Is ADO.NET 4 the same as Entity Framework 4? - entity-framework

Is ADO.NET 4 the same as Entity Framework 4? I'm looking for a book on Entitry Framework and saw this Title. Not sure if what I'm looking for though.

No, it's not. Entity Framework is an ORM that has been built on the top of ADO.NET. Although the book you've mentioned has a small chapter on EF, but its main focus is on ADO.Net basis and its core classes.
If you are looking for a book on EF, then don't miss this GREAT book, it's all you need:

The official name for "Entity Framework" is "Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework".
A book on ADO.NET 4 should include information about Entity Framework 4 but you might be better off with a book focused solely on the topic.

Here's how MSDN defines the relationship between them:
The Entity Framework is a set of
technologies in ADO.NET that
support the development of
data-oriented software applications.


Entity framework support in .net core 2.1

I have created a new application, using the SPA templare of .netcore, to this solution i want to add another project to handle the database connection(DAL).
When i am adding core Web Application to this solution, i then want to add to id an entityframework template, but in the data section, it dont appear:
So I end-up adding a class Library(.net framework)
and to it i can add an Entity Data Model
So now in the solution, i have 2 projects, 1 is .net core 2.1 for the API's, models and views(by angular).
The second project is a .net framework 4.6.1, class library project.
My question is, is it suppose to be like that?
is it a good thing to mix different frameworks
Please see this article regarding what each framework is, and what each is specifically designed for.
In a nutshell, your requirements drive which framework you choose.
I would recommend sticking with EF Core (just my personal opinion, take it or leave it) The EF Core method of database first is only recommended if you require a 1 time migration from a source database. Microsoft Doc
If you need to CONTINUE working with an entity model past the first migration, it would be in your best interest to use Entity Framework 6, on a .NET Framework library like you have. But that doesn't stop you from using EF Core as your OR/M, because you can indeed have .NET Core reference .NET Framework.

Entity Framework - Is MS Going To Be Dropping Support For Database-First Approach

When I read posts about db-first vs. code first approaches, I get the impression that code-first is the rising star and superior to db-first so that db-fist is about to be deprecated in the future releases of Entity Framework.
I could not find an official statement from Microsoft but they seem to be endorsing code-first by things like Identity Framework etc. Would it be a mistake to start a new project using EF DB-first?
You have EF 6 for the more traditional EF and EF 7 which became EF Core.
In my opinion you are better off focusing your effort on using EF independent from either approach.
Here's a link to an article written by EF Expert Julie Lerman.

How to use Entity Framework Core in XAF

Is it possible to use Entity Framework Core 1 (formerly Entity Framework 7) in XAF (eXpress Application Framework)?
Does XAF support Microsoft’s Entity Framework?
Yes. XAF provides support for Entity Framework. You can use your existing EF data models in order to generate an XAF application. Please review the Business Model Design page to learn more.
To clarify, it is possible to use EF Core because XAF runs on .NET. If what you are asking is "does XAF work out-of-box with EF Core?" the answer is no. XAF's baked-in class EFObjectSpace is for EF6 and older because it relies on the ObjectContext API. EF Core does not support the ObjectContext API.
In v20.1, we have published GitHub examples illustrating how to access data protected by the DevExpress XAF Security System with Entity Framework Core 3 in non-XAF apps (they use the new EFCoreObjectSpaceProvider and SecuredEFCoreObjectSpaceProvider API).
For more information, please review Frequently Asked Questions and this feature and architecture overview.
XAF 22.2.3 supports EFCore 6.0.3
Note when upgrading old projects the primary keys in the security system have changed to GUIDS.
I managed to do the migration by creating a new .net core5 project from the wizard and then moving my classes into the new project.
Unfortunately The .Net5 security tables are different to those that the framework project uses so I wont be able to do a staged roll out.

How different are EF 4.0 and EF 4.1?

I guess that EF4.1 is recent to EF4.0, but I didn't find any book on EF4.1, but 2 books on EF4.0.
can I still buy the book on EF4.0 expecting that I will get most of the concept??
Thanks for helping.
According to The ADO.NET Team blog, there are two main features:
The DbContext API is a simplified abstraction over ObjectContext and a number of other types that were included in previous releases of the ADO.NET Entity Framework. The DbContext API surface is optimized for common tasks and coding patterns. DbContext can be used with Database First, Model First and Code First development.
Code First is a new development pattern for the ADO.NET Entity Framework and provides an alternative to the existing Database First and Model First patterns. Code First is focused around defining your model using C#/VB.NET classes, these classes can then be mapped to an existing database or be used to generate a database schema. Additional configuration can be supplied using Data Annotations or via a fluent API.
EF 4.0 books are good unless you are using one of those 2 features, because you won't find them in there.
But you have plenty of resources online about those new features (especially Code First).
You even have official tutorials:
Using DbContext
Code First walkthrough

Are the only changes in ADO.Net for .Net 4 in Entity Framework?

It seems from the MSDN overview that the only change to ADO.Net in .Net 4 is the addition of Entity Framework.
I'm working on refactoring some legacy database access to use ADO.Net and one of the things I'd like to document as project issues is any benefit from moving to .Net 4 from the .Net 3.5sp1 we're currently targeting (we have a WPF GUI - it's a pure desktop app).
There have been a lot of improvement on linq-to-SQL as well see here, and that was for beta2, don't know if more stuff made it in the Release: