How to add hibernate javadocs in Eclipse? - eclipse

I am using Eclipse for the past two months. I didnt used javadocs in it before.
Today i searched for hibernate javadocs and got
But i dont know how to add it in eclipse. Any suggestions!!

You can also simply add the URL of the javadoc like in the properties of the jar !

If you right click on the JAR file under "Referenced Libraries" -> Properties -> Javadoc Location -> Javadoc in archive and then either point it to a jar you've imported into your workspace or on your local machine by using the "archive path" box.

Simple steps to include hibernet in eclipse................
Downloaded file name should look like “”
Extract it with your favor zip tool
Copy the extracted plugin and feature folders to Eclipse’s plugin & feature folders
Restart Eclipse.......!!
It's Done.. :-)

Here is the complete guide lines, that I have followed and it worked for me.
I am not promoteing myself. But I hope this will help to someone. Thanks.


Can´t run acceleo uml2java example

I´m beginning with Acceleo.
I installed eclipse-modeling-luna-M6-win32.
Then i installed acceleo by update on eclipse.
(is there any better option?)
Trying to use the uml2java example.
To run it i tried to run org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.
It gave me:
Couldn't load class org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.main.Uml2java from project org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java
Couldn't load class org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.main.Uml2java. Check that its containing package is exported.
I did not change the code.
I checked the MANIFEST and it has on the runtime: org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.main
I also saw that there is an UI project that as i understand is a plugin but i don´t know what to do with it (so that it will create a new menu on eclipse).
Any help is appreciated!!
it worked using eclipse indigo with the latest acceleo. i don´t know if it´s possible to use a more recent eclipse version. also works with eclipse kepler.
This fixed the problem for me. Try adding the "bin/" directory to the Classpath in the Manifest file.
Right click the MANIFEST.MF file and "Open With >" "Plug-in Manifest Editor".
This gives some tabs at the bottom. Use the "Runtime" tab. On the bottom right of this screen there is a place to edit the classpath. Add "bin/".
I got this idea from Etienne's answer in: Can't generate java from UML using Acceleo in Eclipse

Why does my eclipse project not have a build path?

What is the advantage with not having a build path in eclipse? Why is that setting default when it's like something you'd never use? It seems eclipse indigo was developed to make software development as obscure as possible. I just checked out a fresh copy of the project I checked in (called dungeonworld) this afternoon from another computer and automatically nothing works, can't compile, can't choose build path, can't add jre, can't add jdk, can't add that to project properties.
Is my eclipse broken? I can't believe this is happening, such an easy thing not feasible.
Nothing above solutions worked for me so i tried below
Right click on project >> properties >> project facets >> click on java
It looks like you did not add Eclipse project metadata files to your source control system, so Eclipse doesn't know what your build path is or whether it is even a java project. You can see that the little folder on your dungeonworld project is missing the little 'j', which means Eclipse doesn't think it's a java project.
Go back to your other computer and look for the following files in your original project root...
Make sure all of the end up in your source control system or nothing will work right.
I have same problem, but i have solved
project right click -> properties -> java build path -> src/main/sources
all remove items on "Excluded", and then that item turn the status "(None)"
I tried below steps and it works for me.
Right click on project >> properties >> project facets >> click on java
Eclipse has a build path.
It's stored in a (by default hidden) .classpath file in your project.
You can also access it through the UI in project properties (right click on your project, properties, java build path).
Well, this is probably not your problem, but similar is happening if you are in Eclipse different perspective (for example for Python).
There where no entrys after right click on my projekt in Eclipse. How to click something, wenn build path entries are missing. So my Eclpise didn't detect my java project. I used following Maven command and after that I cleaned the project too. Now Projekt works as expected. So...
If you are using Maven, try mvn eclipse:eclipse in cmd console in your project directory! Make sure to use the path to your Maven folder for the command.
For example:
cd C:\yourEclipseProject\
C:\yourPathToMaven\apache-maven-2.2.1\bin\mvn eclipse:eclipse
This was helping me. After unsuccessful web research, a coworker told me this tip.
I just had a similar problem and I figured out that I had been choosing General Project instead of Java Project while creating a project. After I chose Java>Project it solved my problem. Maybe it'll solve yours as well.
After choosing that, eclipse automatically included java libraries as well.
It's not a good practice to commit IDE related files into source control. What if someone in team uses different IDE? It might have been only option at a time when OP asked this question.
New versions on eclipse (4.x) takes care of this automatically. Probably by observing what kind of source and build files you have in your project.
Don't know the reason. But this works for me, so posting it.
Right click on project -> 'Properties' -> 'Java Build Path'.

Eclipse : How to remove the attached Source which was added to a Jar

I am using Eclipse IDE (Helios Version).
As part of the build path, I have a jar file for this Application, I have attached the source code for this jar file using Attach Source Option.
Please tell me how can I remove this attached source for the jar file?
Open the .classpath file and delete the source attachment part.
Or in the Build Path control panel, find the jar file and remove the source attachment (it is one of the detailed options there).
If you have two different projects in eclipse that are linked, the best way is to open both of them in eclipse workspace. If you do that, you don't need to "Attach Source..."
If you added the second project as a Source Attachment by mistake, you could try to remove the projects from eclipse workspace and adding them again. That worked for me.

Why we just can't download a jar file of Javadocs of SWT from the main website

For almost every library I've come to see a link of the JAVADOCS jar to be downloaded, plain and simple. Why There is no jar for SWT ? and if there is why it's not on their website ..
Please note that I know there is a version in Eclipse help, and there is an online version, which I can't link to cause It doesn't validate cause it's in php ! no Index.html found
Though that's not what I'm looking for I tried it, I'm using SWT.jar and I want to attach the javadocs jar to it so when CTRL+Space and highlight a method I just see the docs right away beside etc you know..
Anyway Because I think SWT is so great I feel like there is a simple way to do that and I just can't see it maybe. if there is nothing I think I should file a feature request or somethin' to them.
Ok I kinda knew this question was not going to get much interest, so I gave it another try and I came back cause I don't want anyone to waste 1 hour of trying to figure out something like that..
Download the swt zip
Go to eclipse and load existing project
you'll find in that project
unzip and copy the folder "org" org\eclipse\swt..
paste that folder in src (inside the project)
select org folder in eclipse then go to project >> generate javadocs
If you're in windows you probably going to press on (Configure) to pick up the Javadoc.exe file it's in the C:\programFiles\java\jdk-xyz\bin\
choose where you want to drop the doc files, next then finish
ok, just go to the files and zip it, P.S zip the files don't zip the folder which contains the files cause when you load the docs as archive and validate it won't see the index.html
if you want to know how to load the archive, google it's in (in project properties>> java buildpath >> libraries tab >> swt jar >> add jar >> add your SWT.jar then expand and edit the javadoc location..
That was Robo detailed I know, I just don't want someone to read this and still can't do it
The suggested way to develop SWT apps is by following the instructions at Developing SWT applications using Eclipse. Each download page of eclipse includes an SWT section with SWT source complete zips.
The second way as mentioned is to look in your eclipse/plugins directory and use the 2 arch compatible jars provided there:
The source jar can be attached so as to provide javadoc. The javadoc (for most of the API shipped with eclipse) is stored in the eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv_3.7.0.v20110602-0800.jar jar. If you unzip that, it should be in reference/api
I know that Eclipse is setting up a maven repository, although a quick scan for org.eclipse.swt only found 3.6.2 binaries and source. See They're still in they trail phase.

Eclipse doesn't load plugins in the dropins folder

I just downloaded Eclipse SDK 3.5.1 and want to install some add ons such as GEF, EMF, etc.
I downloaded all the zip files for everything I needed and decided to install them in the dropins folder. I read and structured my dropin folder as specified:
... etc ...
When I start up Eclipse it does not recognize any of the features or plugins I have put into the structure above. Any ideas?
This is probably a bit late to help you, but maybe it will help somebody else. I had a similar problem, so I posted a question to the Eclipse Community Forums asking about how to get a report about missing dependencies. Mickael Istria's helpful reply is shown below for those who aren't members of that forum:
You can start or diag the OSGi Console and try to start the bundle manually. The console will print you some warnings. See and for more details.
shell> eclipse -console
[...Eclipse starts up...]
osgi> diag your.unresolved.bundle
[...shows you unresolved constraints...]
In my case, I tried several directory structures that I thought should work, before I found one that did:
Coming back years later to solve a similar problem..., I found the following web pages to be helpful: Where is My Bundle, Plug-ins are not picked up from the dropins/ folder.
First of all, run eclipse with -clean to ensure p2 fully rescans the dropins directory and sees your plugins.
If it still doesn't load you can use p2 debugging to see what the problem is also. For some strange reason p2 doesn't log dropins issues unless you explicitly turn it on with the following steps:
Create an .options file in the eclipse folder where you start up Eclipse with the following content:
Then run eclipse with the following arguments (last argument is the path to the .options file you just created):
eclipse -clean -console -consoleLog -debug /path/to/.options
PS, I have created this bugzilla to request it be turned on as a default. You can vote/track making this logging the default there.
PPS, #kc2001's suggestion is a good one also once you have narrowed down on what plugin has the issue and you want to troubleshoot it more.
Some relevant links:
I suggest that you try to install those features via the update manager. EMF and GEF are standard features from, there's no reason not to install them in Eclipse's main p2 repository folder (it is easy to uninstall them, in case that is your concern).
Have a look at the error log view (Window -> Show View -> Error Log) to see why they didn't load. My guess is that they are missing a dependency, but without more information it is difficult to answer your question. I also suggest looking at Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details to see what exactly is installed.
Something that has just solved this very same issue for me: start eclipse with the command line parameters -clean -console -consoleLog. The weird thing: with -clean -console, it didn't work. Only after I added -consoleLog, the bundles were recognized.
This ended up being an issue with Eclipse for me. Placing the plugin jar in each of the folders suggested, running as admin, etc. didn't work.
What did solve it was downgrading from a Juno package to Indigo. You can find older versions of Eclipse here.
The local archive plug-ins work if you have downloaded an update site plug-in. In that case the dropins might not work.
About the dropin structure, it always worked for me, but I never use the eclipse folder inside my own ones, only the plugins and features. Did you extract the zip file to that structure?
If yes, it should be worth checking the Error log after Eclipse started, there might be some unresolved dependecies listed.
Don't place the zip files manually like that.
Use the wizard within Eclipse to install a local archive plug-in.