i am using a asp.net updatepannel .Will update panel create a div in the client side ?
In the future try a right-click > view source.
by default, yes
but is you set RenderMode="Inline" it will create a <span>
I need to develop a functionality in IBM Content Navigator where after search for an item, right click it-> Properties, I need to either:
1 - add a button in properties dialog screen that will call a service and open another dialog;
2 - or extend the Save button functionality to also call a service and open another dialog;
What's quickest way to achieve that ?
Have a look # ecm.widget.dialog.EditPropertiesDialog and onSave() method. This might help you to extend save button functionality.
You can add your customized code by using aspect before/after:
(choose either depending on your functionality)
aspect.after(ecm.widget.dialog.EditPropertiesDialog.prototype,"onSave", function(event){
aspect.before(ecm.widget.dialog.EditPropertiesDialog.prototype,"onSave", function(event){
Create a form with a webbrowser control.
Drag and drop a txt/html file into the webbrowser.
The file is shown into the browser.
How do I prevent that?
The WebBrowser control has a property: RegisterAsDropTarget. Set it to false.
You can get a little more info on the property (and other properties) here.
If you want to disable drag-and-drop you should be able to set AllowBrowserDrop to "False".
So I have a model (Image) that belongs to another model (Product), and I want to allow a user to manage both of these two types of models, but I don't want to list the model in the navigation menu in RailsAdmin.
Basically of these two I only want Product to be visible in the navigation menu, while allowing the user to still crud their images within the edit/add form of a Product.
Is this possible with CanCan? Or do I need to use CSS to hide these navigation items?
config.model Team do
visible false
According to this issue, and this issue your only valid approach would be the CSS approach
I had the same issue, and unfortunately I haven't found any proper solution. The only workaround was to hack Rails Admin using javascript.
So, to hide the model Image from the navigation menu I added this code in 'app/assets/javascripts/rails_admin/custom/ui.js':
$(document).on('rails_admin.dom_ready', function() {
$('ul.nav-pills li[data-model="image"]').hide();
I had same issue. fixed using this css
li[data-model="event_date"] {
display:none !important;
in your model:
rails_admin do
visible false
no need to edit your rails_admin.rb file.
I can disable the table button using this:
but what I'm interested in is actually hiding it. Any idea on how to accomplish that?
Thank you!
First, you have to use the advanced theme.
Then, add this option in the TinyMCE init code.
theme_advanced_disable : "bold, justifyleft, justifyright"
I hope this might help someone.
list of elements' name here
I'm not familiar with TinyMCE myself, but since you appear to have javascript access to the element itself, all you need to do is set it's display property to "none".
document.getElementById("theButton").style.display = "none";
incase ur trying to hide a specific button, use the following code.
$('.mce_cut').hide() //hides cut button
lookup other button titles using firebug in case u wish to hide something specific.
Incase you are looking to hide specific editor's button, modifiy the jquery selector to select correct sibling/descendent.
alternately, try this ..
Note that ctl00_SPWebPartManager1_g_5005db96_e035_4197_a958_75f008b35061_ctl00_tbKeywords is my asp.net control's id. Don't bother about this if ur not using Asp.net serverside textbox control. In case you are.. <% theTextBoxID.ClientID %> gets u that.
Use the following (using jQuery; a non-jQuery approch is easily built):
var elem = $(ed.id+'_'+'divId_table')
I'm looking into integrating some Telerik Components into our MOSS Installation. I'd figure I would kill a few birds with one stone and work on the Navigation Menu first.
I'm slightly new to SharePoint, and pulling hair at some of it's oddities.
We have some requirements for our Navigation menu:
Security Trimmed
Multi-Level Navigation
As best as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be a way to get security trimming without using SharePoint's out of the box Navigation Settings. Am I wrong?
Is there a way to get these Navigation Settings to go more than two levels deep?
I'm using the Global Navigation, located at / > Site Settings > Modify Navigation
Haven't used the Telerik control.
I suspect you should be able to accomplish this with basic properties, something like StaticDisplayLevels="2" with 2 being the number you want.
The security I believe would be handled on your datasource that the control uses.
Again, I haven't used the telerik control so I'm sure it's a bit different, looking at the product info for this control it appears to be a matter of figuring out what the properties are that you need to adjust. There must be some documentation that came with it?
Savageguy is correct that you modify this on the datasource, an example:
ShowStartingNode="false" />
and then you can use any sort of control (databound) to render your menu. I´m using a repeater for my menu:
<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="MenuRepeater"
you are not required to use any other components other than SharePoint Menu but you have to add a small piece of script in the body tag:
< body onload="javascript:if (typeof(_spBodyOnLoadWrapper) != 'undefined') _spBodyOnLoadWrapper();">