Access switch and textfield in tableview from another method - iphone

I'm having a tableview with a couple of cells with 4 uiswitches and one textfield inside. Simple question. I need a way to read all the positions of the switches and the string inside the textview by clicking a button. Tableview, textfield, switches and button is working fine. Just need to access the values of the switches and textfield from another method. By tagging the switches or something.
So how can I access the values from another method. Something like in tableview method:
UISwitch *switchView = [[option1 alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
switchView.tag = 3000;
cell.accessoryView = switchView;
And something like this in the button method:
BOOL status = [self.view viewWithTag:3000].on; //*Not a working method*

You are in the same class, nop ?
So maybe you could put your switch & co as class variable (declared in the header file). It would be easier ^^


How to set UITableViewCell highlighted image

I want to launch a method every time when user just highlights a cell (doesn't select it) in UITableView. Could you tell me please, how is it possible to do this ?
I want to do it because I have a custom cell with a pictures on it and I want to change pictures every time when user highlights the cell.
UPD: By highlight I mean that user just highlights a cell and don't release the finger from it. By select I mean when didSelectRowAtIndexPath is being launched (so the user releases the finger from the cell after he presses on it)
How do you envisage the user would 'highlight' a cell rather than 'selecting' one?
In iOS (or any touch based environment really) there is no concept of just highlighting a cell rather than selecting one. The only callback you get when the user touches a cell is didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
It might be worth reading up on the documentation on tables here.
Ah OK, in that case you want to set the highlightedImage property of the cells imageView a bit like this;
cell.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"normal_image.png"];
cell.imageView.highlightedImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"highlighted_image.png"];
I didnt understand your dont you want to use the method selectRowAtIndexPath?
if you want to execute a method when user select a row:
-you can use the method selectRowAtIndexPath and execute your method.
you can also create an invisible UIButton inside cell and when click in a cell you will click in button and execute your method . . .
From iOS 6.0, UITableViewDelegate has 3 methods to handle cell highlighting:
- tableView:shouldHighlightRowAtIndexPath:
- tableView:didHighlightRowAtIndexPath:
- tableView:didUnhighlightRowAtIndexPath:
You should use them, like in this example:
- (BOOL)tableView:(UITableView*)tableView shouldHighlightRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath
return YES;
- (void)tableView:(UITableView*)tableView didHighlightRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath
MyTableViewCell* cell = (MyTableViewCell*)[tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
cell.myImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"myCellHigh"];
- (void)tableView:(UITableView*)tableView didUnhighlightRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath
MyTableViewCell* cell = (MyTableViewCell*)[tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
cell.myImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"myCellUnhigh"];

How To point to an object from string

My question is kind of general; in my project I have 10 UIButton objects
named Button1, Button2, Button3, Button4, Button5, Button6, Button7, Button8, Button9, and Button10
I also have UIImageview That are named exactly like the buttons from 1 to 10.
I want to write a code that will manipulate the image by the last character of the button (always a number from 1 to 10) and will affect the UIImageview the same way
Something like this
buttonlastcharacter = i;
if(sender.lastcharacternumber is:i){
Button%,i.frame = //Some manipulation
But basically all that I want is to have access to a certain object by string
How can I implement such a behavior?
There are a couple of better ways to do this. If these buttons are all static and in IB you can use an IBCollection array for image views and buttons to simply call them up by matching indexes.
Better yet just use the tag value for the buttons or image views.
It is maybe not the ideal solution in your case, but you can do it different ways:
using kvo
UIButton* myButton = [self valueForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"button%i",i]];
or with selectors and properties
UIButton* myButton = [self performSelector:NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:#"button%i",i])];
Hm, you could use an array for your buttons and a tag for your UIImageView objects. They all inherit from UIView, which provides you with a .tag propterty. It is of type NSInteger* .
For convenience reasons I would suggest to name the buttons from 0 to 9. It does not really matter but the first index in the array would be 0 and therefore naming them accordingly just makes things easier.
NSArray *buttonArray;
You may opt for NSMutableArray depending what else you may want to do with it.
In viewDidLoad code:
buttonArray = [NSArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
buttonArray[0] = button0;
buttonArray[9] = button9;
In your XIB file in Interface Builder, or whereever you may create the UIImages programmatically, add the tags accordingly.
image0.tag = 0;
image0.tag = 9;
assuming you name them image0 to image9.
In your appropriate action method code:
buttonArray[sender.tag] = someManipulation;
You can do it like this,
In your IBAction method:
- (IBAction)click:(id)sender
UIButton *but = (UIButton *)sender;
but.frame = your manipulation code;
or you can check the title like:
if([but.currentTitle isEqualToString:#"Button1])
//Manipulate button 1
if you have added tags for the buttons from 1-10 you can use,
if(but.tag == 2)
//Manipulate button 2

Change Label Text

How can I change a label's text? This is what I have tried.
labelCheckBox.text = #"This is the new label";
I connected the label in Interface builder for labelCheckBox and created an outlet for it. In the Didload the label's text changed, but in another method inside the class it does not have the new value.
labelCheckBox.text = newLabelText;
// labelCheckBox = [[UILabel alloc] init];
// labelCheckBox.text = #"This is the new label";
I am calling the method in another class as shown here:
[New settext:#"All Transaction"];
The value of 'NewLabelText' after printing it in NSLog is: " All Transaction ". But when I assign ' LabelCheckBox.Text = NewLabelText ', I print the value of 'LabelCheckBox.Text',
and it gives empty.
First of all if you use IB you need to create outlet and connection for your UILabel. The easiest way it's dragging from your label (control + drag) to your .h file of controller class. Then synthesize it in .m file and now you can change label text as you do this in question.
the 'View' should load before setting the label text.
iOS development sometimes gives you the silence treatment like Javascript to help prevent your app from crashing. With that said, if you have created the UILabel in Interface Builder and have set an IBOutlet for it, make sure you change the text only after the UILabel is created. (i.e. after -viewDidLoad). You can set a break point to where you set the text change and a breakpoint at -viewDidLoad in the UIViewController that contains the UILabel to confirm the order of calls that's taking place.
Below code will change text in label with tag value
In scrollview use this type to change the text in label
for(UIView *views in ScrollViewMain.subviews)
UILabel *label = [views viewWithTag:[sender tag]+1000];
It will really work.
thank you

If I add a UISwitch control to each of my table view cells, how can I tell which cell it belongs to?

I have a UITableView with cells that contain a UISwitch control. It's similar to the table view in the iPhone's Clock app shown below...
In my app's cellForRowAtIndexPath method, I create and attach the UISwitch control like so...
CGRect frameSwitch = CGRectMake(215.0, 10.0, 94.0, 27.0);
UISwitch *switchEnabled = [[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:frameSwitch];
[switchEnabled addTarget:self action:#selector(switchToggled:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
cell.accessoryView = switchEnabled;
My question is, when the switch is toggled by the user and the switchToggled method is called, how can I tell which table cell it belongs to? I can't really do much with it without knowing it's context.
Thanks so much in advance for your help!
In your action method, you can cast the superview of the passed-in UISwitch (which is the UITableViewCell itself), then pass that to the tableView's indexPathForCell method.
indexPathForCell will return a NSIndexPath object, which you can then use to index to your datamodel to modify. Then all you gotta do is call reloadData on your tableView.
Also, in cellForRowAtIndexPath, you should set the UISwitch's state based on your model.
First of all, fix the memory leak:
UISwitch *switchEnabled = [[[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:frameSwitch] autorelease];
Then pick one of these options:
switchEnabled.tag = someInt; // before adding it to the cell
NSLog(#"switched %d",switch.tag); // to see which switch was toggled
UITableViewCell *parentCell = switchEnabled.superview;
// + some magic to see which cell this actually is

Toggle UIButton on the iPhone

How can I make a button that says "Show Picture" and when it's clicked it changes to "Hide Picture". I'm new to objective C, I know how to make a button in interface builder but don't know how to switch the button's text and function. Can someone help me out?
Don't abuse the tag property. It is advise only to be used as a button identifier (for example when you have few buttons in your view you set their tags as 0, 1, 2... so can identify which button is a sender). You could set some global int i variable and change it's value accordingly.
abuse the .tag property of the button. Hook up the touch down action to this function:
if ( sender.tag )
sender.tag = 0;
sender.text = #"Show Picture";
// do actions when "hide" is clicked
} else {
sender.tag = 1;
sender.text = #"Hide Picture";
// do actions when "show" is clicked
Instead of (ab)using the tag property, you could also simply toggle the button between selected and not selected, like so:
- (IBAction)myButtonAction:(id)sender
[sender setSelected:![sender isSelected]];
// or in Objective-C 2.0 if you're so inclined
sender.selected = !sender.selected;
In IB, you could then set the text for the normal and the selected state of the button directly in the inspector (or programmatically through the setTitle:forState: method).
The tricky thing with this one is that a UIButton doesn't have an "official" text properly - see the docs here:
because it's designed to have multiple, separate sets of texts, displayed according to the button's current state; i.e., whether it's currently enabled or disabled, highlighted, etc. So there's not one, simple property you can set to make this work.
So, you want to declare your button like this, as both an action and an outlet:
from button.h:
// inside the class declaration
BOOL pictureShown ; // initializer not required, defaults to 0 (NO)
UIButton * sampleButton ;
// skip irrelevant lines here
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIButton * sampleButton ;
- (IBAction) doSampleButton ;
Hook both of those up in Interface Builder, and then change the text using the setTitle:forState: method (and in this case, I've specified all the states, so the title stays the same across all of them). For example:
from button.m:
#synthesize sampleButton ;
- (IBAction) doSampleButton {
if (pictureShown == YES) {
// hide the picture, and then...
[sampleButton setTitle: #"Show Picture" forState: (UIControlStateNormal | UIControlStateHighlighted | UIControlStateSelected | UIControlStateDisabled)] ;
pictureShown = NO ;
} else {
// show the picture, and then...
[sampleButton setTitle: #"Hide Picture" forState: (UIControlStateNormal | UIControlStateHighlighted | UIControlStateSelected | UIControlStateDisabled)] ;
pictureShown = YES ;
You'll also note that I've declared an instance variable, "pictureShown", in the view controller for the view with the button, to track the current "mode" of the button, and that I'm essentially using an if statement inside the button's action to determine which function is carried out according to the current mode of the button, and to toggle the button text accordingly.
(I'm using this to track the current mode of the button rather than, for example, examining the current title of the button directly, or other ways of storing state on the button, because MVC-wise, this sort of state belongs in the controller class.)
(If the function required a lot of code, I'd use messages to self, i.e.:
[self showPicture] ;
[self hidePicture] ;
to avoid having to cram it all inside doSampleButton, but that's purely stylistic, rather than technically required.