Business logic in Entity Framework POCOs using partial classes? - frameworks

I have business logic that could either sit in a business logic/service layer or be added to new members of an extended domain class (EF T4 generated POCO) that exploits the partial class feature.
So I could have:
a) bool OrderBusiness.OrderCanBeCancelledOnline(Order order) .. or (IOrder order)
b) bool order.CanBeCancelledOnline() .. i.e. it is the order itself knows whether or not it can be cancelled.
For me option b) is more OO. However option a) allows more complex logic to be applied e.g. using other domain objects or services.
At the moment I have a mix of both and this doesn't seem elegant.
Any guidance on this would be much appreciated!

The key thing about OO for me is that you tell objects to do things for you. You don't pull attributes out and make the decisions yourself (in a helper class or other).
So I agree with your assertion about option b). Since you require additional logic, there's no harm in performing an operation on the object whilst passing references to additional helper objects such that they collaborate. Whether you do this at the time of the operation itself, or pre-populate your order object with those collaborating entities is very much dependent upon your current situation.

You can also use extension methods to the POCO's to wrap your bll methods.
So you can keep using your current bll's.
in c# something like:
public static class OrderBusiness <- everything must be static, class and method
public static bool CanBeCancelledOnline(this Order order) <- notice the 'this'
logic ...
And now you can do order.CanBeCancelledOnline()

This is likely to depend on the complexity of your application and does require some judgement that comes with experience. The short answer is that if your project is anything more than a pretty simple one then you are best off putting your logic in the domain classes.
The longer answer:
If you place your logic within a service layer you are affectively following the transaction script pattern, and ending up with an anaemic domain model. This can be a valid route, but it generally works best with simple and small projects. The problem is that the transaction script layer (your service layer) becomes more complicated to maintain as it grows.
So the alternative is to create a rich domain model that contains the logic within it. Keeping logic together with the class it applies to is a key part of good OO design, and in a complex project pretty essential. It usually requires a bit more thought and effort initially, which is why for very simple projects people sometimes use the transaction script pattern.
If you are unsure about which to go with it is not normally a too difficult job to refactor your logic to move it from your service layer to the domain, but you need to make the call early enough that the job is not too large.
Contrary to one of the answers, using POCO classes does not mean you can't have business logic in your domain classes. POCO is about not applying framework specific structures to your domain classes, such as methods and interfaces specific to a particular ORM. A class with some functions to apply business logic is clearly still a Plain-Old-CLR-Object.

A common question, and one that is partially subjective.
IMO, you should go with Option A.
POCO's should be exactly that, "plain-old-CLR" objects. If you start applying business logic to them, they cease to be POCO's. :)
You can certainly put your business logic in the same assembly as your POCO's, just don't add methods directly to them, create helper classes to facilitate business rules. The only thing your POCO's should have is properties mapping to your domain model.
Really depends on how complex your business rules are. In our application, the busines rules are very straightforward, so we use Option A.
But if your business rules start to get messy, consider using the Specification Pattern.


3-Tier Architecture MVC 4 Project

I am working on a Web Application using ASP.Net MVC 4 3-Tier Architecture and I am stuck at certain points. I know here exist similar threads but none were clear enough. I have already created the needed layers which are UI(MVC4 project), BLL- Business Logic Layer(library class), BOL- Business Object Layer(library class that contains and DAL- Data Access Layer (library class).
Layer dependencies are as follows:
UI depends on BOL and BLL
BLL depends on BOL and DAL
DAL depends on BOL
I want you to correct me if I am wrong in the following. The BOL is the master reference layer which exchanges raw dB records with DAL then sends them to BLL which is responsible for any logical computations then gets the updated records and sends them to the controller in the UI.
Knowing the above,
Where should we place the CRUD functions?
Where and why should we create a class for declaring (plus set and get) the useful database fields?
What exactly should we put in the ViewModel folder; in other words since we have already defined the variables in the previous step and in the Entity then does it add any value to keep the Model folder?
Thank you in advance.
Can't be unambiguously correct answers on these issues, so any answer should be evaluated simply as an opinion. Here are my answers:
Where should we place the CRUD functions? CRUD is a frequent pattern at different levels. Hi-level Repository provides similar methods, as a low-level Table Gateway.
Where and why should we create a class for declaring (plus set and get) the useful database fields? These classes are usually simple Data Transfer Objects (DTO) or slightly more complicated Active Records. In accordance with the Dependency Inversion Principle the interface for these classes should provide the Business Logic Layer, and implementation should provide the Data Access Layer. Since DTO is very simple classes, they can be provided "as is" without interface/implementation separation.
What exactly should we put in the ViewModel folder; in other words since we have already defined the variables in the previous step and in the Entity then does it add any value to keep the Model folder? In theory entities should be our models; but in practice it's often not the case. F.e. in ASP.NET MVC models should provide not only the value of drop-down field, but also all possible values; so it requires the separate model class.
The result may be that you have three or four very similar classes at different levels of the application. Of course, it's not very good, so Aspect Programming may be applied in this case.

Persistence ignorance and DDD reality

I'm trying to implement fully valid persistence ignorance with little effort. I have many questions though:
The simplest option
It's really straightforward - is it okay to have Entities annotated with Spring Data annotations just like in SOA (but make them really do the logic)? What are the consequences other than having to use persistance annotation in the Entities, which doesn't really follow PI principle? I mean is it really the case with Spring Data - it provides nice repositories which do what repositories in DDD should do. The problem is with Entities themself then...
The harder option
In order to make an Entity unaware of where the data it operates on came from it is natural to inject that data as an interface through constructor. Another advantage is that we always could perform lazy loading - which we have by default in Neo4j graph database for instance. The drawback is that Aggregates (which compose of Entities) will be totally aware of all data even if they don't use them - possibly it could led to debugging difficulties as data is totally exposed (DAO's would be hierarchical just like Aggregates). This would also force us to use some adapters for the repositories as they doesn't store real Entities anymore... And any translation is ugly... Another thing is that we cannot instantiate an Entity without such DAO - though there could be in-memory implementations in domain... again, more layers. Some say that injecting DAOs does break PI too.
The hardest option
The Entity could be wrapped around a lazy-loader which decides where data should come from. It could be both in-memory and in-database, and it could handle any operations which need transactions and so on. Complex layer though, but might be generic to some extent perhaps...? Have a read about it here
Do you know any other solution? Or maybe I'm missing something in mentioned ones. Please share your thoughts!
I achieve persistence ignorance (almost) for free, as a side effect of proper domain modeling.
In particular:
if you correctly define each context's boundary, you will obtain small entities without any need for lazy loading (that, actually becomes an antipattern/code smell in a DDD project)
if you can't simply use SQL into your repository, map a set of DTO to your db schema, and use them into factories to initialize entity classes.
In DDD projects, persistence ignorance is relevant for the domain model itself, not for repositories, factories and other applicative code. Indeed you are very unlikely to change the ORM and/or the DB in the future.
The only (but very strong) rational behind persistence ignorance of the domain model is separation of concerns: in the domain model you should express business invariants only! Persistence is an infrastructural concern!
For example without persistence ignorance (and with lazy loading) the domain model should handle possible exceptions from the db, it's complexity grows and business rules are buried under technological details.
Personally I find it near impossible to achieve a clean domain model when trying to use the same entities as the ORM.
My solution is to model my domain entities as I see fit and ensure that any ORM entities don't leak outside of the repositories. This means that my repositories accept and return domain entities.
This means you lose "most of your ORM goodness" and end up "using your ORM for simple CRUD operations".
Both of these trade-offs are fine for me, I would rather have a clean domain model that I can use, rather than one polluted with artefacts from my DB or ORM. It also cuts down the amount of time I spend "wrestling with my ORM" to zero.
As a side-note, I find document databases a much better fit for DDD.
Once you will provide persistence mapping in you domain model:
your code depends on framework. If you decided to change this framework, you want to change persistence layer and model layer source code - more work, more changes, more merging of code etc.
your domain model jar file depends on spring/nhibernate jars etc.
your classes become larger and larger how business code and persistence related code grows
I've to admit that I dont understand harder and hardest option.
We used separated interfaces and implementations for domain entities. Provide separated mapping files using Hibernate along with repositories.
Entities are created using factory (or repository later), identifier is generated within persistence layer, entity does not need it until it's being persisted.
Lazy loading is provided by special implementation of List once:
mapping of an entity contains it
entity/aggregate is fetched from persistence layer
The only issue is related to transaction as when you use lazy-loaded collection out of transaction scope, it fails.
I would follow the simplest option unless I ran into a stone wall. There are also pitfalls such as this when you adopt pi principle.
Somtimes some compromises are acceptable.
public class Order {
private String status;//my orm does not support enum
public Status status() {
return Status.of(this.status);
public is(Status status) {
return status() == status;//use status() instead of getStatus() in domain model

ORM Entities vs. Domain Entities under Entity Framework 6.0

I stumbled upon the following two articles First and Second in which the author states in summary that ORM Entities and Domain Entities shouldn't be mixed up.
I face exactly this problem at the moment as I code with EF 6.0 using the Code First approach. I use the POCO classes as entities in the EF as well as my domain/business objects. But I find myself frequently in the situation where I define a property as public or a navigation property as virtual only because the EF Framework forces me to do so.
I don't know what to take as the bottom line of the two articles? Should I really create for example a CustomerEF class for the entity framework and a CustomerD for my domain. Then create a repository which consumes CustomerD maps it to CustomerEF do some queries and than maps back the received CustomerEF to CustomerD. I thought EF is all about mapping my domain entities to the data.
So please give me some advice. Do I overlook an important thing the EF is able to provide me with? Or is this a problem which can not completely solved by the EF? In the latter case what is a good way to manage this problem?
I agree with the general idea of these posts. An ORM class model is part of a data access layer first and foremost (even if it consists of so-called POCOs). If any conflict of interests arises between persistence and business logic (or any other concern), decisions should always be made in favor of persistence.
However, as software developers we always have to balance between purism and pragmatism. Whether or not to use the persistence model as a domain model depends on a number of factors:
The size/coherence of the development team. When the whole team knows that properties can be public just because of ORM requirements, but should not be set all over the place, it may not be a big deal. If everybody knows (and obeys) that an ID property is not to be used in business logic, having IDs may not be a big deal. A scattered, unexperienced or undisciplined team may need more stringent segregation of code.
The overlap between business logic concerns and persistence concerns. Object oriented design thrives when a class model sticks to SOLID principles. But these principles are not necessarily at odds with persistence concerns. I mean that although the concerns are different, in the end their resultant requirements may be quite similar. For instance, both concerns may require valid object state and correct associations.
There can be use cases, however, in which objects temporarily need to be in a state that absolutely shouldn't be stored. This may be a reason to work with dedicated domain classes. Another reason may be that the entity model just can't fulfill the best segmentation of responsibilities. For instance, a business process "blacklisting customer" may require data that is scattered over so many entity objects that new domain classes must be designed that can encapsulate the data and the methods working on them. In other words: doing this by entities would violate the Tell Don't Ask principle.
The need for layering. For instance, if the data access layer targets different database vendors it may have to consist of interchangeable parts that are vendor-specific (e.g. to account for subtle differences in data types between Oracle and Sql Server or to exploit vendor-specific features). Using the persistence model as domain model would probably bleed vendor-specific implementations into the business logic. That would be really bad. There the data access layer should be precisely that, a layer.
(Very trivial) The amount of data. Creating objects takes time and resources. When "many" objects are involved in a business case it may just be too expensive to build both entity objects and domain objects.
And more, undoubtedly.
So I would always try to be a pragmatist. If entity classes do a decent job, go for it. If the mismatch is too large, create a business domain for appropriate parts of the business logic. I would not slavishly follow a (any) design pattern just because it is a good pattern. Contrary to what is said in the post, it requires a lot of maintenance to map an entity model onto a business model. When you find yourself creating myriads of business classes that are almost identical to entity classes it's time to rethink what you're doing.

ZF models correct use

I am struggling with how to understand the correct usage of models. Currently i use the inheritance of Db_Table directly and declare all the business logic there. I know it's not correct way to do this.
One solution would be to use Doctrine ORM, but this requires learning curve and all the current components what i use needs to be rewritten paginator and auth. Also Doctrine1 adds a another dozen classes which need to be loaded.
So the current cleanest implementation what i have seen is to use the Data Mapper classes between the so called model and DbTabel. I haven't yet implemented this as it seems to head writing another ORM. But example could be something this: SQL table User
create class with setters, getters, business logic here /model/User.php
data mapper /model/mapper/UserMapper.php, the funcionality is basically writing all the update, save actions in here.
the data source /model/DbTable/User.php extends the Db_Table_Abstract
Problems are with relationships between other models.
I have found it beneficial to not have my models extend Db_Table, but to use composition instead. That means my model 'has a' Db_Table rather than 'is a' Db_Table.
That way I find it much easier to reference multiple tables in the same model, which is a common requirement. This is enough for a simple project. I am currently developing a more complex application and have used the Data Mapper pattern and have found that it has simplified my code more than I would have believed.
Specifically, I have created a class which provides all access to the database and exposes methods such as getUser() etc.. That way, if the DB changes, or my client wants something daft like storing records in XML or we split the servers or something I only have to rewrite one class.
Again, my models do not extend this class, but have an instance of it assigned as a property during construction.
I would say the 'correct' way depends on the situation. Following the YAGNI and KISS principles, it is not good to over-complicate your model setup unless you really believe that it will benefit you in the long run.
What is the application you are developing? How is your current setup of extending Db_Table holding you back?

Does the DataMapper pattern break MVC?

I have been reading up on multiple PHP frameworks, especially the Zend Framework but I am getting confused about the proper way to go forward.
Zend Framework does not use ActiveRecords but instead uses the Table Data Gateway and Row Data Gateway pattern, and uses a DataMapper to map the contents of the Row Data Gateway to the model, because ActiveRecord breaks down when your models don't have a 1:1 mapping to your database tables. There is an example of this in the Zend Quickstart guide.
To me, their example looks very bloated with a ton of getters and setters all over the place. I came across various blog posts about Domain Driven Design arguing that using so many getters and setters is bad practice because it exposes all the inner model data to the outside, so it has no advantage over public attributes. Here is one example.
My question: If you remove those getters and setters, how will you render your views? At some point the data has to hit the view so you can actually show something to the user. Following the DDD advice seems to break the separation between M and V in MVC. Following the MVC and Zend example seems to break DDD and leaves me typing up a whole lot of getters, setters and DataMappers for all my models. Aside from being a lot of work it also seems to violate DRY.
I would really appreciate some (links to) good examples or more information about how it all fits together. I'm trying to improve my achitecture and design skills here.
Using Value Objects, you can eliminate some of those public setter methods. Here's a description of the difference between Entity and Value Objects. Value Objects are immutable and often tied to an Entity. If you pass all values in with the constructor, you don't need to set these properties from external code.
Something extra, not directly related to an answer, but more focused on DDD:
(Disclaimer: The only thing I know about the Zend Framework is what I read in the linked article.) The Zend Framework is using DataMappers instead of Repositories. Is this really DDD-ish? Well, Fowler's interpretation of a Repository might say no. However, Eric Evans states that a DDD Repository can be very simple. At its simplest, a Repository is a DataMapper (See DDD book). For something more complex and still DDD, see the Fowler article. DDD has a conceptual Repository that may differ from the pattern definition.
I urge you to continue reading about Domain-Driven Design. I think there's a flaw in the assumption that getters and setters violate DDD. DDD is about focusing on the domain model and best practices to accomplish that. Accessors are just a minor detail.
You don't need to implement all the getters/setters, you can use__get() and __set(). What's the problem then?
From my reading of the post, the question is more philosophical rather than practical.
I don't have the time to write in depth, but here is my two cents. While I agree that you want to limit the number of get and set requests because a class should hide its internals, you also need to take into account the Java and PHP are different tools and have different purposes. In the web environment your classes are being built and taken down with each request and therefore the code you write should not depend on huge classes. In the article you pointed out the author suggests placing the view logic in the class. This probably does not makes sense on the web since I will likely want to present the view in multiple formats (rss, html, etc...). Using accessor methods (get & set) therefore is a necessary evil. You still want to use them thoughtfully so that you don't shoot yourself in the foot. The key is to try to have your classes do the work for you instead of trying to force them to do work externally. By accessing your properties with a method instead of directly you hide the internals which is what you want.
Again, this post could use some examples, but I don't have the time right now.
Can someone else provide a few examples of why accessor methods aren't evil?
There are two approaches here: What I call the "tell don't ask approach", and the other is the ViewModel/DTO approach.
Essentially the questions revolves around what is the "model" in your view.
Tell don't ask requires that the only way an object can be externalized, is from the the object itself. In other words, to render an object, you would have a render method, but that render method would need to talk to an interface.
Something like this:
class DomainObject {
public function render(DomainObjectRenderer $renderer) {
return $renderer->renderDomainObject(array $thegorydetails);
In the context of Zend Framework, you can subclass Zend_View and have your subclass implement this interface.
I've done this before, but its a bit unwieldy.
The second option is convert your domain model in to a ViewModel object, which is like a simplified, flattened out, "stringed out" view of your data, customized for each specific view (with one ViewModel per view), and on the way back, convert the POST data to an EditModel.
This is a very popular pattern in the ASP.NET MVC world, but its also similar to the class "DTO" pattern used to transfer data between "layers" in an application. You would need to create mappers to do the dirty work for you (not unlike a DataMapper, actually). In PHP 5.3, you can use reflection to change private properties, so your DomainObject doesn't even need to expose itself either!
Implementing getters and setters has two advantages, in my eyes:
You can choose which properties to make public, so you don't necessarily have to expose all of the model's internals
If you use an IDE with autocomplete, all the available properties will be a TAB away when you start typing "get" or "set"—this alone is reason enough for me.