Entity Framework 4, MOQ, - entity-framework

I am using EF4, Microsoft.Entity.CTP, and the latest MOQ. I am trying to create a generic repository class and moq the DBContext using MOQ. Whenever I run my moq test I get "object reference not set to an instance of an object" on this.context.Set().Add(entity); and I don't understand why. The code runs ok without a moq.
public class GenericRepository<TEntity> : IGenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
private IContext context;
public GenericRepository(IContext context)
this.context = context;
public IList<TEntity> List
get { return context.Set<TEntity>().ToList(); }
public void Create(TEntity entity)
var mock = new Mock<IContext>();
GenericRepository<Product> producRepository = new GenericRepository<Product>(mock.Object);
mock.Setup(x => x.Product.Add(productType));
mock.Setup(x => x.SaveChanges());

You need to mock out the list implementation behind Set. I'm not at the compute ATM but iirc it's an IDbSet.

Change your code first definitions from DbSet to IDbSet and then you can mock them.
I am considering changing my DbContext.tt file to generate IDbSet instead of DbSet, but only after I get the mocking to work.
I am not saying this makes the rest of the work easy, but it will get you past one problem.
What I need help with is what to do after changing my code first definitions to be based on the EF DbContext interfaces. For example, I create instances of my DbSet objects and add them.
Mock<IPosManContext> posManContext;
new note_template()
note_template_id = 1,
act_flag = "Y",
desc_text = "Monday Monday",
last_update_dtm = now,
last_update_user_id = "hsimpson",
But I get an error that the DbSet is null.
Microsoft needs to provide a good example of what to do.
They went half the way by providing public interfaces for mocking, but I still need more help.


Unit testing With Entity Framework 7, Test fails sometimes?

I have a bunch of test where I use the new UseInMemory function in EF7. When I run them all some of them fail. When I run them single they all pass.
My best guess it is a conflict in EF7 because of the fact that every test runs in its own thread and they all kind of using the same DbContext class.
Here one of my Tests:
public void Index()
DbContextOptionsBuilder<DatabaseContext> optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DatabaseContext>();
db = new DatabaseContext(optionsBuilder.Options);
AdminController controller = new AdminController(db);
var result = controller.Index() as ViewResult;
Assert.Equal("Index", result.ViewName);
I remake the dbContext object in every test but it seem not to make any different.
Would be greatful for any input. Thanks :)
The problem is, that the memory storage in InMemoryDatabase is registered as Singleton so you actually share the data between DbContexts even you think you don't.
You have to create your DbContexts like this:
public abstract class UnitTestsBase
protected static T GetNewDbContext<T>() where T : DbContext
var services = new ServiceCollection();
.AddDbContext<T>(options => options.UseInMemoryDatabase());
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var dbContext = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<T>();
return dbContext;
var newTestDbContext = GetNewDbContext<TestDbContext>()
I also was led to beleive that .UseInMemoryDatabase() has no persistence, but that does not seem to be the case (at least with the latest versions)!
As noted in How can I reset an EF7 InMemory provider between unit tests? you want to do a db.Database.EnsureDeleted() BUT I also noticed that this does NOT reset auto increment ids.

EF 5 Changing Connection String at Runtime

Ok, I want to recreate a project that I created using EF 4.1 to EF 5.0, simple enough or at least I thought. One of the things in my old project is that I was able to change the database connection string at runtime in EF 4.1:
using (var myContext = new MyEntities(ConnectionString))
Easy-peasy but in EF 5.0 you have to do this differently:
string connectionString = "data source=LocalHost;initial catalog=MyDatabase;user id=MyUserName;password=MyPassword;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework";
using (var myContext = new MyEntities())
myContext.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
Now, this took me a better part of two hours to figure out, so I guess my question is this the proper way of changing the connection string at runtime or not? If it is why did they make this change?
I did find this Link but it didn't work. I received the error as detailed in the first comment of the first answer by Ladislav Mrnka. I later found this Link which seems to work fine.
I re-read the first link I posted and I found another solution, I simply created a partial class:
public partial class MyEntities : DbContext
public MyEntities(string connectionString) : base(connectionString)
Database.Connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
Use the context constructor overload that takes the connection string as a parameter.
Create a class with the same name as the Target ContextClass class next to the main class
like this :
public CustomerContext( string connectionString)
: base(connectionString)
For using :
using (var context = new CustomerContext("connectionString"))
var customerContext=new CustomerContext("yorConnectionString");
var customer=CustomerContext.customer.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.id==1).FirstName;
Have a look at other link Setup Entity Framework For Dynamic Connection String.
It says - " you can do it by creating another partial class as the Entities class is declared partial"

AutoMapper Map entity with self-reference entity

I have a small problem that gives me a StackOweflow problem.
I use EF 4.1 with complextypes and this works, the problem is that you need to create an instance of the complextype even if all the values are null, to make it work with EF.
So now I have a class that looks like this..
public class GoodsItem{
public GoodsItem InnerGoodsItem{get;set;}
//-- A lot of other properties needed for this class
public GoodsItem()
this.InnerGoodsItem = new GoodsItem();
I need the code in the constructor for EF to work as it should, but then every time I create a GoodsItem it creates a new GoodItems that creates a new GoodsItem and so on...
How can I solve this problem with AutoMapper and still keep EF 4.1 happy.
Thanks in advanced...
Can't see how that constructor could ever work. Perhaps you could change your class to initialize the inner item in the property get, like this:
public class GoodsItem{
private GoodsItem _innerGoodsItem;
public GoodsItem InnerGoodsItem
if (_innerGoodsItem == null) _innerGoodsItem = new GoodsItem();
return _innerGoodsItem;
set { _innerGoodsItem = value; }
//-- A lot of other properties needed for this class
public GoodsItem()
//No longer need this call in ctor
//this.InnerGoodsItem = new GoodsItem();
Not sure if this will cause a problem with EF though (thankfully, I've pretty much avoided EF so far!).

Entity Framework Code First - No Detach() method on DbContext

I'm wondering why there is no Detach method on the DbContext object like there is for ObjectContext.  I can only assume this omission was intentional, but I have a hard time figuring out why.  I need to be able to detach and re-attach entities (for putting in the cache in an ASP.NET project, for example).  However, since I can't detach an entity, when I try to attach an entity that was associated with a previous context, I get the "An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker" exception.
What's the guidance here?  Am I missing something?
For people that might stumble upon this question, as of CTP5 you now need to write
in order to get to ObjectContext.
DbContext uses an ObjectContext internally and EF team make this available as a protected property just in case you ever need to drop down to the lower level API and sounds like this is the case here, so you can use or expose the required functionality from a derived DbContext:
public class YourContext : DbContext
public void Detach(object entity)
Then you can call this method from your controller to detach an entity.
Alternatively, you can change it to even have a richer API:
public class YourContext : DbContext
public void ChangeObjectState(object entity, EntityState entityState)
ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(entity, entityState);
Here is how DbContext looks like from metadata:
public class DbContext : IDisposable
protected System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext ObjectContext { get; }
EF:CF 4.1 RC1 and EF:CF 4.1 RTW have the same explicitly implemented IObjectContextAdapter:
public static class DbContextExtensions
public static void Detach(this System.Data.Entity.DbContext context, object entity)
Microsoft decided "Detach is too advanced technology and should be hidden". IMHO the man who invented this should be shot - because if you add brand new entity, it is otherwise difficult to just remove it without commiting changes to db (you can manipulate with DbEntityEntry but that's another story).
Edit 4 years later:
With EF6 (i somehow skipped EF5 :) ) you dont need detach() anymore, becouse removing freshly added entry does not generate delete from [table] where [Id] = 0 as in EF4 - you can just call mySet.Remove(myFreshlyCreatedAndAddedEntity) and everything will be allright.
I usually extend the base class(inherits from the DbContext) with the property:
public class MyDbContext : DbContext
public ObjectContext ThisObjectContext
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext;
later you can use this property for variety of useful stuff ... like Detach :)

Function Import and Repository pattern with Entity Framework 4.0

Could anyone advise me on how they've implemented the use of Function Imports when using the Repository pattern against EF 4.0?
We have a table mapped to a Candidate Entity and also a Function Import off an existing sproc that maps to Candidate. This works great in EF but we're abstracting by use of Repositories which take on their constructor the IObjectSet where T is the POCO entity. However this means I'm unable to get a reference to the function import. The only way I can see of doing this is passing a reference to the ObjectContext to the repositories that need it but this feels like a bit of a design smell to me.
Even though several of our Repositories are extended with custom interfaces we're still faced with the same issue.
public class CandidateRepository : Repository<Candidate>, ICandidateRepository
public CandidateRepository(IObjectSet<Candidate> entities)
: base(entities)
public Candidate GetByEmail(string email)
return Entities.SingleOrDefault(c => c.EmailAddress.Equals(email));
public bool CandidateExists(string candidateNumber)
return Entities.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Number.Equals(candidateNumber)) != null;
public Candidate GetByNumber(string number)
return Entities.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Number.Equals(number));
public Candidate GetMember(string number)
return new Candidate(); //This one needs to return from the Function Import
Any advice greatly appreciated.
To solve your problem directly you can cast entities to ObjectSet<T> and use entites.Context property to get ObjectContext.
public Candidate GetMember(string number)
var objectSet = Enities as ObjectSet<Candidate>;
if(objectSet == null) throw new Exception("Oh, it's not EF IObjectSet implementation");
return objectSet.Context.MyCustomFunction(string number);
As you can see this code relies on specific IObjectSet implementation which is not good at all.
The better idea is to create repositories for aggregate roots only rather then for each table. So it will be more natural to pass ObjectContext to repository ctor.
I have went down this route and i have experienced that it is less of a pain when you pass in an interface implementation of the ObjectContext to your repository. The interface implementation should have some way of calling the function. So when you pass in the concrete implementation of the ObjectContext everything should work fine.