How to handle an Event of a programmatically created object? - iphone

That's a very basic question.
How can I catch for example the "touchesBegan" event of a UIWindow instance? So that whenever the user is touching the window a method I set is called?
Thank you!

For iOS 3.2+: Create a gesture recognizer and add it to the view you are interested in.

Posting the tutorial that got my head around Gesture Recognisers:


Recognising touch events in iPhone

If the user writes "t" on the particular touch area, the iPhone should recognise it and it should be displayed.
Where should the user write? Is there any specific area like UItextfield and how is it recoginised (letter written by the user)?
Apparently there is something that's called UITextField and you can access it's properties. But you should (TOTALLY) read through the stuff first. There are also some nice videos on youtube and on apple that will help you get an entry.
Please! don't be lazy and learn about the basics! If you have any further questions about usage or something else: Use the Forum Search! Google it! Then ask your question!
You can subclass the UIVIew and create an new custom View.
Define the following methods:
Each time user starts touching and ends the touch record the set of of points user has traveled and use these stored values in drawRect Method to draw lines between them.
Implement drawRect: method in your custom view and do the drawing of lines according to the users touch points.
You can also consider creating a gesture recognizer for this. This is the basic guide that can get you started.

A question about UISegmentedControl

It seems that UISegmentedControl objects only send out "UIControlEventValueChanged" events. Is it possible to make them emit "UIControlEventTouchDown" events also ?
Have tried to right click the control in IB and then connect the "UIControlEventTouchDown" event option to an IBAction method, but no event is sent out. Have also tried to do it in code using an "action : #selector" statement but also no event.
In both cases, when I change the event to "UIControlEventValueChanged", the event is sent out as expected.
Hope that somebody who is knowledgeable on this can help ...
You could use the addGestureRecognizer: method inherited from UIView

Cocos2d With the map not able to handle all UIEvents

I have cocos2d application which contains the mapview in it , i want to handle the touch,zoom,and other ui event but i am no able to do that cause i have to extend the class with the uiviewcontroller which is not possible cause i have already extended with the CCLayer so can i have some source code to do this
Thanking you.
the mapview handles all touch events and when the events happens inside the mapview they are not sent to the controller by default.
A work around for that is to use gesture recognizers in your mapview

How to simulate touch event?

I want to be able to invoke touch events without user interactions.
Is this possible?
you could manually call touches begin and touches end.
I think there may be a better solution to whatever you are trying to do, This seems like a very unconventional thing to do.
Have a look at UIResponder's touchesBegan:withEvent: and touchesEnded:withEvent:

Call an onclick method from one view to another iphoneprogess hub iphone sdk

I have a view with a button which downloads files when clicked.
Question I have is is it possible to call that click method from another view>
You have a method there. Something like onBtnClk. You can create in another view an instance of your viewController, that contains this method and send [myViewController onBtnClk].
This may be a good case to have some other class(maybe a singleton?) handle downloads, then have your click: method interact with the downloading class.
I know that everyone hates singletons, but this may be a good time to use one.