How do I embed facebook video in static FBML? - facebook

I know it is common that we use the code below to embed a video from you, but how about the facebook itself??
swfbgcolor="000000" imgstyle="border-width:1px; border-color:white;"
imgsrc='' width='259' height='204' />
for instance, I want to embed this video,
I want it autoplay and find the thumbnail image like I can get it from youtube...
Is it possible for the video on facebook??

go to they can help you for sure. post it on the wall. Enjoy.


I would like to upload a youtube video on FB as native video and I want it to autorun

I would like to post a youtube video on my Facebook page, I used to look like a native one and I would like it to autorun when I scroll down the page
I've downloaded and add autoplay=1 but it doesn't publish the video.
Do you have any suggestions?

Blogger: How to use thumbnails/video thumbnails?

I've seen many Blogger templates and sites use thumbnails by taking the first image of the post and using that as a thumbnail on the homepage. I'm writing my own Blogger template from scratch ( and I want to use thumbnails, but I have no idea how to. Also, I want to be able to have mini video players for embedded YouTube videos in the post. Can somebody help me? What code to use?
you can link to and use first image as thumbnail with code below
<img class='' expr:src='data:post.firstImageUrl' alt=""/>
here data:post.firstImageUrl provides the link to first image in post.
make sure to use expr:src="" instead of src=""

Embedding a Custom HTML5 Player on Facebook

Does Facebook provide a way to embed a custom HTML5 video player while sharing using Open Graph Tags? I know a flash player can be shared and have done so. I am building a custom HTML5 Video Player with a few overlays on top of the actual video. Is there a way to share the player and the video as is on Facebook?
No, it is not possible to embed HTML

What technology Facebook uses for links?

Just wanted to know what technology facebook uses while posting links.
I have noticed that whenever i paste a link on screen, i get the link as a page.
For example,when i paste youtube's link...
it displays as a video and i can play it there only.
Can some one please let me know how it can be done.
what all is needed
What they do is probably to parse the link(regular expressions are useful here), get ID of the movie and embed a player using Youtube API. Here's documentation of the API:

Video thumbnail does not have a Play button on Facebook shared links

The video links shared via my website on Facebook appear as only images in the shared link; Facebook doesn't seem to recognize the content as video.
I've debugged the URL via Facebook debugger, and every thing appears fine:
The thumbnail that appears under the link does not have a play button on it. As you can see in the debug details, the appropriate og tags are already present on the page.
For video playing Facebook is not considering og:video tag, instead of that it is looking for og:video:secure_url tag
You seem to be missing an og:video tag pointing to the video source.
See also Shared Facebook video is not displayed inline in wall posts for HTTPS users - you also need to include the HTTPS source if you want users browsing Facebook over HTTPS to see the inline video.
It is very easy. You can add play button on an image like Facebook play button by using adobe Photoshop. Watch this video you will understand how to add it on the image.