Where can I download iPhone 3.1? - iphone

I develop for iPhone, and I want one of my test devices to have 3.1 on it. It is nowhere to be found, at least not on the apple site. Current version is 4.x and that's the only one I can get there, besides I have 10.5 on my MAC so I have no real choice
Does anyone know where I can get this version

It is not possible to downgrade (or even restore to any non-latest firmware) on an iPhone/iPod newer than an iPod touch 2G/iPhone 3G. This is because on the 3GS and newer devices, Apple implemented a system where they must agree to and sign every firmware restore.
You can read more about it here: http://saurik.com/id/12
To get around it, you can save your "SHSH", which is the signature Apple gives you when they approve a restore. To do this, check out TinyUmbrella, but be warned that you can only save it for the latest firmware (iOS 4.2 at the time of writing, since that is all Apple will sign), and cannot use this to go backwards unless you already saved it for your target firmware.

version 3.1 for iPhone 3G/3GS/Touch

You can get all versions from there :]


"This device isn't eligible for the requested build."

I have an iPhone 3GS with 4.3 firmware. I downloaded a 3.1.3 firmware and was hoping to restore the iPhone using Organizer. But! I got the following error:
"This device isn't eligible for the requested build."
Any idea what's wrong?
There is no officially supported way to downgrade the firmware of an iPhone.
Apple only allows upgrading to a later version.
Look up SHSH saving, with utilities such as TinyUmbrella. Its commonly used by jailbreakers to allow rollbacks. Ive been saving my SHSH since it was introduced around OS3.1.x, and it lets me go back to any iOS version from iOS5beta to iOS3.1.3 etc.
This is because apple need to confirm the software update with a SHSH key. TinyUmbrella will save them and spoof them if you want to downgrade later. Although it won't let you go back, you would start saving SHSH's for current iOS builds, allowing rollbacks in the future...

What version of IOS to use when upload app to appstore?

I am just about to upload my first app to appstore :-)
I have tested the app on an iPhone 3G (IOS 4.2) and my iPhone 4. What version of code should i upload and:
If i upload 4.2 to support iPhone 3G, will that cause any problems with newer phones?
If i upload the latest version of the code i guess iPhone 3G's will not be able to run it?
Is it worth while to still support iPhone 3G?
Can someone please recommend me what to do?
If you upload a version that the 3G does not support, then all 3G users will not be able to download the app.
If you upload a version that is supported by 3G, then only if the users have updated their firmware will be able to use the app.
In other words, the role of thumb is: upload the one that is tested on the latest firmware, but can be launched from as many firmware version as possible.
That might mean to just upload the one that is tested on the least firmware possible, but be careful because newer firmware versions might stop supporting certain APIs that you might have used, and then all newer (potential) customers will be locked out of your app.
If i upload 4.2 to support iPhone 3G, will that cause any problems with newer phones?
If i upload the latest version of the code i guess iPhone 3G's will not be able to run it?
You need to compile for arm6 in addition to arm7 architecture.
Is it worth while to still support iPhone 3G?
That's a matter of opinion. This there any requirement for you specific app that requires a iPhone 3GS?
Choosing the latest ios as the deployment version is bad idea. iOS 4.3 isn't supported by Verizon devices, which means that you will lose a big portion of US users.
I believe most of apple's apps are using "iOS 3.1" as the deployment version, and i would recommend choosing the this as the lowest supported version.
iOS 3.1 is the last version supported by the original iphone, which guarantees that all users can use your app. Note it's not enougth to just pick 3.1 as the deployment version. you will have to test it with a REAL 3.1 firmware. There are a few guides on downgrading your iphone to 3.1, which is helpful for testing (such as http://lifehacker.com/5572003/how-to-downgrade-your-iphone-3g%5Bs%5D-from-ios-4-to-ios-313)

How do I Ensure my Application's iOS Deployment Target will be Usable for that SDK?

I would like to set my iPhone App's iOS Deployment Target to the minimum possible SDK, which appears to be iOS 3.0 in Xcode version 3.2.6. Thus far, the base SDK I have been running against has been the latest (iOS 4.3). How can ensure that I am not using any newer features (i.e. since iOS 3.0) in my code, and that the application will not crash for the older iOS versions? Do I just need to find and install the older iOS SDK? If so, where may I find these version controlled SDKs?
You could try to run it on a device with the older sdk (we keep devices around with 3.1.3 for instance). However, you won't be able to find a downloadable version of the old OS from Apple.
If you don't have a versioned device around, the best way would be to look at any "suspicious" pieces of code that might have new features and make sure they are available in your base OS version (using the class references)
Yes, it's a bad system, but now you can start to keep old sdks around (i always make a copy onto a local storage device before I install a new version). As for restoring your device: I think you have to have made a backup at some time (i'm not 100% sure). But if you could I think it would be in organizer on Xcode and I guess you could check in iTunes too.

iPhone App Run Different iOS

I am getting a fat binary when I go to upload, and I want to make sure that my application can run across 3.0, well even 2.0. Is there a specific way to make sure that this will show when I go to upload. I am not using any specific iOS 4 features, and I only have iOS 4 in my xCode. How can I test different iOS version?
The only way as I could think of is test your app on real old OS version devices. Since Apple prefers its users to upgrade to new OS version as soon as possible, they don't actually provide an official way for developers to test such backward compatibility.
Another relevant questions would be, "can I downgrade my device OS version to an old one, so that I can test my app on them?" I once did a research on SO and other Apple forums, and the result I got was NO, we developers don't have a way to "officially" downgrade our device OS version. Yes there are exceptions, you can try jail-breaking and then downgrading.
For jail-breaking / downgrading your OS version, check this post, A TimeMachine taking my iDevice back to 3.1.2? .
Edited: It's actually pretty easy to make sure that users with old OS versions can downloaded and install your app. All you need to do is set the Deployment Target in Xcode to the lowest OS version you want (iOS 3.0 would be the lowest in Xcode 3.2.5).
However, you need to bear in mind that such Deployment Target only ensures that your app can be downloaded and installed on such old version OS devices. They don't ensure compatibility during runtime. You still need to test your app on real old OS devices to ensure compatibility.
I dont think u need to worry about app version 3.0 below because it is not supported anymore. but how to test on different version, make sure change the iOS deployment target as Thomas refered.
There is no currently supported way to do this.
No current Simulator or Xcode tool will ensure that an app is completely compatible with an OS version older than the SDK used. The 2.0 SDK is not compatible with the current development tools. There is no officially supported way to downgrade a device.
Furthermore, Apple no longer even accepts app submissions that have a deployment target lower than 3.0.
Even most old 1st gen devices, if you can find one on eBay, have been upgraded to iOS 3.1.3. But if you have access to an old device running iOS 3.1.3, you can use that for testing. Many developers keep an old used iPod Touch around for just his purpose.
People with devices running something older than 3.1.3 are not only a really tiny percentage of the installed base, but are very unlikely to be still buying apps for that device. Even large developers with staff and legacy hardware available for this testing rarely waste the time on this market.
Look into Project -> Edit Project Settings -> iOS Deployment Target: 3.13. And then build?
Edit according to comment: You still need to ENSURE your code is within the runtime scope, i.e. do checks like 'respondstoselector' before calling methods in question.

Testing in iOS 3.1.3 with the latest Xcode

How do you test an app in iOS 3.1.3 with the latest Xcode build?
Is it possible to do this in the Simulator? If not, is it possible to downgrade a device to iOS 3.1.3?
Yes, you can downgrade a device. It is not officially supported but I've done it on two 3Gs with success for testing on 3.1.3.
First find a tool called RecBoot by someone called the0rkus, runs on Intel macs only. This brings the phone out of recovery mode once you have loaded the 3.1.3 software.
Find the .ipsw file for your device, as you know it is a different file for iPhone 3/3GS or iPod Touch. Load this software to the phone via iTunes in the usual way, holding the option key while clicking "restore". Wait while it loads.
When it finishes and reboots you will find iTunes complains about this version being incorrect. Situation is the software is loaded, ready to go, but it lacks the final blessing from Apple. RecBoot brings it out of this mode, "waking" the phone into normal ready-to-activate state. Once you have gone through connection to iTunes with a SIM inserted you have a phone just as if you had never gone to 4.0.
Too bad we have to resort to a hack to test with older devices but I don't know any other way. It would be nice if the simulator could still run 3.1.3, nice if setting deployment target would flag pre-3.2 features.
You can also install the older Xcode 3.2.1 with iPhone SDK 3.1.3 but the hardware is the true test of whether your software really works. Given that, you could probably skip finding and using it - although there is no quicker way to find everything that you can't use in 3.1.3. There is no problem having multiple copies of Xcode of different versions installed but it is a good idea to uninstall them with the script provided in /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools (read the readme included with each Xcode distribution)
You need to test the app on a device running 3.1.3.
The deployment target is one thing (that you set to 3.0 so that you can test on the device)
But if you are looking debugging with a specific version of the SDK, you should have the respective XCode installer.
Does your simulator have a menu marked "hardware" with a variety of older OS version choices?
(Mine does.)
Just use that.
It won't be 100% "actual device" test... but it's a WHOLE lot easier.
(None of the simulators are 100% tests anyway.)