Where does jdo data go while running a war google appengine app in eclipse? - eclipse

I'm using eclipse and google appengine plugin to develop a war app. I'm trying to use JDO persistency (per appengine rules). I'd like to be able to inspect, add and remove jdo objects my app uses. Is that possible? If so, how?

While running locally, http://localhost:8888/_ah/admin provides a administration interface.

Select "Datastore Viewer" from the dashboard at https://appengine.google.com/.


How to use Cloud Tools for Eclipse plugin to create microservices in Google App Engine?

As I upgraded my Eclipse to Neon 2 (Eclipse 4.6.2), as "Google Plugin for Eclipse" no longer support, so I switch to Google's "Cloud Tools for Eclipse plugin" (https://cloud.google.com/eclipse/docs/quickstart)
Last time that is easy to use "Google Plugin for Eclipse" to create multiple modules (known as microservices). I just need create an "Enterprise Application Project" using GAE as runtime and then create "Dynamic Web Project" and tie to that Enterprise App.
However in this "Cloud Tools for Eclipse", when I choose new Enterprise App, Google App Engine is not an option in runtime selection.
Any help on how to use "Cloud Tools for Eclipse" to create microservices for GAE?
The Google Cloud SDK on which the new Cloud Tools for Eclipse depends does not support the EAR format. For the moment, you'll need to create individual Eclipse projects for each separate service, and deploy them individually.
We do need to beef up our multi-module support. Though that's not going to happen tomorrow, let me see what I can do about moving it up the stack.

make a standalone independent application out of a dynamic web project in eclipse

So, I've made a dynamic web project in Eclipse.It uses Jsp and servlets. Now I am told to make a standalone independent application for the same. I tried to google as to how it can be done. Most of them pointed me to use Export->Runnable jar file. But on doing so I can't find my dynamic web project in the Launch Configuration. Now how to make the standalone independent application ?
I've done a similar thing using embedded Jetty which means the application jar provides the web service without having to rely on a web server.

Eclipse(+AppEngine SDK) & Google "push-to-deploy" GIT repository

Is it possible to use Eclipse (with AppEngine SDK plugin) and Google "push-to-deploy" together? I have managed to install "gcloud"-tools and initialize a project fine! But now I can't figure out how to combine Eclipse project structure and the structure generated by "gcloud init". I mean I would like to do this:
1) Use Eclipse to edit the application and test it locally in Development server as before
2) But also utilize Google "Push-to-deploy" GIT repository (instead of GitHub)
Is this possible or feasible and is there any instructions how to do this kind of project setup correctly.
Thanks for any tips!
After some more experiments with gcloud (Google Cloud SDK) I would recommend creating the project with Maven and use Maven for building & running the development server. Still you can import the Maven project in Eclipse and use that as Java editor + remote debugger. Here's the instruction to get started:
Also Google Endpoints is quite nice tool for building REST APIs (though it still has some weaknesses, like limited support for HttpServletRequest data and poor authorization support in Development server)

how to integrate Spring and GWT from 2 different projects

I am tying to integrate a gwt project with my already running spring project.
i am using eclispe, and i have a Spring MVC application that receives JSON requests.
i am using the built in Tomcat to run my MVC application.
now i would like to create a new GWT project and have it communicate with my spring project with JSON.
i understand that they need to run on the same ip and port so i would not have to make cross site communication.
if i try to run my GWT application as run-as->Web application (which is the normal way for the project) on the same port as the Tomcat server i get an error that the address is already in use (which makes sense)
i tried creating a new dynamic web project and make it look the same as the GWT project. even though i am able to run the application, nothing happens, and the "entry point" is not run (i am not getting any errors or anything) it just runs the default HTML welcome file and thats it. with out any GWT.
what am i doing wrong, i am surly misunderstanding something about how all this should work.
can anyone help me out please.
You need to select that you are running on an external server:
That is a question that can't just be answered with yes or no. It all depends on your overall architecture and what you are trying to achieve.
As I said, if it is both the same application I'd recommend to integrate the Spring project into the web project. (and if that's the case, the spring project does not need to be a web project)
If the spring project is its own application and maybe running on a different server, keep them separated. Extend the spring project so it offers the functionality (via ejb or webservice) the gwt-web project needs.
Nevertheless, I recommend you do some reading about how Java EE applications should be designed and what the different tiers (client, server/service, business, etc) are for. Oracle/Sun offers some good articles. For example: http://java.sun.com/blueprints/guidelines/designing_enterprise_applications_2e/ or http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/5/tutorial/doc/bnaay.html#bnabb.

Replacing GWT RPC with JBoss Errai

I myself haven't tried JBoss Errai at all, but I am thinking of migrating the server-side services of my current GWT project into a new project that will be now treated as a platform.
The services in the currect project that are accessed via RPC can be commonly used with other projects as "base platform."
So, I am thinking of using using JBoss Errai for this scenario. And so, the new "base" platform project will be non-GWT and that Ajax apps built with GWT will just call into this platform for authentication, storage, etc.
Is this a good approach anyway?
If your project actually runs fine, why would you want to change it? you can instead, integrate the errai framework and when you want to add a new component, you can take advantage of the features of errai ;-)