Custom pages number (roman numbering) on pdf first pages - itext

I need to set page numbers on a pdf I'm creating, so that the first 3 pages would be i,ii,iii and then the following pages starting from 1,2,3,4,5...and so on..
How can i do it with itextsharp??

Check out the example in Massoud Mazar's blog. Look at his override for the OnEndPage event in the TwoColumnHeaderFooter class and see how he prints out page numbers.
What you can do is examine the event's PdfWriter parameter's PageNumber property and custom set the string you'll use for the displayed page number.
Something like this:
String text = "";
int pageN = writer.PageNumber;
if (pageN == 1) {
text = "i";
} else if (pageN == 2) {
text = "ii";
} else if (pageN == 3) {
text = "iii";
} else {
text = (pageN - 3).ToString();
Would replace his original:
String text = "Page " + pageN + " of ";


Remove Content controls after adding text using open xml

By the help of some very kind community members here I managed to programatically create a function to replace text inside content controls in a Word document using open xml. After the document is generated it removes the formatting of the text after I replace the text.
Any ideas on how I can still keep the formatting in word and remove the content control tags ?
This is my code:
using (var wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(mem, true))
var mainPart = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart;
ReplaceTags(mainPart, "FirstName", _firstName);
ReplaceTags(mainPart, "LastName", _lastName);
ReplaceTags(mainPart, "WorkPhoe", _workPhone);
ReplaceTags(mainPart, "JobTitle", _jobTitle);
private static void ReplaceTags(MainDocumentPart mainPart, string tagName, string tagValue)
//grab all the tag fields
IEnumerable<SdtBlock> tagFields = mainPart.Document.Body.Descendants<SdtBlock>().Where
(r => r.SdtProperties.GetFirstChild<Tag>().Val == tagName);
foreach (var field in tagFields)
//remove all paragraphs from the content block
//create a new paragraph containing a run and a text element
Paragraph newParagraph = new Paragraph();
Run newRun = new Run();
Text newText = new Text(tagValue);
//add the new paragraph to the content block
Keeping the style is a tricky problem as there could be more than one style applied to the text you are trying to replace. What should you do in that scenario?
Assuming a simple case of one style (but potentially over many Paragraphs, Runs and Texts) you could keep the first Text element you come across per SdtBlock and place your required value in that element then delete any further Text elements from the SdtBlock. The formatting from the first Text element will then be maintained. Obviously you can apply this theory to any of the Text blocks; you don't have to necessarily use the first. The following code should show what I mean:
private static void ReplaceTags(MainDocumentPart mainPart, string tagName, string tagValue)
IEnumerable<SdtBlock> tagFields = mainPart.Document.Body.Descendants<SdtBlock>().Where
(r => r.SdtProperties.GetFirstChild<Tag>().Val == tagName);
foreach (var field in tagFields)
IEnumerable<Text> texts = field.SdtContentBlock.Descendants<Text>();
for (int i = 0; i < texts.Count(); i++)
Text text = texts.ElementAt(i);
if (i == 0)
text.Text = tagValue;

TYPO3 : editing page title

I try to get page title and edit it like on the following example.
Page name My tools
Final string my_tools (Thus, I will be able to use it through markers in my css classes)
I know how to get page title using:
HEADERTITLE = TEXT = page : title
But how can I transform this string?
Thank you for your help!
to convert the case and replace some characters you may use these TypoScript settings:
data = page:title
### replace whitespace
replacement.10 {
search = #\s#i
replace = _
useRegExp = 1
### replace all special characters
replacement.10 {
search = #\W#i
replace =
useRegExp = 1
### transform string to lowercase
case = lower

How can I create a link to a specific, known page using TypoScript?

I am working on some Typo3 6.2 templates. I want to insert a link into the template using Typoscript.
I have a constant {$HOME_SHORTCUT}, which has the title "Startseite" & the path /start. I want the link to look like this:
I am using this to insert the link before a set of breadcrumbs. The link path is correct but the value/text of the link is the pageID of {$HOME_SHORTCUT}, not the header text, which is what I want:
stdWrap.prepend = TEXT
stdWrap.prepend {
stdWrap.typolink {
field = header
parameter = {$HOME_SHORTCUT}
This outputs:
Which is incorrect. That's the page ID, not the header. How do I get the header of {$HOME_SHORTCUT}?
When you leave out the "value" the page title is set automatically:
stdWrap.prepend = TEXT
stdWrap.prepend.typolink.parameter = {$HOME_SHORTCUT}
Following along with this answer, I constructed this, which gives the desired mark-up:
stdWrap.prepend = TEXT
stdWrap.prepend {
value {
table = pages
select {
where = uid = {$HOME_SHORTCUT}
renderObj {
10 = TEXT
10 {
field = title
wrap = |
stdWrap.typolink {
field = header
parameter = {$HOME_SHORTCUT}
Which seems like a really, really long-winded way of saying "Wrap this page title with a link to this page"- I am definitely interested in hearing of better methods.

Inserting current date into confluence hyperlink

I am using this code to display current date in the confluence page.
{run-now:dateFormat =d-MMM-yyyy}
My purpose, to include this date into email hyperlink, like below
[Click me|mailto: &subject=Update as of - {run-now:dateFormat =d-MMM-yyyy} $current_time{run-now}]
My expectations, is that it will show mailto link after clicking which, it will open email with subject that is including current date.
But this is working unexpectedly
it shows me something like this instead of the link
function run_moreDisplayToggle_1() { // toggle display of "more" rows of parameter table on or of //alert("test"); var table = document.getElementById("run_table_1"); var rows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); var isMoreFound = false; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var row = rows.item(i); if ("1_row_")) { if ( == "none") { = ""; isMoreFound = true; } else { = "none"; } } } var icon = document.getElementById("run_1_advanced_toggle"); var moreElement = document.getElementById("run_1__more") if (isMoreFound) { icon.src = "/images/icons/subtract_12.gif"; icon.title = "Less"; moreElement.value = "true"; } else { icon.src = "/images/icons/add_12.gif"; icon.title = "More"; moreElement.value = "false"; } }
29-Jan-2014" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">Click me
It's better you use HTML Macro to hyperlink your email.
I think it should be something like this:
{html}<a mailto: &subject=Update as of - {run-now:dateFormat =d-MMM-yyyy} $current_time{run-now}/a>{html}
Anyway as the confluence expertise always online in Answers I recommend you to check there.

Word/Office Automation - How to retrieve selected value from a Drop-down form field

I am trying to retrieve the value of all fields in a word document via office automation using c#. The code is shown below however if the field is a drop-down then the value of the range text is always empty even though I know it is populated. If it is a simple text field then I can see the range text. How do I get the selected drop down item? I feel there must be something quite simple that I'm doing wrong...
private void OpenWordDoc(string filename) {
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
Document doc = app.Documents.Open(filename, ReadOnly: true, Visible: false);
foreach (Field f in doc.Fields) {
string bookmarkName = "??";
if (f.Code.Bookmarks.Count > 0) {
bookmarkName = f.Code.Bookmarks[1].Name; // have to start at 1 because it is vb style!
Debug.WriteLine(f.Result.Text); // This is empty when it is a drop down field
Aha - If I scan through FormFields instead of Fields then all is good...
foreach (FormField f in doc.FormFields) {
string bookmarkName = "??";
if (ff.Range.Bookmarks.Count > 0) {
bookmarkName = ff.Range.Bookmarks[1].Name; // have to start at 1 because it is vb style!
Debug.WriteLine(ff.Result); // This is empty when it is a drop down field
Problem solved. Phew.