Is it possible to overload constructors in scala? - scala

My question is that if it is possible to overload constructors in scala?
So I can write code like:
var = new Foo(1)
var = new Foo("bar")
And if it is not possible, are there any equivalent tricks?

Sure, but there are restrictions. Scala requires that one of your constructors be "primary". The primary constructor has the special, convenient syntax of putting the constructor args right after the class name. Other "secondary" constructors may also be defined, but they need to call the primary constructor. This is different than Java, and somewhat more restrictive. It is done this way so that constructor args can be treated as fields.
Your example would look like
class Foo(myArg:String){ //primary constructor
def this(myIntArg:Int) = this(myIntArg.toString) //secondary constructor
val x = new Foo(1)
val y = new Foo("bar")

As you can see in Dave Griffith's example, the primary constructor must be the "most general" one in the sense that any other constructor must call it (directly and indirectly). As you can imagine, this leads sometimes to ugly primary constructors. A common strategy is to use the companion object to hide the ugliness (and you don't need to type the "new"):
class Foo private (arg:Either[String, Int]){
object Foo {
def apply(arg:String) = new Foo(Left(arg))
def apply(arg:Int) = new Foo(Right(arg))
val a = Foo(42)
val b = Foo("answer")
Of course you must be careful if you want to inherit from your class (e.g. this isn't possible in the example above)

class MyCons{
def this(msg:String){
def this(msg1:String , msg2:String){
println(msg1 +" "+msg2)
For other auxiliary constructor we must need to call primary constructor or other auxiliary defined earlier.


Scala syntax question in Rocket-chip config.scala

I just learned about the scalar to study rocket chips.
I see some strange codes in the Config.scala of Rocket-chip
abstract class Field[T] private (val default: Option[T])
def this() // 1st-this
= this(None) // 2nd-this
def this(default: T) // 3rd-this
= this(Some(default)) // 4th-this
The above code has 4 of this. I think 2nd/4th-this are identical.
But I'm not sure 2nd/4th-this are represent Field class self-type or not.
If they are self-type, 1st/3rd-this are to be what??
I'm frustrated since I can't tell the definition of the above four this.
Could you explain this?
These are called auxiliary constructors (see
The "main constructor" is the one defined by the class declaration:
class Field[T] private (val default: Option[T])
With this you can create instances of Field only by passing a Option[T]. Like Field(None) or Field(Some(...)).
Then, you have 2 additional auxiliary constructors. They are defined as regular methods but they need to be called this.
The following adds a constructor that accepts no parameter so that you can create instances with Field() and it will be the same as Field(None). The 2nd this refers to the main constructor.
def this() = this(None)
Same principle for the other auxiliary constructors which allows to call Field(x) instead of Field(Some(x)).
Note that you could achieve the same with apply methods in a companion object.

Scala Class that containing List

I have a very basic and simple Scala question. For example, I have a java class like that
class Dataset{
private List<Record> records;
records = new ArrayList<Record>()
public void addItem(Record r){
When I try to write same class in Scala, I encoutered with some error:
class RecordSet() {
private var dataset:List[Record]
def this(){
dataset = new List[Record]
def addRecord(rd: Record)={
dataset :+ rd
I cannot declare a List variable like ( private var dataset:List[Record])
and cannot write a default constructor.
Here is how you will replicate the Java code you mentioned in your question:
// defining Record so the code below compiles
case class Record()
// Here is the Scala implementation
class RecordSet(private var dataset:List[Record]) {
def addRecord(rd: Record)={
dataset :+ rd
Some explanation:
In Scala, when you define a class, you have the ability to pass parameter to the class definition. eg: class Foo(num:Int, descr:String) Scala would automatically use the given parameter to create a primary constructor for you. So you can now instantiate the Foo, like so new Foo(1, "One"). This is different in Java where you have to explicitly define parameter accepting constructors.
You have to be aware that the parameter passed do not automatically become instance member of the class. Although if you want, you can tell Scala to make them instance member. There are various ways to do this, one way is to prefix the parameter with either var or val. For example class Foo(val num:Int, val descr:String) or class Foo(var num:Int, var descr:String). The difference is that with val, the instance variable are immutable. With var they are mutable.
Also, by default the instance member Scala will generate would be public. That means they can be accessed directly from an instance of the object. For example:
val foo = new Foo(1, "One")
println(foo.num) // prints 1.
If you want them to be private, you add private keyword to the definition. So that would become:
class Foo(private var num:Int, private var desc:String)
The reason why your code fails to compile is you define a method called this() which is used to create multiple constructors. (and not to create a constructor that initiates a private field which is your intention judging from the Java code you shared). You can google for multiple constructors or auxiliary constructors to learn more about this.
As dade told the issue in your code is that with this keyword you are actually creating an auxilary constructor which has some limitations like the first line of your auxilary constructor must be another constructor (auxilary/primary). Hence you cannot use such a way to create a class.
Also you can not write such lines in a scala concrete class private var dataset:List[Record] as it is considered as abstract (no definition provided).
Now with the code. Usually in Scala we don't prefer mutability because it introduces side-effects in our functions (which is not the functional way but as scala is not purely functional you can use mutability too).
In Scala way, the code should be something like this:
class RecordSet(private val dataset:List[Record]) {
def addRecord(rd: Record): RecordSet ={
new RecordSet(dataset :+ rd)
Now with the above class there is no mutability. Whenever you are adding on an element to the dataset a new instance of RecordSet is being created. Hence no mutability.
However, if you have to use the same class reference in your application use your a mutable collection for your dataset like below:
class RecordSet(private val dataset:ListBuffer[Record]) {
def addRecord(rd: Record): ListBuffer[Record] ={
dataset += rd
Above code will append the new record in the existing dataset with the same class reference.

Is this class Immutable or mutable

Is the below Scala class is mutable or immutable?
I believe that its immutable as I can't edit the variables or access them once its created but whats making me doubt myself is the fact that it returns the current instance of a variable using its functions. It also does not have final in front of it which is further making me doubt myself.
class person(name:String, dob:String){
def getName = name
def getDob = dob
def display() = {
println("Name "+name+" dob: "+dob)
You have a misconception with the term Immutable:
I believe that its immutable as I can't edit the variables or access
them once its created
That's the definition of a private thing (method, variable, ...). Immutability refers to the fact that you cannot mutate state, that is, you can't change the value of something unless you create a new instance of it.
Let's see it with an example:
trait Foo{
def myMutableValue: Int
class Clazz extends Foo{
var myMutableValue = 1
def changeState(): Int = {
myMutableValue += 1
val bar = new Clazz
bar.changeState() // myMutableValue = 2
bar.changeState() // myMutableValue = 3
bar.changeState() // myMutableValue = 4
bar.myMutableValue // myMutableValue = 4
With that example, in your instance of Clazz (bar) you're changing the state of a class attribute, in this case myMutableValue is changing its value every time I invoke changeState.
Please note that the class is public by default and changeState is also public and that doesn't means that is immutable.
Now, let's see an immutable approach:
trait Foo{
def myMutableValue: Int
class Clazz extends Foo{
val myMutableValue = 1
def changeState(): Int = myMutableValue + 1
val instance = new Clazz
instance.changeState() // myMutableValue = 2
instance.changeState() // myMutableValue = 2
instance.changeState() // myMutableValue = 2
instance.myMutableValue // 1
With this approach, every call to changeState will evaluate to 2, no matter how many times I call the function. That is, because we're dealing with an immutable value (val myMutableValue = 1). Every invocation of changeState will perform the evaluation and return a copy of that value. You're not modifying in any way the value of myMutableValue.
Please take a look to this and this.
Also, please take a look at your code, you have some errors:
By convention, class name should be capitalized (Person instead of person).
You don't need to reassign your class values with def (def getNameand def getDob). You can use class values as is.
It also does not have final in front of it which is further making me
doubt myself.
Again, you're talking about different things. final, as in Java, is a modifier to prevent your class to be extended. It doesn't relate in any way to immutability In adition, if you want to prevent mutability in your subclass you have to make all their members final (see this).
Since your example is coded in Scala you have all the tools that the language itself offers at your disposal (e.g. val, sealed, final)
Please note that I've used a trait to explain the possible use of def.
EDIT: about final modifier and immutability
Thanks to #Silvio Mayolo and #puhlen for the comments and clarification about final

Implementing '.clone' in Scala

I'm trying to figure out how to .clone my own objects, in Scala.
This is for a simulation so mutable state is a must, and from that arises the whole need for cloning. I'll clone a whole state structure before moving the simulation time ahead.
This is my current try:
abstract trait Cloneable[A] {
// Seems we cannot declare the prototype of a copy constructor
//protected def this(o: A) // to be defined by the class itself
def myClone= new A(this)
class S(var x: String) extends Cloneable[S] {
def this(o:S)= this(o.x) // for 'Cloneable'
def toString= x
object TestX {
val s1= new S("say, aaa")
println( s1.myClone )
a. Why does the above not compile. Gives:
error: class type required but A found
def myClone= new A(this)
b. Is there a way to declare the copy constructor (def this(o:A)) in the trait, so that classes using the trait would be shown to need to provide one.
c. Is there any benefit from saying abstract trait?
Finally, is there a way better, standard solution for all this?
I've looked into Java cloning. Does not seem to be for this. Also Scala copy is not - it's only for case classes and they shouldn't have mutable state.
Thanks for help and any opinions.
Traits can't define constructors (and I don't think abstract has any effect on a trait).
Is there any reason it needs to use a copy constructor rather than just implementing a clone method? It might be possible to get out of having to declare the [A] type on the class, but I've at least declared a self type so the compiler will make sure that the type matches the class.
trait DeepCloneable[A] { self: A =>
def deepClone: A
class Egg(size: Int) extends DeepCloneable[Egg] {
def deepClone = new Egg(size)
object Main extends App {
val e = new Egg(3)
It would suggest a typeclass based approach. With this it is possible to also let existing classes be cloneable:
class Foo(var x: Int)
trait Copyable[A] {
def copy(a: A): A
implicit object FooCloneable extends Copyable[Foo] {
def copy(foo: Foo) = new Foo(foo.x)
implicit def any2Copyable[A: Copyable](a: A) = new {
def copy = implicitly[Copyable[A]].copy(a)
scala> val x = new Foo(2)
x: Foo = Foo#8d86328
scala> val y = x.copy
y: Foo = Foo#245e7588
scala> x eq y
res2: Boolean = false
a. When you define a type parameter like the A it gets erased after the compilation phase.
This means that the compiler uses type parameters to check that you use the correct types, but the resulting bytecode retains no information of A.
This also implies that you cannot use A as a real class in code but only as a "type reference", because at runtime this information is lost.
b & c. traits cannot define constructor parameters or auxiliary constructors by definition, they're also abstract by definition.
What you can do is define a trait body that gets called upon instantiation of the concrete implementation
One alternative solution is to define a Cloneable typeclass. For more on this you can find lots of blogs on the subject, but I have no suggestion for a specific one.
scalaz has a huge part built using this pattern, maybe you can find inspiration there: you can look at Order, Equal or Show to get the gist of it.

How to define a parameterless constructor in Scala

This question is so stupid... Anyway, i just can't find the right information, because every Scala-constructor example class i see works with at least one parameter.
I want to have this class translated from Java to Scala:
public class SubscriptionConverter extends Converter {
public SubscriptionConverter() {
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
UserEJB userEJB = (UserEJB) ctx.lookup("java:global/teachernews/UserEJB");
So i only have a parameterless constructor. I messed around in Scala with this(), but i couldn't get a similar example like the one above working.
How do i do i write that in Scala?
Any statements declared at the class level are executed as part of the default constructor. So you just need to do something like this:
class SubscriptionConverter extends Converter {
val ctx = new InitialContext
val userEJB = ctx.lookup("java:global/teachernews/UserEJB")
#dbyrne has covered the most important parts, but I'll add a few side details.
If a class has no parameters, and it's immutable, consider declare it as an object instead.
The constructor defined by statements at the class level and by parameter lists after the class name is known as the primary constructor. * Auxiliary constructors* are defined by def this() = .... Unlike Java, each auxiliary constructor must delegate to the primary constructor.
When you declare a primary constructor with zero parameter lists, the compiler will automatically add a single, empty parameter list. If you define a constructor with one implicit parameter list, the compiler will add an empty parameter list before this.