Can i call a static java method using structural typing? - scala

I want to do something along the lines of (note that i know that this does not work, but my question is whether it is possible make it work):
object O {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val clazzname = classOf[System].getName
val c = Class.forName(clazzname).asInstanceOf[{def currentTimeMillis: Long}]
Is this possible? (without using reflection)
The real use case is for reading up serialized protobuf messages.

In short: No
I wish there were a better answer, but as you can already see from the mailing list, this isn't (currently) possible. Hopefully the situation will improve as native reflection support in Scala matures.

Would this work for you:
val c = new {
def cm = System.currentTimeMillis
However note, structural types use reflection internally.


How can I dynamically (runtime) generate a sorted collection in Scala using the java.lang.reflect.Type?

Given an array of items I need to generate a sorted collection in Scala for a java.lang.reflect.Type but I'm unable to do so. The following snippet might explain better.
def buildList(paramType: Type): SortedSet[_] = {
val collection = new Array[Any](5)
for (i <- 0 until 5) {
collection(i) = new EasyRandom().nextObject(paramType.asInstanceOf[Class[Any]])
I'm unable to do as I get the error "No implicits found for parameter ord: Ordering[Any]". I'm able to work around this if I swap to an unsorted type such as Set.
def buildList(paramType: Type): Set[_] = {
val collection = new Array[Any](5)
for (i <- 0 until 5) {
collection(i) = new EasyRandom().nextObject(paramType.asInstanceOf[Class[Any]])
How can I dynamically build a sorted set at runtime? I've been looking into how Jackson tries to achieve the same but I couldn't quite follow how to get T here:
(Please excuse me if my question is unclear.)
This happens because SortedSet needs a contextual (implicit) Ordering type class instance for a given type A
However, as Luis said on the comment section, I'd strongly advice you against using this approach and using a safer, strongly typed one, instead.
Generating random case classes (which I suppose you're using since you're using Scala) should be easy with the help of some libraries like magnolia. That would turn your code into something like this:
def randomList[A : Ordering : Arbitrary]: SortedSet[A] = {
val arb: Arbitrary[A] = implicitly[Arbitrary[A]]
val sampleData = (1 to 5).map(arb.arbitrary.sample)
This approach involves some heavy concepts like implicits and type classes, but is way safer.

Using scala-cats IO type to encapsulate a mutable Java library

I understand that generally speaking there is a lot to say about deciding what one wants to model as effect This discussion is introduce in Functional programming in Scala on the chapter on IO.
Nonethless, I have not finished the chapter, i was just browsing it end to end before takling it together with Cats IO.
In the mean time, I have a bit of a situation for some code I need to deliver soon at work.
It relies on a Java Library that is just all about mutation. That library was started a long time ago and for legacy reason i don't see them changing.
Anyway, long story short. Is actually modeling any mutating function as IO a viable way to encapsulate a mutating java library ?
Edit1 (at request I add a snippet)
Readying into a model, mutate the model rather than creating a new one. I would contrast jena to gremlin for instance, a functional library over graph data.
def loadModel(paths: String*): Model =
paths.foldLeft(ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(new OntModelSpec(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM)).asInstanceOf[Model]) {
case (model, path) ⇒
val input = getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(path)
val lang = RDFLanguages.filenameToLang(path).getName, "", lang)
That was my scala code, but the java api as documented in the website look like this.
// create the resource
Resource r = model.createResource();
// add the property
r.addProperty(RDFS.label, model.createLiteral("chat", "en"))
.addProperty(RDFS.label, model.createLiteral("chat", "fr"))
.addProperty(RDFS.label, model.createLiteral("<em>chat</em>", true));
// write out the Model
// create a bag
Bag smiths = model.createBag();
// select all the resources with a VCARD.FN property
// whose value ends with "Smith"
StmtIterator iter = model.listStatements(
new SimpleSelector(null, VCARD.FN, (RDFNode) null) {
public boolean selects(Statement s) {
return s.getString().endsWith("Smith");
// add the Smith's to the bag
while (iter.hasNext()) {
So, there are three solutions to this problem.
1. Simple and dirty
If all the usage of the impure API is contained in single / small part of the code base, you may just "cheat" and do something like:
def useBadJavaAPI(args): IO[Foo] = IO {
// Everything inside this block can be imperative and mutable.
I said "cheat" because the idea of IO is composition, and a big IO chunk is not really composition. But, sometimes you only want to encapsulate that legacy part and do not care about it.
2. Towards composition.
Basically, the same as above but dropping some flatMaps in the middle:
// Instead of:
def useBadJavaAPI(args): IO[Foo] = IO {
val a = createMutableThing()
val b =
// You do something like this:
def useBadJavaAPI(args): IO[Foo] =
for {
a <- IO(createMutableThing())
_ <- IO(mutableThing.add(args))
b <- IO(
result <- IO(b.computeFoo())
} yield result
There are a couple of reasons for doing this:
Because the imperative / mutable API is not contained in a single method / class but in a couple of them. And the encapsulation of small steps in IO is helping you to reason about it.
Because you want to slowly migrate the code to something better.
Because you want to feel better with yourself :p
3. Wrap it in a pure interface
This is basically the same that many third party libraries (e.g. Doobie, fs2-blobstore, neotypes) do. Wrapping a Java library on a pure interface.
Note that as such, the amount of work that has to be done is way more than the previous two solutions. As such, this is worth it if the mutable API is "infecting" many places of your codebase, or worse in multiple projects; if so then it makes sense to do this and publish is as an independent module.
(it may also be worth to publish that module as an open-source library, you may end up helping other people and receive help from other people as well)
Since this is a bigger task is not easy to just provide a complete answer of all you would have to do, it may help to see how those libraries are implemented and ask more questions either here or in the gitter channels.
But, I can give you a quick snippet of how it would look like:
// First define a pure interface of the operations you want to provide
trait PureModel[F[_]] { // You may forget about the abstract F and just use IO instead.
def op1: F[Int]
def op2(data: List[String]): F[Unit]
// Then in the companion object you define factories.
object PureModel {
// If the underlying java object has a close or release action,
// use a Resource[F, PureModel[F]] instead.
def apply[F[_]](args)(implicit F: Sync[F]): F[PureModel[F]] = ???
Now, how to create the implementation is the tricky part.
Maybe you can use something like Sync to initialize the mutable state.
def apply[F[_]](args)(implicit F: Sync[F]): F[PureModel[F]] =
F.delay(createMutableState()).map { mutableThing =>
new PureModel[F] {
override def op1: F[Int] = F.delay(
override def op2(data: List[String]): F[Unit] = F.delay(

Methods on `Any` for applying a function? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Scalaz pipe operator connected with a list method
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I find myself writing Scala programs more often recently.
I like to program in a style that often uses long method chains, but sometimes the transformation you want to apply is not a method of the object you want to transform. So I find myself defining:
class Better[T] (t: T){
def xform[U](func: T => U) = func(t)
implicit def improve[T](t: T) = new Better(t)
This allows my to write the chains I want, such as
val content = s3.getObject(bucket, key)
Is there any similar facility already in the standard library? If so, how should I have discovered it without resorting to StackOverflow?
It's not the standard library, but it might be "standard enough": with Cats, you should be able to write something like
val content =
.getObject(bucket, key)
where pure[Id] wraps the input value into the do-nothing Id monad, and then passes it as argument to Source.fromInputStream.
EDIT: This does not seem to work reliably. If the object already has a method map, then this method is called instead of
Smaller example (just to demonstrate the necessary imports):
import cats.Id
import cats.syntax.applicative._
import cats.syntax.functor._
object Main {
def square(x: Int) = x * x
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
However, writing either
val content =
.getObject(bucket, key)
val content =
.fromInputStream(s3.getObject(bucket, key).getObjectContent)
does not require any extra dependencies, and frees you both from the burden of defining otherwise useless case classes, and also from the burden of reindenting your code every time you rename either content or s3.
It also shows how the expressions are actually nested, and what depends on what - there is a reason why the vast majority of mainstream programming languages of the past 50 years have a call-stack.

Can Scala infer the actual type from the return type actually expected by the caller?

I have a following question. Our project has a lot of code, that runs tests in Scala. And there is a lot of code, that fills the fields like this:
production.setProduct(new Product)
production.setSubProduct(new SubProduct)
Eventually, I grew tired from this code, since all those fields are actually subclasses of the basic class that has the uuid field, so, after thinking a while, I wrote the auxiliary function like this:
def createUuid[T <: GenericEntity](uuid: String)(implicit m : Manifest[T]) : T = {
val constructor = m.runtimeClass.getConstructors()(0)
val instance = constructor.newInstance().asInstanceOf[T]
Now, my code got two times shorter, since now I can write something like this:
That's good, but I am wondering, if I could somehow implement the function createUuid so the last bit would like this:
// Is that really possible?
Can scala compiler guess, that setProduct expects not just a generic entity, but actually something like Product (or it's subclass)? Or there is no way in Scala to implement this even shorter?
Scala compiler won't infer/propagate the type outside-in. You could however create implicit conversions like:
implicit def stringToSubProduct(uuid: String): SubProduct = {
val n = new SubProduct
and then just call
and the compiler will automatically use the stringToSubProduct because it has applicable types on the input and output.
Update: To have the code better organized I suggest wrapping the implicit defs to a companion object, like:
case class EntityUUID(uuid: String) {
uuid.matches("[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}") // possible uuid format check
case object EntityUUID {
implicit def toProduct(e: EntityUUID): Product = {
val p = new Product
implicit def toSubProduct(e: EntityUUID): SubProduct = {
val p = new SubProduct
and then you'd do
so anyone reading this could have an intuition where to find the conversion implementation.
Regarding your comment about some generic approach (having 30 types), I won't say it's not possible, but I just do not see how to do it. The reflection you used bypasses the type system. If all the 30 cases are the same piece of code, maybe you should reconsider your object design. Now you can still implement the 30 implicit defs by calling some method that uses reflection similar what you have provided. But you will have the option to change it in the future on just this one (30) place(s).

Scala pickling: Simple custom pickler for my own class?

I am trying to pickle some relatively-simple-structured but large-and-slow-to-create classes in a Scala NLP (natural language processing) app of mine. Because there's lots of data, it needs to pickle and esp. unpickle quickly and without bloat. Java serialization evidently sucks in this regard. I know about Kryo but I've never used it. I've also run into Apache Avro, which seems similar although I'm not quite sure why it's not normally mentioned as a suitable solution. Neither is Scala-specific and I see there's a Scala-specific package called Scala Pickling. Unfortunately it lacks almost all documentation and I'm not sure how to create a custom pickler.
I see a question here:
Scala Pickling: Writing a custom pickler / unpickler for nested structures
There's still some context lacking in that question, and also it looks like an awful lot of boilerplate to create a custom pickler, compared with the examples given for Kryo or Avro.
Here's some of the classes I need to serialize:
trait ToIntMemoizer[T] {
protected val minimum_raw_index: Int = 1
protected var next_raw_index: Int = minimum_raw_index
// For replacing items with ints. This is a wrapper around
// to make it look like mutable.Map[T, Int].
// It behaves the same way.
protected val value_id_map = trovescala.ObjectIntMap[T]()
// Map in the opposite direction. This is a wrapper around
// to make it look like mutable.Map[Int, T].
// It behaves the same way.
protected val id_value_map = trovescala.IntObjectMap[T]()
class FeatureMapper extends ToIntMemoizer[String] {
val features_to_standardize = mutable.BitSet()
class LabelMapper extends ToIntMemoizer[String] {
case class FeatureLabelMapper(
feature_mapper: FeatureMapper = new FeatureMapper,
label_mapper: LabelMapper = new LabelMapper
class DoubleCompressedSparseFeatureVector(
var keys: Array[Int], var values: Array[Double],
val mappers: FeatureLabelMapper
) { ... }
How would I create custom pickers/unpicklers in way that uses as little boilerplate as possible (since I have a number of other classes that need similar treatment)?