Discover which (if any) route will match a given URL from within Controller in ASP.NET MVC2 app -

In my master page I have a placeholder where a Html.RenderPartial() will render a collection of (bread)crumbs which are effectively a list of links I build up using action, controller names and RouteValueDictionary's.
I have an action that is called from multiple places to view a short-list and so when building the list of breadcrumbs for this actions view to display. Ideally I'd like to use Request.UrlReferer as the penultimate crumb.
Before unconditionally using this URL I want to check that it will actually match at least 1 route so I can be sure if the user clicks it they will get a view from my app and if they don't I will simply use the home page instead.
Any suggestions how I would go about this?

Take a look at this post


Ionic UI Router issue: 2nd level state views not loading

I can't wrap my head around this issue I've been experiencing, or perhaps I'm missing some crucial point here. I jotted down this sample app on ionic playground, it is of course a simplified version of my app.
Basically I have a tabbed layout with two views which share a common datasource of items (in my app it's a sqlite db table); the first view displays items in a certain state whereas the other tab display the remaining items (in my example I've used the TODO list metaphor).
Each tab has a child state which I refer to as 2nd-level state (assuming level 0 is the abstract tab state. These two 2nd-level states are defined separately but share a common controller and template.
I cannot for the life of me understand why these two states aren't being navigated to when I click on a list item from either of the two lists (1st-level state views).
NOTE: In the ionic playground no error is thrown in the console, but I can't quite tell what is going on in terms of state URLs. But when I test my actual app (where the problem is the same) in a browser I can see the URL changing to #/tab/tasks/xxxx or #/tab/completed/xxxx but template is not loading. Upon googling I came across several SO questions:
Ui-router URL changes, nested view not loading
In Angular ui-router nested state url changes,but template is not loading
UI-Router: URL changes, but view is not loaded
Angular Router - Url changes but view does not load
URL changes but view does not hcange
Angular UI-Router : URL changed but view isn't loaded
but the answers provided therein haven't worked for me (tried, as per the last one I listed, to add the # sign after the view name in the child states, but to no avail).
Kinda stuck, would really appreciate some input! Cheers.
Managed to get it working following this answer; I had previously tried simply appending the # character after the view name in nested states but it turns out the trick was to append #tab, where tab is the name of the top-level abstract state. I updated my fiddle on ionic playground. Cheers to you all.

In SailsJS, how do I check in a view partial that a route is active

I have a set of links in a partial that i'd want to change visually depending if the route they go to is active.
Is there a way to check if a route is active from the view?
If I understand correctly, it sounds like you're just looking to see which URL was requested?
The req object, which holds information about the current request, is available as a local variable in all views. So inside your view you can check req.url to determine which URL the user requested. If the view was rendered via a controller using res.view (rather than being rendered directly as a result of a view route), you can also check which controller/action was run by looking at req.options.controller and req.options.action. See the docs on req.options for more info.

How to hook GWT navigation from a userscript?

I'm writing a userscript for a GWT-based site.
My script uses URL of the page as input. It should be update each page of the site with additional information.
Unfortunately, as view changes in GWT are implemented via rerendering (only location anchor in browser address-bar is being changed), clicks on internal links are not recognized as page loads and Greasemonkey does not invoke my script, leaving new views unmodified.
Is there a way to hook in GWT-based navigation from an userscript? I need a way to modify each "change" Gerrit navigates to.
Complete workflow should look like:
User scans through the list of issues
User clicks on a link . (Address bar will assume a location of a change being clicked, for example
Page is modified by userscript to contain information about new view (in our case /c/38781/)
Greasemonkey is only invoked at the first step of this workflow, and I don't know ho to detect second one to be able to trigger the third.
I've tried to observe DOM changes on the page, but my listeners are never called probably due to the fact GWT renders some parts via innerHTML property, without explicit child manipulation.

overriding setResponsePage() to build breadcrumb

I 'm trying to build my own simple breadcrumb component that pushes a PageRefence onto a List for each and every Link in the application.
Unfortunately, setResponsePage() is final (I use wicket 6).
The only other option that comes to my mind is to add a parameter to my base page constructor. But this would require me to change every link in the app..
Are there any other options?
Since you already have a base page, it's easier to override onBeforeRender() in your base page to update the breadcrumbs list that you'd store in your Session object.
Or am I missing something?
To answer my own question:
In the end I realized, that I do not want to have the breadcrumb updated on each new page.
Therefore I created an object that holds a List of Pagereferences. When I navigate to a new Page, I take the list of the current page, make a copy of it an add the current page. The resulting list is pased onto the new page.
All this is handeld in the base page.
Keeping it in the page, avoids problems with multiple tabs / windows.
Thanks for the help.

ASP.Net MVC 3 - Single controller, single action and multiple views

I would like to know what is the best method to have an action return different views. Let's say you have a form for submitting data, but you want to choose the view depending on what data is submitted. I would prefer not using a redirection, since there is stuff I want to be displayed in the data that is posted.
An example of this would be to have an Edit form that displays a Details view when clicking on Save, but without using a redirection.
I know this could be done with a single view containing a conditional if statement to display this or that, but there are cases where I would prefer my views to stay simple without too much code in them. If the controller could just choose the view to display once the data is posted, this would be great.
There is an overload to the View() method that allows you to specify the name of the View you want to return.
return View("DetailsView", model);
You should be using the Post/Redirect/Get pattern. You can still "display stuff." You can pass an ID on the URI and look them up in the new GET or use TempData.
Attempting to circumvent Post/Redirect/Get is not a good solution. Among other things, it breaks the back button.