Best way to strike out a text - iphone

What is the best solution so far for a strike out text on the iPhone?
I heard of multiple solutions:
Something with three20
Image as a subview
And something with a NSAttributedString, but I don't find a working example for that.

In iOS 6 we can use "NSMutableAttributedString" for use more different styles.
NSString* cutText = #"This Line is strike out.";
NSMutableAttributedString *titleString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:cutText];
// making text property to strike text- NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName
[titleString addAttribute:NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName value:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:NSUnderlineStyleSingle] range:NSMakeRange(0, [titleString length])];
// using text on label
[myTextLabel setAttributedText:titleString];

You can try my solution of UILabel subclass, which supports:
multiline text with various label bounds (text can be in the middle of label frame, or accurate size)
underline/strikeout line offset
text alignment
different font sizes


How to set text limit for attributed text UILabel in iOS 7

I would like to know that is it possible to limit the attributed text length for UILabel? I have added label in my custom UITableViewCell. Actually i am doing Letter Spacing for UILabel text using my below code, now i need to set text length for the same.
here is my code :
cell.lblTitle.font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Cabin-SemiBold" size:15.0f];
NSMutableAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:notifi.notificationData];
float spacing = 1.5f;
[attributedString addAttribute:NSKernAttributeName
range:NSMakeRange(0, [notifi.notificationData length])];
cell.lblTitle.attributedText = attributedString;
Using this code i am getting output as below image 1 :
But my output should be like this below image 2 (Need to display limited text for every title in table row) :
Can you please suggest me how can i achieve this? Thanks!

color change in texts of UITextView

i am novice in iPhone.
I have a textView. I am changing the background Color of selected texts in text View.
But problem is that when I am selecting more than 1 line in textView ,only first line color is being changed , not other lines color.
so can anyone tell me about this how can I change background color of all texts which i m selecting.??
tagValue = textView.tag;
NSRange r = textView.selectedRange;
UITextRange *selectedRange = [textView selectedTextRange];
if (!selectedRange)
CGRect result1 = [textView firstRectForRange:selectedRange];
frame_selectedText = result1;
self.str_selected =[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [textView.text substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(r.location, r.length)]];
UIButton *btnView = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
[btnView setFrame:result1];
[btnView addTarget:self action:#selector(buttonColorClicked:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
btnView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:220.0f/255.0f green:248.0f/255.0f blue:188.0f/255.0f alpha:0.5];
[textView addSubview:btnView];
The reason this is happening is that firstRectForRange will give you a rectangle that will not cover more than 1 line. As long as the text/selected text remains in one line, the rect will cover that.
Reason being: Imagine you select text that spans to a line and a half. So when you select the text, the selection color will show you that the selection boundary is not a rectangle. It is more like an inverted L. Hence, a single rect cannot cover it.
If you want to highlight just the selected text, you will have to use multiple rects. See my code here. I have covered multiple lines, and words with different rectangles. You can set a color and transparency (alpha) to give a feeling of highlighting. But the drawback here would be, you will not be able to interact with that text.
If you want to create a single rectangle that covers all of your selected text, then it will cover text succeeding the selected text, but you can work with a single rectangle. For this you will have to use firstRectForRange twice. Once on the first word selected, and second on the first word selected in the last line of selected text. The use MAX and MIN to create a single rect that covers all your text.
Alternate method
UITextViews support AttributedTexts. With this you can set text of UITextView with a string with multiple attributes (bold, italic, colored text, colored background etc). Use NSMutableAttributedStrings to store your text. Add attributes like this:
[myAttriButedText addAttribute:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName value:UIColorFromRGB(0x333333) range:NSMakeRange(0, [myAttriButedText length])];
And set the text of UITextView using setAttributedText, or textView.attributedText =. This way, you easily add a background color on your text, without the hassles of all the above mentioned. But if you want more that just the attributes supported by NSAttributedStrings, you will have to use above mentioned methods.

How to create a UILabel or UITextView with bold and normal text in it?

I am trying to create a UILabel or UITextView with bold and normal text inside.
I have gone through the attributedstring but when I am setting this in label of my custom cell it doesn't display any text.
I have also used the UITextView setContentToHTMLString: method, but it is undocumented and app get rejected.
Can anyone give some sort of solution to this?
Use "NSAttributedString" to set multiple font text in a single label & use CATextLayer to render it:
just #import "NSAttributedString+Attributes.h"
and then implement it like this:
NSString *string1 = #"Hi";
NSString *string2 = #"How are you ?";
NSMutableAttributedString *attr1 = [NSMutableAttributedString attributedStringWithString:string1];
[attr1 setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20]];
NSMutableAttributedString *attr2 = [NSMutableAttributedString attributedStringWithString:string2]
[attr2 setFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:20]];
[attr1 appendAttributedString:attr2]
CATextLayer *textLayer = [CATextLayer layer];
layer.string = attr1;
layer.contentsScale = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];
(Your_text_label).layer = textLayer;
OR (if you want to render on a view directly)
[(Your_View_Name).layer addSublayer:textLayer];
Up until iOS 6.0, you couldn't do this with a normal UILabel or UITextView, but you can use NSAttributedString objects with a few possible open source solutions.
Like TTAttributedLabel or OHAttributedLabel.
One solution built into the iOS SDK, you could also use a CATextLayer which has a string property that can be set to a NSAttributedString.
And, like the commenters below say, yes you can do this with the "attributedText" property. Horray! (for Apple listening to developer's very often repeated feature requests)
I know this is an old thread, but this is something I just discovered myself. At least in Xcode version 4.6.3 this is possible by using an attributed textView. What's even better is that it's possible to all be done in Interface Builder!
Here are the steps:
Place your textView at the desired location
Select the textView and open up the Attributes tab under the Utilities panel
Change the textView text to "attributed"
Enter your desired text
Now, highlight whatever text you want bolded, underlined, etc.
Click on the "T" button next to the fontName
In the popup, select your desired typeface (ex: Bold)
You should see the desired typeface displayed in the Utilities panel
The following code is for iOS 6.0 and above. The result is that the text "This is bold" will be in bold and "This is not bold." will be normal text.
if ([self.registrationLabel respondsToSelector:#selector(setAttributedText:)])
// iOS6 and above : Use NSAttributedStrings
const CGFloat fontSize = 17;
UIFont *boldFont = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:fontSize];
UIFont *regularFont = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSize];
//UIColor *foregroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
// Create the attributes
NSDictionary *attrs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
boldFont, NSFontAttributeName, nil];
NSDictionary *subAttrs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
regularFont, NSFontAttributeName, nil];
const NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0,12); // range of " 2012/10/14 ". Ideally this should not be hardcoded
// Create the attributed string (text + attributes)
NSString *text = #"This is bold and this is not bold.;
NSMutableAttributedString *attributedText =
[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:text
[attributedText setAttributes:attrs range:range];
// Set it in our UILabel and we are done!
[self.registrationLabel setAttributedText:attributedText];
If you have an issue with editing the attributed text in the inspector, copy/paste the text into a rich text editor, adjust it, switch the textView Text options to Attributed and paste. Vwala.

how to set different font for a UILabel which has text containing both chinese and english characters separately?

I have a UILabel which has text containing both chinese and english characters,
now I want to set a font for chinese and another font for english,
how to do this?
There are couple of things that might be of interesting to you:
and TTTAttributedLabel
OHAttributedLabel stays it is capable of dealing with mixed fonts, color, size, ...
Generally one label can have only one font. Still if you want to show different font for different languages than you can keep different language string in different labels and arrange them the way you want.
See this to decide size of your labels.
Resize UITableViewCell to UILabel's height dynamically
and this is also helpful.
How do I wrap text in a UITableViewCell without a custom cell
I do not believe this is possible. The font property set in a UILabel would apply to the entire string specified in the text property of that UILabel.
I've not tried using chinese font, but you can use the following code to set different / multiple fonts & other properties on Label using NSMutableAttributedString. Foll is my code:
UIFont *ArialFont = [UIFont fontWithName:#"arial" size:18.0];
NSDictionary *arialdict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: ArialFont forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
NSMutableAttributedString *AattrString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:title attributes: arialdict];
UIFont *VerdanaFont = [UIFont fontWithName:#"verdana" size:12.0];
NSDictionary *veradnadict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:VerdanaFont forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
NSMutableAttributedString *VattrString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithString: newsDate attributes:veradnadict];
[VattrString addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:[UIColor blackColor] range:(NSMakeRange(0, 15))];
[AattrString appendAttributedString:VattrString];
lblText.attributedText = AattrString;
Note that lblText is the UILabel, outlet as file owner.
One can keep on appending as many NSMutableAttributedString he wants..
Also Note that I've added verdana & arial font in my project & added a plist for the same.

UITextView - modifying selected text

I have a UITextView and i want to select a certain part of this text and modify its style. Like changing the color, making it italic or bold, increasing the font size, or changing the font family.
Any Help?
Yes. Wait for iOS 5. I think most of the info about iOS 5 is still under NDA, so we can't discuss it here.
Or develop it all yourself with CoreText.
You can use some alternative things as follows:-
First take a scrollview and add a label or another textview with different style as you want with bold font or chagne color and add as subview in scrollview.
For textviews added in scrollview, you should take a frame of that textview as larger as text or lines in textview for stop scrolling in textview because we already added textview in scrollview for better look.
So,Take as many textviews or labels or images as your need and add then to the scrollview things are very simple you can do this using an Interface builder. Just need to define a perfect content size for scrollview depends on subviews you have.
You should use shouldChangeTextInRange. This is because you need range to locate the position where you want the text changed.
UITextView lets you save your style in textView.attributedString.
The solution is to get textView's Attributed String and replace the desired sub string in it with changed or styled text.
- (BOOL)textView:(UITextView *)textView shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)range replacementText:(NSString *)text{
NSMutableAttributedString *textViewText = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithAttributedString:textView.attributedText]; //gets textView style string
NSRange selectedTextRange = [textView selectedRange];
NSString *selectedString = [textView textInRange:textView.selectedTextRange]; //our selected text
//lets say you always want to make selected text bold
UIFont *boldFont = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:self.txtNote.font.pointSize];
NSDictionary *boldAttr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:boldFont forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
NSMutableAttributedString *attributedText = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithString:selectedString attributes:boldAttr]; //make attributed string of our selectedtext
[textViewText replaceCharactersInRange:range withAttributedString:attributedText]; // replace
textView.attributedText = textViewText;
return false;