gross. The problem with doing it that way is that, even though you might be updating the data pointed to by those pointers, you are not notifying your UIImageView subclasses that the data has changed, and thus they don't know to redraw.
Instead of playing with that pointer mess, why not use Key-Value Observing instead? If you have a separate thread running that downloads the UIImage, you can just tell your UIImageViews to observe that property and when your downloader class is finished downloading all the data and has put it into the property, the views will get a notification and can then display the image.
Can't you just catch the connectionDidFinishLoading: message from the NSURLConnection and then set the second image?

NSOperation + Objective-C Categories = Bad Idea?

I've set up an Objective-C category for an iPhone app's UIImageView class. The category's mission is to help load URL-based images asynchronously with memory/disk caching.
Now, in UIImageView+Cache.m I have access to an NSOperationQueue so I can kick off a loading thread. I create an NSOperation-derived object, initialized with the image URL and the target UIImageView, and a selector to perform on the target once the operation is complete. In the selector method, we set our freshly-loaded image (or, if not found, we set an alternate placeholder image), and we're done!
This works fine, until a UIImageView happens to be removed before the NSOperation completes. For instance, I have a previous/next segmented control in my UI that causes these UIImageViews to be removed and added anew (they're part of a larger "item" that is being viewed in the app), so it's very easy to tap these in rapid succession.
So if you decide to start tapping away before all the images are loaded - KABLAM! Unhappy thread has an invalid object and doesn't know it. :(
The closest thing I can find to help mitigate this is NSOperation's cancel and isCancelled methods, except you can't keep track of which operation object to cancel within a Category, because - if I understand correctly - Categories can't add IVARs to objects!
Maybe that means Categories aren't a good idea here? (Whines: "But I liiiiike Categories! Waaah!")
Advisement appreciated!
I probably wouldn't use a category for this situation. Categories are useful, but are usually unnecessary. I'd only use a category if you have a really good reason to. What exactly are you putting in the category?
I think you could implement the whole thing in the NSOperation subclass, which would be the best solution. Put a retain on the image view so it doesn't get deallocated before the image is downloaded, and cancel the download if the view is not visible anymore. If that's not possible, then subclass UIImageView instead of using a category.
I would say there is no harm in moving this into your own UIImageView subclass. Sure, you may like categories - but if they don't do the job then why hesitate in moving to a design that does?
Are you retaining the UIImageView by the NSOperation? Otherwise the imageView might be freed before the NSOperation completes, leading to kablooi central. You should do a retain and then, once you've done the setImage, do a release.