Can I copy a part of an audio file stored in Ipod Library and save it with different name? - iphone

Hi I have went through a lot of searching and have deduced that
1) I can query for a specific audio file from Ipod Library and can play it using MPMusicPlayerController Library. But the problem is I cannot copy a part of this song and save it with diffrent name.
2) Using AVAudioPlayer I can modify or copy a part of an audio file but the problem is the audio file must be present in Application's resource folder. It doesnot allow me to choose a file from Ipod Library.
My requirement is to choose a file from Ipod Library and save a part of the same audio file with diffrent name.Please suggest how this can be achieved. There is one application which is doing similar task, but I cannot figure out how it is doing it.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance

See here:


xcode move audio files

I am creating iPhone application using PhoneGap. In that I have used navigator.captureAudio method to record the audio. Normally the recorded audio files stored inside the Application(tmp folder). So the application size getting increase each time while recording. I don't want to keep the recorded file inside my application.
Is there any way to move this file from application storage to outside(like music)? How to move this files in Xcode? Any suggestion on this?
AFAIK any files your application will create must be stored within the Application directory structure. This is because each iOS app operates within its own sandbox.
See Apple's docs on this: File System Programming Guide.
You can interact with other applications such as the music app using MPMusicPlayerController, but I've never tried adding files to this, only playing files.
You could always experiment with iCloud integration? Although this will still appear in your sandbox I think.

Where is my recorded audio file and what is its default type in xcode?

I'm recording a file using AVAudioSession but i do not know where its stored and with which file format .wav or .mp3 :P ? Could someone help me? Also I need to know mimetype?
You can specify the destination path of the recording (usually the documents directory of your app)
In this answer you'll find the code you need.

How to copy audio file from iPhone's filesystem to asset library programmatically

I have an audio file that I saved from stream into ~/Documents folder on iPhone.
I just wanted to make this file visible to user as (s)he can play it using iPod program or put that file into his/her song's album!
Unfortunately, this is not possible. Access to the iPod library is read-only at the moment.

how to save audio file after record in xcode for iphone

noob here and need help from the pros...
i am doing a voice record project where i already know how to record using speak here sample from apple.. but now i want to save the file and create a gallery of all recorded save file in my apps..
please help im a bit stuck..
thanks you so much with all you guys help..
#shy i think you will find more info in these links
iPhone SDK:Saving a streamed audio file to Documents folder
iPhone: how to download media files and save them on device

Is it possible to use MPMediaPickerController to load audio files from library and save to document directory?

Is it possible to use MPMediaPickerController to load audio files from library and save to document directory?
Welcome any comment.
I know this question is a few months old, but iOS 4.0 and later do provide the ability to copy a song from the iPod library to your application's documents directory via the AVAssetExportSession class.
There are a few drawbacks with AVAssetExportSession, so I would recommend that anyone wanting to import files without having to transcode them all to AAC have a look at TSLibraryImport.
AVAssetReader can also be used if you're interested in directly accessing un-compressed linear PCM data without having to first copy the file and then using Core Audio to access the data.
You have implement the MPMediaPickerControllerDelegate protocol's mediaPicker:didPickMediaItems: function.
I think, you could save the picked data there as you desire.