MVVM: Does the ViewModel format the data it gets from the model? - mvvm

I'm a little confused about MVVM.
I understand the concept and can see the advantages. My problem is: does the ViewModel pass data directly from the model.
For example, let's say I have a "User" model with a findByName() method. The ViewModel would call this in order to pass
the relevant user details to the view.
The model would likely retrun a set of "User" objects each which has properties such as name, email address etc and may also have methods.
My question is, should the ViewModel return the set of User objects to the view, or return a restructured version of this which
contains only what the view needs?
As I understand it, the "User" object in this case is part of the model layer and in MVVM the View should be dependant only on the ViewModel.
My issue with this is the ammount of seemingly redundant binding logic required in the ViewModel that would be created to restructure the output.
Passing the set of User objects directly to the View (via the ViewModel) would be far simpler.

There's a little bit of redundancy, sure. However, if you implement MVVM by presenting the objects, you get to
format the model information for the view without polluting the model with presentation logic
notify the view when anything changes
use WPF's validation (if you're using WPF)
run acceptance tests from the VM level rather than the GUI if you want to
abstract your presentation away from any changes to the model.
That last one's important. Mostly presentation bindings nowadays are dynamic and fail silently - web pages, WPF, you name it. That means that if someone decides to rename something on the model, it will suddenly break in your GUI and you won't know.
By putting a VM between your Model and View you buffer yourself from changes like this.
If you want to go ahead and get something working with the Users as they are, I say go for it - it'll help you get fast feedback on your GUI. However, the first time those User objects don't do exactly what the View needs, or you need to notify the View of a change, or you find yourself polluting the model, or something in the binding breaks, maybe that's a good time to move to MVVM.

Doesn't that just move the break to the ViewModels which are using the model? You'd still need to go through and update all of those.
If I renamed something (e.g. changed "surname" to "lastname") I'd expect things to break. I don't see how adding the binding in the VM layer fixes that.


How to pass a View to my ViewModel so an I*Service can use that View to do something is a very nice plugin for showing cross platform Alerts!
But for this question, can we assume it can not use a UIAlertView (or some other top level MessageBox type call on other platforms) but needs to show a Message within a given subsection of the screen (i.e. on IPhone you would need to supply a UIView to the plugin which it will use to show the message within).
So, how would you set this up so the ViewModel knows what View to use as its display container?
As a specific example, if I wanted an Error Service, as so -
public interface IErrorPFService
void Show();
void Hide();
void SetErrors(List<Error> errors);
and I create a platform specific implementation for it.
If I inject this into my ViewModel so it can control Error Show/Hide/Set how do I tell it the UIView (or equivalent) that I want my Errors to show within?
Can I just expose the IErrorPFService field as a public property and do -
MyViewModel.ErrorPFService = new ErrorPFService(View);
in my ViewDidLoad ...
Or is this coupled incorrectly vs Mvvm Practice?
I would expect the ViewModel to subscribe itself to the ErrorService.
When receiving a message it would expose it in a collection(?) and the View would bind to that collection.
This way the View is unknown to the service and the ViewModel has the chance to influence the View contrary to your solution.
It would help if you could give an example for the scenario you are describing.
Sometimes, the way you visually want to display something might not be the best way, so if it's possible for you, you might find a different and simpler way, which spares you from having to find a solution regarding what you are describing.
Generally, I always do the best I can to avoid the idea of having to actually pass a 'view' or an abstraction of it, from the view-model to view. Also, cross-platform wise, things can work very different in terms of UI interaction. You can find yourself in a situation when things are complicated just because UI works differently than what you expected.
But let's try find another perspective:
At any given point, the view knows what data \ feature it's displaying. So when you are calling from the view-model an user interaction action (by a service, property change, event, etc) the view should 'expect' it.
For example, the platform specific user interaction implementation is able to get the currently displayed top-view and interact it in a platform specific manner or based a relationship. In your example, the message-box can be displayed in a specific sub-view of the top level view.
In advanced scenarios, I guess you could try to create a cross-platform approach for this, but you should try to put in balance all the abstraction you want to create just for that. Think about doing this as a plan ... Z. If possible. Again, giving an example might help.

VM role in MVVM - should it handle everything and why?

Where exactly is the limit to adopt VM so it can suite better a particular View? Example:
There should be a command in UI (ex button) that should allow adding new item. Additional requirement can be that new item should be selected, ensured that its visible on control (lets say TreeView control), and to begin edit on the newly added item (in order to change predefined value that was set in VM). Lets assume that control doesn't have automatic mechanism to achieve this, so we need to do it manually. So the execution flow looks like this:
invoke add command on VM - done is View's xaml.
set SelectedItem to new item (usually we bind control's SelectedItem property to VM's CurrentItem property, and then just assign new item to CurrentItem.
ensure that new item is visible on control - this must be done in View's code behind.
Start editing - this must be done in View's code behind.
Now, since everywhere on net there are articles on using messages for almost everything, a question:
What do I break if I do it in the simple old fashion way? I use Click event instead of Command binding on adding new item, and in the method I do this:
// in View's Click event handler
.. clean and clear! And what do I gain if I do it using messages:
// in ViewModel's AddCommand
... where View has registered to receive these two messages.
Any light on this is greatly appreciated. To my opinion, UI can change, and VM should be able to adopt new UI without making changes to itself, so I dont quite understand current MVVM policy that is preached on internet.
I would say "make it simple".
What's really important in MVVM is:
what doesn't depend on the view should go in the ViewModel (your ViewModel must not be aware of the view in any way - not just by object reference)
everything else in the View and its code-behind.
Yes, in its code-behind. There's nothing wrong in writing code-behind if it is code that is related to the view, not logic. For instance, drag & drop management should be written in the code-behind.
To answer your question, you do not break anything in writing:
// in View's Click event handler
Everything that is not related to the view is in the ViewModel, everything else in the View/code-behind. That's just fine.
No if I look at your second example:
// in ViewModel's AddCommand
AddNewItem is OK (not related to the view), SetCurrentItem is OK (not related to the view), but what about SendMessageToEnsureVisibleSelectedItem and SendMessageToBeginEditSelectedItem?
EnsureVisible is typically useful for a treeview, but what if your view wasn't built with a treeview? What if the control would automatically make the new selected item visible? Of course you could ignore the message, but you would have written some useless code in ViewModel because you thought your view would need it for UI display.
You have typically written here some code in the ViewModel that is aware of how the View should be working. Yes, you have reduced the number of lines in the code-behind, but you definitely have broken the pattern.
Your "old fashion way" is actually a good way for your needs. Your ViewModel is not aware of the view, that's what's important.

Which pattern should be used for editing properties with modal view controller on iPhone?

I am looking for a good pattern for performing basic property editing via a modal view on the iPhone.
Assume I am putting together an application that works like the Contacts application. The "detail" view controller displays all of the contact's properties in a UITableView. When the UITableView goes into edit mode a disclosure icon is displayed in the cells. Clicking a cell causes a modal "editor" view controller to display a view that allows the user to modify the selected property. This view will often contain only a single text box or picker. The user clicks Cancel/Save and the "editor" view is dismissed and the "detail" view is updated.
In this scenario, which view is responsible for updating the model?
The "editor" view could update the property directly using Key-Value Coding. This appears in the CoreDataBooks example. This makes sense to me on some level because it treats the property as the model for the editor view controller.
However, this is not the pattern suggested by the View Controller Programming Guide. It suggests that the "editor" view controller should define a protocol that the "detail" controller adopts. When the user indicates they are done with the edit, the "detail" view controller is called back with the entered value and it dismisses the "editor" view. Using this approach the "detail" controller updates the model. This approach seems problematic if you are using the same "editor" view for multiple properties since there is only a single call-back method.
Would love to get some feedback on what approach works best.
I don't think any of the Apple examples (or anyone else's) actually show you how to structure an entire real world application. Instead, each example is just a test harness which shows you how to use one particular feature of the API but pays no attention to how that feature really integrates with anything else. Data models are given particularly short shift.
I prefer a design in which the data model is the spine of the application upon which hands all the view-controller/view pairs. The view controllers do not communicate with each other directly but instead communicate through the data model. The data model tracks what information the app is currently working on and therefore what data each particular view controller needs at any given time.
Let's use a contact manager type apps as an example. The basic of the data model would be a list of contact objects each of which in turn would hold attributes of a contact. The data model would completely control access to the data and monitors which data was currently being used. The UI is hierarchal such that the user first sees a list of all contacts in a masterView, then the details of each contact in a contactDetailView and then can edit each contact attribute in a custom attribute edit view for each type of data so there is a nameEditView, a phoneDetailView, an emailEditView etc. Each has a paired view controller masterVC, contactDetailVC, nameEditVC etc.
The to build it's tableview, the masterVC ask the data model for the number of contacts, their divisions into sections and then request each particular contact object at each particular index path so it can display a table. When the user selects a table row, the masterVC tells the data model which contact object was selected by sending it the index. Then the masterVC pushes the contactDetailVC. It does nothing else.
When the contactDetailVC activates, it ask the data model for the currently active Contact object. It doesn't know or care how the current contact was selected nor even which view/VC preceded it. The data model returns the currently active contact. When the user selects a field, the contactDetailVC tells the data model which attribute of the contact was selected and then pushes the proper editorVC onto the stack.
When the editorVC loads it ask for the data model for the current contact and the current attribute being edited. It doesn't know or care how the current contact attribute was selected nor even which view/VC preceded it. When the user makes a change, it ask the data model to save the change (the data model can refuse if verification fails for some reason) and then pops itself.
Internally, I like to implement the data model in two parts each managed by separate object. One is the abstracted data manager itself in this case a Core Data stack. The second is an user defaults manager that tracks the actual state of operations in the data model and saves them to user defaults. A master object holds these objects as attributes and serves as the interface of the data model.
This type of model makes it easy to suspend, resume or restart the application back to its previous state. Since each view/VC is self contained, when you restart the app, you just push all the views on the stack without animation and the last one pushed pops up fully populated with data even though the user chose nothing in the previous views and indeed did not even see them.
It also protects the user from data loss in the event of a crash since each VC saves its data and the app state every time it pushes or pops. It's easy to add additional view/VC because each VC only has to know about and communicate with the data model instead of bunch of other VC. It makes the components of the app easy to use in different versions of the app or in different apps altogether.
Do you just hard code some if
statements to pair up the attributes
with the correct editor, or are you
doing something more dynamic based on
the entity/attribute metadata?
In most the most common design, the Contact entity could have a variable number of phone#s, emails or other data fields so each attribute would actually be a separate entity and the Contact would have a relationships pointing to those entities. When the user selected that contact to edit in the ContactDetailView, the data-model would simply mark the NSManagedObject representing the desired attribute of the contact. It could do so by setting an attribute like "lastChosenAttribute" or storing the URI for the object. When the editor view loaded it would be hard coded to ask the data-model for the "lastChosenAttribute" and would receive an NSManagedObject for a phone#, email etc. The editor would make changes to that object and they would be automatically saved back into the contact.
For data that is singular, such as a name or name components, the data-model would provide the editorVC with the contact entity and the editorVC would be hard coded to ask the contact object for that specific attribute.
It's a tough call--the View Controller Guide recommendation seems cleaner conceptually, but the other method can be easier, especially if you're using Core Data. To give a blanket generalized opinion, I would say use your first method if you're using Core Data, since managed objects inherently have their own context and can update themselves (and classes such as NSFetchedResultsController can automatically respond to updates).
If you're not using Core Data, I would go with the "official" recommendation, since it makes it easier to manage updated properties manually. As to the concern about multiple properties, it's certainly possible to have multiple delegate methods and call the appropriate one. For instance:
//if property is an address
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(editorView:didUpdateAddress:)])
[self.delegate editorView:self didUpdateAddress:theAddress];
//if property is a name
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(editorView:didUpdateName:)])
[self.delegate editorView:self didUpdateName:theName];
This could get hard to manage, though--you'd probably want to have an abstract superclass for properties, or something along those lines.

MVVM View reference to ViewModel

I'm using MVVM in a WPF app. I'm very new to both. Let me state that I am not a purist in the MVVM pattern, I am trying to use as many best practices as I can but am trying to make what I think are reasonable compromises to make it work in our environment. For example, I am not trying to achieve 0% code in my View code-behind.
I have a couple of questions about best practices.
1) I understand I don't want my VM to know about the attached View, but is it reasonable for the View to have a reference to its VM?
2) If a control in a View opens another View (such as a dialog) should I handle this in the View? It seems wrong to handle it in the VM since then the VM has some knowledge of a specific View.
1) The View has definitely a reference to the ViewModel through the DataContext. And you are allowed to cast the DataContext in your View:
public class ShellView : Window
public ShellViewModel { get { return DataContext as ShellViewModel; } }
This isn’t a violation with the Model-View-ViewModel pattern.
2) You are right. A ViewModel shouldn’t open another View. A better approach is to use Controllers. They are responsible for the Workflow of an application.
If you are interested in more detailed information then you might have a look at the WPF Application Framework (WAF).
1) Here are two simple practices for View's "knowing about" a ViewModel. It's reasonable for a View to know about a ViewModel (for Data Binding) -- but you may not need it in your case. See if either of these approaches help solve your problem. There are other ways, but these should be simple enough:
public View(ViewModel vm)
View.DataContext = vm;
public Bootstrapper(View v, ViewModel vm)
v.DataContext = vm;
//or, if you want it to have no parameters
View v = new View();
ViewModel vm = new ViewModel();
v.DataContext = vm;
The first option isn't bad if you have a service location tool, but there is a flavor of MVVM that doesn't like any code in the View's Code-Behind. The second option isn't bad either, should be simple enough for your task.
2.) This question can be a bit of a sticky point in MVVM design. If we are talking about a general Win32 MessageBox, I will often separate that logic into an additional object and put it in the VM. This way tends to a little more clear. (For example, I have selected an item in a ListBox, I have attached a Delete ICommand to that action, and in my ViewModel when this ICommand is Executed, I will poke my MessageBoxObject to ask if the user "wants to really delete" this item). More advanced "Dialogs" would use additional ViewModels and DataTemplates for those ViewModels. I prefer the Mediator approach.
1). The view will need a reference to the view model at some level, since the viewmodel will act as the view's datacontext.
2) One way to handle this is to have a generalized viewmodel representing a dialog, that is owned by the main viewmodel (the one being used as the views datacontext.)
You can use a command to crate a new instance of a dialog viewmodel, which will have a corresponding datatemplate defined in your resources. This template will be set to bind to the dialogviewmodel type.
Quite late, but I think this is tricky enough to deserve lots of different perspectives.
I understand I don't want my VM to know about the attached View, but
is it reasonable for the View to have a reference to its VM?
As already answered, a proper View-ViewModel arrangement involves the ViewModel being assigned as the View's DataContext property. That allows DataBindings to be "automagically" established from declarative XAML, or fine-tuned via code behind.
Sometimes, you'll be tempted to write, in your code behind, something like this:
var dc = DataContext as CleverViewModel;
CleverViewModel.CleverProperty.Add(someValue); // just a simple example
I believe the proper way to achieve this sort of things is NOT to cast DataContext, but instead:
Have some dedicated control in View, for example an ItemsControl with its ItemsSource two-way databound to some property in viewmodel:
<ItemsSource x:Name="cleverControl" Visibility="Collapsed" ItemsSource="{Binding CleverProperty, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
Cast the bound property instead of the whole ViewModel, in code behind:
var collection = (ObservableCollection<double>)cleverControl.ItemsSource;
Note the important difference: the second approach in this example doesn't require the View to know the ViewModel type, it only needs a property named CleverProperty of type ObservableCollection<double>. This allows me to have polymorphic or even duck-typed ViewModels.
If a control in a View opens another View (such as a dialog) should I
handle this in the View? It seems wrong to handle it in the VM since
then the VM has some knowledge of a specific View.
This shouldn't happen in strict MVVM, and its not difficult to avoid using DataTemplates. DataTemplates map a given type of DataContext to a given type of view, so anytime the datacontext of a ContentControl changes, its display also changes, provided that you have a DataTemplate for that type:
A control in the view could send a command to the ViewModel, which in turn would update some of its own properties, that would be reflected by the view.
A View could contain another View, outside the knowledge of the ViewModel. In this case, the code behind can manipulate the datacontext of the contained view.
There are more subtleties, but I have been using this approach with good results. Hope this helps someone.
Build Your Own MVVM Framework
I found the approach suggested by Rob Eisenberg very interesting.
Key points:
Convention over configuration
ViewModel first
Which is very similar to ASP.NET MVC philosophy.
I highly recommend watching the video.

Where to store "global" data in Eclipse RCP Application?

I'm a beginner with Eclipse RCP and I'm trying to build an application for myself to give it a go. I'm confused about how one actually goes about handling model objects. None of the examples I can find deal with the problem I'm having, so I suspect I'm going about it the wrong way.
Say I need to initialise the application with a class that holds authenticated user info. I used my WorkbenchWindowAdvisor (wrong place?) to perform some initialisation (e.g. authentication) to decide what view to show. Once that's done, a view is shown. Now, that view also needs access to the user info I had earlier retrieved/produced.
The question is, how is that view supposed to get that data? The view is wired up in the plugin.xml. I don't see any way I can give the data to the view. So I assume the view has to retrieve it somehow. But what's the proper place for it to retrieve it from? I thought of putting static variables in the IApplication implementation, but that felt wrong. Any advice or pointers much appreciated. Thanks.
The problem you are facing here is in my opinion not RCP related. Its more an architectural problem. Your view is wired with business logicand!
The solution can be done by two (common) design-patterns:
Model-View-Controler (MVC)
Model-View-Presenter (MVP)
You can find plenty information about this in the web. I am going to point a possible solution for your particular problem using MVP.
You will need to create several projects. One is of course an RCP plugin, lets call it rcp.view. Now you create another one, which doesnt make UI contributions (only org.eclipse.core.runtime to start with) and call it rcp.presenter. To simplify things, this plugin will also be the model for now.
Next steps:
Add the rcp.presenter to the
dependencies of rcp.view (its
important that the presenter has no
reference to the view)
Export all packages that you are
going to create in the rcp.presenter
so they are visible
In rcp.presenter create an interface
IPerspective that has some methods
like (showLogiDialog(), showAdministratorViews(User user), showStandardViews(User user))
Create a class PerspectivePresenter that takes IPerspective in the constructor and saves it in an attribute
In rcp.view go to your Perspective, implement your interface IPerspective, and in the constructor create a new reference presenter = new PerspectivePresenter(this)
call presenter.load() and implenent
this in the presenter maybe like this
public void load()
User user = view.showLoginDialog(); // returns a user with the provided name/pw
user.login(); // login to system/database
As you can see, the view just creates a reference to the presenter, which is responsible for all the business logic, and the presenter tells the view what to display. So in your Perspective you implement those interface functions and in each one you can set up your Perspective in a different way.
For each View it goes in the same way, you will need a presenter for the view which performs operations and tells the view (using the interface) what to display and passing down the final data. The view doesnt care about the logic. This is also very usefull when using JFace-Databindings (then only bound data is passed to the view).
For example, the WorkbenchWindowAdisor will just create everything that is needed in the application. Other views, perspectives, then can enable/disable menus and so on depending on the data they got (like when isAdministrator you might want to enable an special adminMenu).
I know this is quite a heavy approach, but the Eclipse RCP is designed for big (as the name says rich) applications. So you should spend some time in the right architecture. My first RCP app was like you described...I never knew where to store things and how to handle all the references. At my work I learned about MVP (and I am still learning). It takes a while to understand the concept but its worth it.
You might want to look at my second post at this question to get another idea on how you could structure your plugins.