How to get iPhone app to take good pictures using UIImagePickerController? - iphone

In my iPhone app, I use UIImagePickerController to allow the users to take photos for use within the app. However, they always seem to come out blurry and/or unstable. What are some best practices when using UIImagePickerController to take photos on the iPhone, to make the pictures come out looking good?

Hold the phone steady.
There isn't anything in the UIImagePickerController usage that can change how blurry the resulting images are.
Maybe you are doing something odd with the images afterwards that is causing the problem ?


Using xcode to access rear camera, iphone iOS5

I'm sorry if this is already answered...
All I need is how to fire up the rear facing camera and display it in an image taking pictures, no accessing the photo library, just turning on the camera...simple.
I believe AVCapture is the thing to use, but anything I look into goes way deep than I need and I'm just not that smart. Any help is appreciated.
The AVCam sample from Apple is the best place to start. Be warned that the seemingly simple task of displaying a live video preview from the camera is non-trivial.

Screen recording in iphone

I want to make a screen recorder with iphone.
Is it possible to do that?
If yes how can i implement a screen recorder with xcode, anybody can help me.
I know how to implement(i mean the logic),that is add pictures to a video file in a regular interval.but how can i do this with iphone sdk
Help me...
Assuming you mean a standard iPhone which is not jailbroken:
No, you can't. You could write an app that captured images of its own display when running, but you can't capture the screen in general (e.g. the home screen, or other apps' screens). It's not the sort of software Apple would allow, even if you found a way to hack around it (which I imagine wouldn't be possible).
What about this? It seems to indicate that video screen capture and saving (using the UIGetScreenImage function) is now allowed by Apple.

A general question regarding images to be used in iPhone

This is my first iPhone application. So I have this long list of doubts :-)
My application has a UItableView on the first tab and a Contact us page on the third tab. In both these tabs I display images.
For the UITableView i get images from the server and for the contact us page I have a set of static images of my client.
My question is, is there any specifications on the quality of these images that I should follow to get my App approved in Appstore?? These images are readable, but not of high resolution.
I know there are guidelines on the Tabbar icon images, the splash screen images. But what about the static images and the images i receive from the server?
Guidance or help would be appreciated :)
There are specifications based on display. However it is not mandatory to support both the displays (normal and retina).
You may want to dig more into the HIG. If you don't have images of double resolution then on the retina display the appearance of the app may be bad.
However you can use any image(barring other violation like DRM, copyrights etc) in your app.
Approval is also based on a large number of parameters. The images may not be a part of it.However they will specify it explicitly if rejected.
Have fun.
If you feel the image is good then use it.. Apple wont gonna reject your app due to images.
But just keep in mind that there are few icons defined by apple for specific purpose like action icon for opening actionsheet, camera icon for opening camera console or wallpaper.
Just keep in mind that you are not changing the behaviour of the predefined icons....
Rest all is fine..
Happy iCoding...

iPhone Screen Capturing Question

I'm writing an iPhone App that allows people to share images that may be copyrighted(not illegally). The issue I am having is that I'm looking for a way to work around the screen capturing. Is there any possible way you can disable screen capturing or possibly distort the image in some way so capturing will be useless, maybe even block the images when a screen capture is trying to be taken?
That is impossible because it is embedded in iOS itself. Maybe some private APIs, but then there is no app store for your app.
Watermarking the images may be a good half-way solution.
iOS screen capture does not support capturing everything. It does not capture OpenGL or YouTube for example. So if you can manage to implement showing images using OpenGL instead of the simple way using UIKit they would not show up on a screen shot.

What is the iPhone API or Class that does picture scrolling with the cool reflection effect?

For example, in CNN's iPhone app, if you rotate the phone into landscape mode, it shows all the stories as pictures that you can scroll with your finger. It looks really polished with even a "reflection" effect. I've seen another app also do this, leading me to believe that it is a standard iPhone SDK API.
Here is a link to a screenshot from the CNN app so you can see what I'm talking about:
Anyone know what Class this is?
Try this: Open source CoverFlow library for iPhone
Also do a google search for Coverflow. I think that might do what you want or something close to it.