iPhone/iPad - Facebook api for universal app - iphone

I know that facebook api works on iphone.
I want to port my iphone app which has facebook api to Universal app so that it works on iPad as well.
How can I achieve it? Is there any facebook api for universal apps or do I've to use two api's one for iphone and one for ipad. If I've to use them separately, how can I compile and build my application?
Please suggest me some way for this.

Give this a try: http://www.getsharekit.com/


Can I use the JavaScript facebook SDK for phonegap apps?

I am not sure whether my question is appropriate or not.
I am integrating facebook for the first time and also for the for first my app is multi-platform.
I am integrating facebook in my app for iphone and android.My question are below:
1)If i am doing it with plugin i have to do it separately for both iPhone and Android. Is there any way to integrate Facebook for both in a single effort for eg by using Javascript SDK
2)If yes what it is? and if possible any sample.
Thanks in advance
You should use phonegap-plugin-facebook-connect. It works on both iOS and Android and integrates great with iOS6 bulid in Facebook functionality.
The plugin provides a patched version of the Facebook JS API.

Will IOS HTML5 offline app be listed in appstore?

I am new to IOS development (currently, I'm developing websites in ASP.NET) and I found out that one can create an IOS app using just html 5 and javascript.
Well that is great news for me since I don't have the time to learn Obj-C and xCode way of writing apps.
I have heard some opposing statements, though, on whether I will be able to submit my app into the app store.
Will I be able to submit such app in the app store?
If not, is there a way to 'wrap it up' somehow, so it could be submitted?
No, only native app will be listed in the App store. To submit apps to the appstore you will always need a paid Apple Developers account.
Native in this case meaning real apps that can be installed.
You can build an app in HTML and Javascript in tools like Phonegap and Titanium. These tools will create a native app which loads the local HTML and try to make it feel like a native app.
You will need to use a wrapper, like AppMobi (where I work). This lets you write your app in html, javascript and CSS only.
You need to wrap your application in a UIWebView container. As far as I know, there's no way to package an HTML5 only app for the App Store. I have four apps in there that are HTML5/Javascript apps, wrapped in a UIWebView. There are also third-party frameworks available for this.

Integrating Twitter into iOS 4.3+ App

I'm trying to integrate Twitter with my App right now. I have successfully set up the iOS 5 TWTweetComposeViewController, but this does not work on iOS 4.3. What's the best method to also integrate Twitter posting into iOS 4.3?
Open source. Mimics TWTweetComposeViewController. Works with iOS 4 and later.
Sharekit is a framework that may help you to setup Twitter on iOS version pre 5. If you take a first look at Sharekit, it may look like you only can use it as a complete framework. But read on: you can use any of the fractions (Twitter, Facebook etc) of Sharekit to connect with your own GUI.
Use a custom library and implement the tweet screens yourself. Alternatively you could redirect the user to a twitter:// URL which will open the Twitter application, or just open a Web Intent. http://dev.twitter.com

Web Development ported to iPhone

We want to make an iPhone app but we would like to be able to do web development on some sort of framework, and then use something to kind of port this into an iPhone app for us.
Is there anything out there that exists like this?
You might want to check out Phonegap.
Please see these questions:
Comparison between Corona, Phonegap, Titanium
How to integrate html5 and iphone applications?
Some discussion about general webapp verus native app issues:
iPhone apps: Webapps or native?

How to use MGTwiiterEngine in iphone view Based Application?

I required to develop a Tweeter Application for iphone. I was trying to use MGTwitterEngine in my iphone app but can’t figure out how to put it together with my iphone View-based Application. If anyone has done it and willing to share info or a demo version implementing MGtwitterEngine in their Iphone app. I would appreciate it. I have got raw MGTwitterEngine Project running on its own but want to integrate it into an IPhone View-based Application.
There is a nice step by step tutorial for Twitter integration with iPhone application. Have a look at this