How to access data afer gmail opendid authentication? - single-sign-on

I have successfully completed implementing Gmail openid into my website (,in which once the user make a successful login onto his/her gmail account, he/she is reverted back to my page.But i am not able to figure out how to access the data(data like their first name ,last name and city ) ,once the user comes to my aspx. page.
Plz help

What you probably want is oauth, not openid. More information on oauth and how to use google data Apis at


Can I used passport.js to login to Facebook from an app?

I and a friend are developing an app and would like to use Facebook as a way of users having their own accounts without us having to ask them to store passwords or make users for security and ease of use.
Passport.js has a facebook plugin but it talks about a redirect URL so my question is: is it actually possible to just send information like email address and password to facebook for authorisation and return the users profile without actually redirecting the user to a facebook login page.
I don't see how i could redirect the user to a facebook login while inside my app and also what on earth would i put as the callback URL? Am i just trying to use passport-facebook in the wrong way?
is it actually possible to just send information like email address and password to facebook for authorisation
No. Users are strongly discouraged from giving this information to any 3rd party app, and you are not allowed to ask users for them.
Login with username/email and password happens on Facebook, not in your app. You will get feedback from the login endpoint then that they logged in successfully.

Facebook connect and account remove

I have a website where users can log in with the Facebook oAuth API.
Once the user logs in or registers via Facebook it is stored in my database.
But what I'd like to achieve is, once the user goes to his Facebook application settings page and removes my website app permissions, the used should also be deleted from my database.
Is there any work around to this problem, if this is not possible via the Facebook oAuth API?
You can add Deauthorise Callback URL by Navigating to Settings > Advanced section of your application. Whenever a User Deauthorises your Facebook app, Facebook performs a HTTP POST of signed request to your URL. You may use the field user_id to determine which User has deauthorised your app.
Actually, I would do the following:
Add a date to his last log in to your site.
Have cron job check for old, unused accounts.
Send an email to the user's email address (or Facebook message mail) telling him his account is due to expire soon.
Delete account from database.

Site Sign Up, Sign In with Twitter and Facebook

I'm developing a website where the user can either sign up creating his own profile or can sign in with FB or Twitter.
The thing is I don't really know how to manage it, for example: let's say my user signs up through the website and creates content, what happens if the user later decides to sign in with FB or Twitter? How can I keep it all unified?
I know I could just do the Twitter sign in, get the data from twitter and create a profile in my DB for the user with his Twitter handle, don't know how I'd deal with later if he wants to just log in through the site.
Anyone have any ideas?
So he later signs in with Twitter or Facebook. I think you have a couple of options in this case. Allow the ability to link accounts together once the user signs in with any one method. Say they sign in with your sites registration, let them hit a page where they can add in other linked accounts like Twitter and Facebook once they are in their logged in state on your site. See the friendfeed model for inspiration. Or, like we did with - let the user sign in with facebook and regsister an account on their behalf and ask for their email as the login credential. If it's found - great. If it's not ask for a password. This will allow the user to either login with your sites registration method or through facebook. You will have the information in your database to link both of them together.
Every account on your system will have an e-mail address. Every account with FB, Google, Twitter is also linked to an e-mail address. What you will need to do is link the accounts based on e-mail address. That way you will never get duplicate accounts.

Facebook API OAuth security

I want to allow users connect to my website using their facebook account.
First, the user authorizes my application and then I get an access token. Problem is, that I'm supposed on the first time to register the user, and the next time to auto login him based on his facebook email.
How do I create a SECURE way to auto login the user?
I'm using pure javascript, but I can't find any way to create a secure mechanism.
Facebook should handle all that for you - when they come back to your website, they can click the 'login' button(javascript SDK) and facebook should pass you back an access token.
I may, however, have misunderstood the question.

How to use Facebook connect to login in to my database?

I have a mysql membership database run by a Perl script. Account creation or login requires an email address and password. The Perl script then sets cookies (password cookie has encrypted value) which allow users to create, own and modify records. A members table contains user information. I've gone through the FacebookConnect information as well as the forum. Maybe I cannot see the forest for the trees, or maybe this is not possible. In order to use FacebookConnect for logins/account creation, I need to be able to send the user email and password to the the Perl script so that the proper cookies are set. If it were an http it would look like this:
Any hints or advice would be greatly appreciated.
What you are trying to do isn't really possible in the way that you're describing it.
Facebook Connect basically provides you with a single piece of information: whether your visitor is logged in to their Facebook account or not. If they are, you can get their Facebook ID, if not, you can show them a button (or whatever) and ask them to log into Facebook.
Generally a good approach when using Facebook Connect as an authentication method for your site is to have an internal id for the user's member account, and store a user's Facebook ID alongside that. When a user comes to your site, and they are already logged in to Facebook, you just use their Facebook ID to retrieve the local account. Otherwise you show them your login form to log in locally, and/or a Facebook login button.
The problem you're running into here is that you cannot get someone's email address from Facebook, as it is purposely hidden to protect privacy. If your membership scripts provide only the email/password log-in method, then what you need to do is modify these scripts to create the authentication cookie when given a properly authenticated Facebook ID.
Essentially you'll have two login functions... one for a Facebook login, and one for a regular login. Either function should properly created the local authentication cookie.