Database setup for multiyear event manager - postgresql

I am currently in the process of setting up a database structure to manage events.
Events have properties which are stored in separate tables like 'location', 'timeslots', 'files' etc.
This in itself is not so difficult to set up. However, the tool needs to be able to host multiple events at the same time. So, for example a user can manage a the ABC event which occurs simultaneously with the DEF event. Obviously the database needs to be able to differentiate between these different events.
My first idea would be to add a table with unique identifiers describing the event (name:ABC) and then add a field to all my tables with this unique identifier.
This would however mean that the tool can become a bit slow because it has to query tables that contain data completely irrelevant to that particular event.
Are there any other solutions or should I just not worry about the bloat?

Answering a pretty old question, but it comes out 6th in a google query for postgre database events so it could be helpful to others: no, don't worry about it. Just create indices on the foreign key in the referencing tables to speed up the look up.


Save simple information for a database within postgress

I have a multi tennant application which will use the SILO Model to save data (each tennant will get an own database).
Because tennant names could be redundand my database are with GUIDs: MyApp_[GUID].
Now I want to save simple but neccesary information for each database like a tennant name and 3 to 5 more informations.
Is there a simple way to write and get these data?
The only way I can think of is to create a special table for this with only 1 row - but it seems a bot of wasting.
If you're looking for a simpler solution than a table per database (and having to deal with the awkward constraint that it must have exactly one row), you could
use a custom configuration parameter. You can change them with ALTER DATABASE. The downside is that you can only store strings, and that the settings might be overridden per session.
use a COMMENT on the database. The downside is that you can only store a single string per databasebase; the advantage is that it is automatically shown in many lists of databases such as psql's \l+ command
add your own columns to the pg_database system table. You should not mess with that, so it's a spectacularly bad idea even if you knew what you were doing, but in a relational model it's the closest to what you were asking for so I'd mention it for completeness.
I don't really advocate any of these solutions, although they do what you were asking for there's probably a better solution to your actual problem. It might be as simple a table of databases, possibly with a foreign key to pg_database, in an extra database shared by all tenants.

Moving records from one database instance to another

I have a PostgreSQL database instance located in EU region. I plan on introducing another PostgreSQL database instance located in a new geographical region.
As part this work, I am to migrate data for selected customers from a database instance in EU to a database instance in this new geo region and am seeking for advice.
On a surface, this boils down to doing the following work:
given a specific,
find and copy the record from accounts table from EU database instance to accounts table in another region's database instance,
identify and copy records across all tables that are related to given account record, recursively (e.g. as well as potentially from tables related to those tables...).
Effectively, having a specific DB record as starting point, I need to:
build a hierarchy, or rather a graph of DB records across all available tables, all directly (or indirectly) related to the "starting point" record (all possible relations, perhaps, could be established based on a foreign key constraints),
for each record found across all tables, generate a string containing an INSERT statement,
replay all INSERT statements, in a transaction, on another database instance.
It appears as if I might need to build a tool to do this kind of work. But before I do, I wonder:
is there a common approach for implementing this?,
if not, what might be a good starting point to approach this problem?
Indeed You need a whole proccess yo do this, i think that You should create a new schema to do the data Select i think functions could do the magic, then replicate that data.
They replication tool it's not that hard to configurate.
Here it's the link:!

track changes in database tables

I have a large postgresql database, and I want to track all it's tables if a change has been made.
The reason for that is that I can't know a relation between two different tables in the database.
I googled about it but I couldn't find anything helpful.
So how can I know if a change has been made to a table ?
There isn't currently a global audit function in PostgreSQL.
It'll be possible to build one using the new logical changeset extraction feature in 9.4, and I know some people are working on that.
In the mean time, you need to add some form of audit trigger to every table.

How to trigger creation/update of another row of record if one row is created/updated in postgresql

I am receiving a record csv for outside, then when I create or update the entry into the postgresql, I need to create an mirror entry that only have sign differences. This is could be done at program level, I am curious to know would it possible using triggers.
For the examples I can find, they all end with code,
And usually deal with checks, add addtional info using NEW.additionalfield, or insert into another table. If I use trigger this way to insert another row in the same table, it seems the trigger will triggered again and the creation become recursive.
Any way to work this out?
When dealing with triggers, the rules of thumb are:
If it changes the current row, based on some business rules or other (e.g. adding extra info or processing calculated fields), it belongs in a BEFORE trigger.
If it has side effects on one or more rows in separate tables, it belongs in an AFTER trigger.
If it runs integrity checks on any table that no other built-in constraints (checks, unique keys, foreign keys, exclude, etc.) can take care of, it belongs in a CONSTRAINT [after] trigger.
If it has side effects on one or more other rows within the same table, you should probably revisit your schema, your code flow, or both.
Regarding that last point, there actually are workarounds in Postgres, such as trying to get a lock or checking xmin vs the transaction's xid, to avoid getting bogged down in recursive scenarios. A recent version additionally introduced pg_trigger_depth(). But I'd still advise against it.
Note that a constraint trigger can be created as deferrable initially deferred. This will delay the constraint trigger until the very end of the transaction, rather than immediately after the statement.
Your question and nickname hint that you're wondering how to automatically balance a set of lines in a double-entry book-keeping application. Assuming so, do NOT create the balancing entry automatically. Instead, begin a transaction, enter each line separately, and have a (for each row, deferrable initially deferred) constraint trigger pick things up from there and reject the entire batch if anything is unbalanced. Proceeding that way will spare you a mountain of headaches when you want to balance more than two or three lines with each other.
Another reading might be that you want to create an audit trail. If so, create additional audit tables and use after triggers to populate them. There are multiple ways to create and manage these audit tables. Look into slowly changing dimensions. (Fwiw, type 6 with a start_end column of type tsrange or tstzrange works well for the audit tables if you're interested in a table's full history including its history of relationships with other audit tables.) Use the "live" tables for your application to keep things fast, and use the audit-tables when you need historical reporting.

What are the major challenges of building an iPhone application that synchronizes data with a server via web APIs?

I want to build an application that utilizes the data from a server, and it needs to synchronize the data in the application with the data entered by other client applications.
So, there are some questions:
How to design the database schema efficiently? Should it replicate the same database schema on the server or should it add some more fields & entities?
What are the strategies to synchronize the data, on each application start or during some idle state of the application, or something else...
How to handle conflict of the data entered by the user within the application and data enter ed by another client application.
Any response is welcomed.
Well, you've identified the main challenges in your original question. The real answer is that this has little to do with the iPhone - database replication is just really hard.
Here are some rules of thumb I can offer:
one-way replication of data is a million times easier than two-way replication, if you can get away with it.
replication is always easier if the database schema is identical on the client and the server.
to do two-way replication, you either need to store timestamps for each row on each end, or to store the complete contents of one end on the other end. (ie. the server needs to know the client's most recent status, or the client needs to know the server's most recent status).
to allow adding rows from disconnected clients, you need to identify your rows using a GUID (or hash, eg. SHA-1), not an autoincrement field. It's possible to keep new client-added rows as "identifierless" until you sync them with the server, but that way lies madness.
there is no actual good way to do conflict resolution. The imperfect options include last-writer-wins (last person who syncs a modified record gets their copy of the record inserted), three-way-merge (when someone sends a modified record, check which columns they have changed, and change only those columns, thus not overwriting any changes to other columns), split-into-two-records (if two people make changes to the same record, just make two records and assume someone will fix it eventually), and "ask the user" (which is technically the most sound, but requires a lot of UI work and users rarely understand what a conflict even is).