can Any one suggest me how to begin with nested scroll view? - iphone

I need to keep a scrollview of size our view size,in that large scrollview again i have to keep six image views and six scrollviews.Please,can any one suggest something how to start with it.

Here is the key line of code...
[aView addSubview:nextView];


Over lapping shadows on collection view cells

I'm trying to add a shadow to each collection view cell within a section controller with IGListKit, but the shadows overlap on to other cells causing a line to appear at the top/bottom.
Any help would be appreciated.
For your case:
Have you tried it?
Try this solution: set Inset, not LineSpacing

UITableViewController- showing only rows with content and an image where there is none

When creating a UITableViewController there are two situations that create an "ugly" UX
calling/open it without any data in it --> shows an empty table (i.e. empty rows,UITableViewCell, as many as fit in the window)
calling/open it with fewer rows of content that fit the window --> show the full rows followed by empty rows
I wish to receive the following result:
if there is no data show a picture or view with text - there isn't any data yet or something like that
show only the full lines and no more rows (blank or background image)
Is there a way to achieve that?
To add these effects, you will probably have to make your own UITableViewController from a regular UIViewController, and even subclass UITableView. If you have a regular UIViewController with your filler image/text as the background, you can place a UITableView on top and hook up the delegate/datasource. Now, in your code, detect when there is no data available and set the hidden property of the UITableView accordingly.
As for the following empty rows, you will either have to turn off the row separators (in IB), or subclass a UITableView (can't help you there). Good luck!

Scrolling two UITableViews together

I have a weird design case in which to implement I need to place two UITableViews on the same view. I would just use sections, but I need an index on the second table.
I'd like them to both scroll together like they were actually two sections of the same table view. Is this possible?
Here's a basic mockup illustrating why:
As far as I understand it, you cannot move the index. Also, when you add an index to a table, it appears over the entire tableview, not just one section.
If I have to implement this as two table views, they both need to scroll as if they were one. If it's possible to do this using sections, that's even better.
After seeing your update my old answer is not very good but I'll leave my previous answer for anyone else who wants it.
New answer - It depends how you want the tables sync'd.
If you know
Which cells are in the top 5
How tall each cell is
The offset the table view
Then you can calculate which cell is visible at the top of the top 5 table. You can use this information to scroll the bottom table to the correct index.
Old answer
I'm with the other guys not sure why you would want to or if I am misinterpreting but it's pretty simple.
UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView so you can set yourself as the UITableViewDelegate and override
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView;
UITableView *slaveTable = nil;
if (self.table1 == scrollView) {
slaveTable = self.table2;
} else if (self.table2 == scrollView) {
slaveTable = self.table1;
[slaveTable setContentOffset:scrollView.contentOffset];
This gives me something that looks like this:
The top UITableView is self.table1 and the bottom is self.table2 if either table is scrolled the scrolling is mirrored in the other table.
in swift this code:
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if tb_time1 == scrollView {
tb_time2.contentOffset = tb_time1.contentOffset
}else if tb_time2 == scrollView {
tb_time1.contentOffset = tb_time2.contentOffset
From the mock-up it seems like this can be accomplished with a single UITableView with two sections.
Instead of maintaining two tableViews you could maintain two collections (one for each section). Then in cellForRowAtIndexPath choose the collection to use based on the section specified in the indexPath.

iPhone UITableView Add content at the top without scrolling

I have a potentially very long scrolling log of messages within a UITableView The user would be able to navigate the table by scrolling.
What I'm trying to do is add new content at the top of the table. If the top of the table is visible, the new row would push the rest of the content down. But if the first row of the table is not visible, the table would silently add another row on top without scrolling.
I'm doing this to prevent the table scrolling to the top from interrupting the user browsing data. If I ask the table to simply scroll to the new insertion point, the user's position within the table would be lost, frustrating the user.
One of the ways I can try to implement this is by inserting data into an NSMutableArray at index 0. Would this work? An extra question: how expensive is inserting data at the beginning of an NSMutableArray. I would expect that such operation is optimized, but would like to make sure. What am I missing with this implementation?
Thank you!
How to insert without bumping the view:
Use the tableView's (UIScrollView) contentOffset values to find where the user is currently scrolled to.
Add the new row at the top, with animated:NO
Update the tableView's contentOffset to be where the user was at plus whatever the height of your row is.
How to avoid causing issues doing this while the user is dragging:
Keep track of when the user is dragging, and if you want to insert rows during a drag / motion, add them to a queue that is executed after the user releases.
CGSize beforeContentSize = self.tableView.contentSize;
[self.tableView reloadData];
CGSize afterContentSize = self.tableView.contentSize;
CGPoint afterContentOffset = self.tableView.contentOffset;
CGPoint newContentOffset = CGPointMake(afterContentOffset.x, afterContentOffset.y + afterContentSize.height - beforeContentSize.height);
self.tableView.contentOffset = newContentOffset;
Just posted an answer with code snippets here
Keep uitableview static when inserting rows at the top
Save the scroll offset where you would have called beginUpdate:.
In place of calls to InsertCell you add the cell's height to the saved offset.
Where you would have called endUpdate:, call reloadData, then scroll by the saved offset with NO animation.

iOS: Toggling between UIScrollView views without adding new views?

I am having a problem! When I use addSubview: and add a view to a UIScrollView, it adds a completely new view.
I want to either:
toggle between 3 predefined views, or
remove the last view from the UIScrollView before adding another one.
(All 3 views have some images so I'd imagine that the second option would be more efficient, memory-wise. However, perhaps the first option would be better on battery life? This is a 'subquestion'.)
How does one accomplish this?
You could accomplish your plan B by using removeFromSuperview function of your UIView.
Use it as below.
[mySecondImageView removeFromSuperview];
[myScrollView addSubview:myThirdImageView];
When you create UIImageView assign a tag value to each and also use and integer iVar to hold the tag value of your current view lets say it's currentViewTag ;
myFirstImageView.tag = 1;
mySecondImageView.tag = 2;
myThirdImageView.tag = 3;
currentViewTag = 1;
[myScrollView addSubview:myFirstImageView];
Now use as below
[[myScrollView viewWithTag:currentViewTag] removeFromSuperview];
[myScrollView addSubview:myThirdImageView];
currentViewTag = 3;
Sounds to me that you are trying to implement an infinite scrolling uiscrollview like the photos app.
If so, you don't need to remove any subviews and add them, you just need to create a UIScrollView that is as wide as three of your images and then when the scroll view is scrolled, change the image in either position 1 or 3 depending on which way the scroll is performed and then reset the position of the scroll view. If this is what you are trying to do, I can give more information if you need it.