Using 1 AppDelegate for multiple .xib xcode/ipad sdk - iphone

Is it a good practice to use one main AppDelegate.h to handle all the ibaction stuff?
is it even possible? if so who does one do this? my IB only lets me link to the associated .m file
firstView.xib only respond to ibaction in firstView.m
I want a button on firstView.xib to respond to ibaction in AppDelegate.m
any thoughts?

No, it's not good practice. But if you really want to...
If you aren't worried about having the same instance of appDelegate holding the IBActions, you can just drag a generic object from the library into your firstView.xib, then change the class to appDelegate. That will allow you to link actions.
You can hook up the actions programmatically: create IBOutlets from the view controller, and in the viewDidLoad method of the view controller, get the [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] and attach it's IBAction methods to the actions of the IBOutlets for the buttons
To access the app delegate from elsewhere in your code, do the following:
#import "AppDelegate.h"
AppDelegate * appDelegate = (AppDelegate *) [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];


Calling method in current view controller from App Delegate in iOS

I have two view controllers (BuildingsViewController and RoomsViewController) that both use a function within the App Delegate called upload. The upload function basically does an HTTP request, and if its successful or unsuccessful, triggers a uialertview. This is working fine.
The part I'm struggling with is from within the app delegate's connectionDidFinishLoading method. I need to be able to basically refresh the current view controller via perhaps viewWillAppear method of that view controller. Inside the viewWillAppear function of each view controller I have code which determines the buttons on the bottom toolbar.
I want the "upload" button in the toolbar of each view controller to automatically be removed when the uploading is done via the app delegate.
I've tried doing [viewController viewWillAppear:YES] from within the connectionDidFinishLoading method of the app delegate, but it never gets called.
I hope I'm clear enough. Any help is greatly appreciated.
To do the refresh of the view do not call viewWillAppear if the view is already displayed. What you want to do is the following:
When ConnectionDidFinishLoading method is triggered post a notification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"refreshView" object:nil];
In your viewController observe for this notification. You do it by adding this code to your init or viewDidLoad method
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(refreshView:) name:#"refreshView" object:nil];
Now implement -(void)refreshView:(NSNotification *) notification method in your viewController to manage your view to your liking.
If you are targeting iOS 4.0 and later, you can use the window's rootViewController property to get the current view controller.
[window.rootViewController viewWillAppear];
If you want your application to run on versions prior to iOS 4.0, then you could add an instance variable to the application delegate to remember which view controller called the upload method, having the controller send itself as a parameter.
- (void)upload:(UIViewController *)viewController {
self.uploadingViewController = viewController; // This is the property you add
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
[self.uploadingViewController viewWillAppear];
self.uploadingViewController = nil;
You should also consider using a different method to reload the buttons, something like reloadButtons, since it is not related to the view appearing in this case. You would then call that method from within viewWillAppear.
Step 1:
In your App Delegate .h file you need to declare a protocol like so:
#protocol AppConnectionDelegate <NSObject>
In the same file, add an ivar like so:
id *delegate;
Declare the ivar as a property:
#property (nonatomic, assign) id<AppConnectionDelegate> delegate;
In the App Delegate .m file, synthesize the ivar:
#synthesize delegate;
In the App Delegate .m file, on connectionDidFinishLoading do:
if([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(connectionFinished:)])
[self.delegate connectionFinished:objectYouWantToSend];
In your viewcontroller's .h file, implement the AppConnectionDelegate by importing a reference to the app delegate file:
#import "AppDelegate_iPhone.h" //if using iPhone
#import "AppDelegate_iPad.h" //if using iPad
In the same file, at the end of the first line of the interface declaration do:
#interface AppDelegate_iPhone : AppDelegate_Shared <AppConnectionDelegate>
Declare ivars accordingly:
AppDelegate_iPhone *appDelegate; //if using iPhone
AppDelegate_iPad *appDelegate; // if using iPad
In your viewcontroller's .m file in the viewDidLoad(), get a reference to your app delegate using:
If iPhone;
appDelegate = (AppDelegate_iPhone*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
If iPad:
appDelegate = (AppDelegate_iPad*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
Then set the viewcontroller to be the delegate in viewDidLoad() by doing:
appDelegate.delegate = self;
Now you need to simply implement the connectionFinished method in the .m file:
- (void)connectionFinished:(NSObject*)incomingObject
//Do whatever you want here when the connection is finished. IncomingObject is the object that the app delegate sent.
Now whenever your app delegate's connectionDidFinishLoading is called, the view controller will be notified.
[It's a best practice to set appDelegate.delegate = nil if you're done using the connectionFinished callback]
This is tried and tested. If you have questions, leave a comment......
--EDIT--This is a robust alternative to NSNotification. I use both depending on the requirements. The process I use to decide between using NSNotification or a delegate callback using a protocol is simply:
For notifications:
One sender, multiple listeners.
No reference possible between sender and listener.
Complex/multiple objects need not be sent
For delegate callbacks using protocols:
One sender, limited (usually 1) listeners.
A reference between sender and listener is possible.
Complex/multiple objects are to be sent (for example, response objects that need to be sent)
I know sending objects is possible through notifications but I prefer protocols for that.
Worse comes to worst, you can have both view controllers adhere to a simple one method protocol that will remove that button and refresh the view. Then in your connectionDidFinishLoading method, since you know your view controller must adhere to that protocol, by your design, you simply do something like
ViewController<MyProtocol> curView = (Get the current view controller somehow);
[curview refreshView];

Iphone access a property value from AppDelegate

How to access a property value of AppDelegate class from someView Controller without creating reference of the delegate in view controller?
I'm not quite sure what you mean - there are multiple ways to get information from your application delegate into a view controller, and the phrase "without creating reference of the delegate" is unclear. Your options basically are:
Reference the application delegate, casting as appropriate. You would write code in your view controller class like: id propertyValue = [(MyAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] myProperty];
Pass the property in when creating the view controller. This requires the view controller to have a #property declared and #synthesized for use, then you would have the app delegate just set the property on the view controller instance.
Neither of these options require that you retain a copy of your app's delegate as a #property, but the first does reference the delegate once.
[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate
You'll also need to include the app delegate header file in your view controller and possibly typecast the delegate from id to your actual app delegate class.
#include "MyAppDelegate.h"
((MyAppDelegate *)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate).myProperty;
[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;

Switching to another View with UITabBar

I just started developing with the iPhone SDK and I have a problem with switching to another tab with the UITabBar.
This is my current code, and it works so far:
myAppAppDelegate *appDel = (myAppAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]
[appDel.tabBar setSelectedViewController:[appDel.tabBar.viewControllers objectAtIndex:5]];
But if i go to the more tab and rearrange the tabbar items, the index of the viewControllers change too. Is there any possibility how I could solve this problem?
First of all, if you ever find yourself typing this:
(myAppAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]
You can probably benefit from a better design. This code probably comes from a view controller, in which case you are calling out to the App delegate from a view controller, and dealing with stuff you shouldn't have knowledge of (the tab bar).
A better design is to delegate out to the app delegate, and the app delegate switches the tab for you. The app delegate should have references to the actual view controllers in the tab bar (you can hook these up via IB if not) so you can call setSelectedViewController: with the correct object, rather than indexing into the tab bar's array:
/* Somewhere in the app delegate */
- (void)selectFooBarController {
[self.tabBar setSelectedViewController:self.fooBarController];
Now if you don't want to bother with delegation you can just put a method on the app delegate (like the one above) and your original code becomes:
myAppAppDelegate *appDel = (myAppAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]
[appDel selectFooBarController];
Again you will need to add IBOutlet properties to your app delegate which you connect to the fooBarController etc. in Interface Builder. This will let you directly reference them rather than grabbing them out of an array.
The most straight forward means I can think off relies on the fact that when you application first starts, unless you are doing something to save the re-ordering, you could save off the initial list of UIViewControllers:
initialOrdering = [[appDel.tabBar viewControllers] copy];
Where 'initialOrdering' is an NSArray* which you would then use instead of appDel.tabBar.viewControllers in the code you posted.

How to reference THE UIWindow from sub UIViewControllers?

I am trying to add another subview programmatically based on some event (user taps a button, for instance).
My problem is that I am having problems referencing the (one and only) instance of UIWindow. I reach it from my appDelegate, because the MainWindow.xib and the appDelegate have been wired up. But I cannot reach the UIWIndow from anywhere else (I cannot draw that connection in IB, can I?)
What techniwue is preferred to get a reference to (the one and only) UIWindow? that I in turn can use the following code from my various UIViewControllers:
[myOneAndOnlyWindow addSubview:oneOfManyViews.view];
[myOneAndOnlyWindow makeKeyAndVisible];
You can retrieve pointer to the key window of your application after call
[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow
Window becomes key after you call
[window makeKeyAndVisible]
You can use following code to add view in main window from any view controller:
YourAppDelegate *appDelegate = (YourAppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
[appDelegate.window addSubView:viewController.view];
The only thing you must take care is that window should be defined as a property in your application delegate class.
Hope this helps.

Accessing pushViewController's methods from popViewController

I am working on a view based application. In this i have two viewcontrollers. They are: Rootviewcontroller and Detailviewcontroller.
Now i am passing a values to Detailviewcontroller using pushViewController method.It works fine. But now when i pop out from this Detailviewcontroller i should access myfunction in Rootviewcontroller. Is it possible please suggest?
Any help would be apprecited !
call myfunction in the root view controller's viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated method or the viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated method, depending on when you want it to be called. that way whenever that controller appears the code you need will be run.
I don't really understand your question 100%, but I think you want to access the methods of the Root ViewController from another View Controller further up the stack?
You can do something like this in DetailViewController:
RootViewController *rootViewController = (RootViewController*)self.navigationController.topViewController;
Now that you have a reference to the Root, you can call methods on it as you wish.
Store instance of rootViewController in AppDelegate.
// AppDelegate.h
RootViewController* rootViewController;
Add an access method to the implementation.
// AppDelegate.m
- (UIViewController*) GetRootViewController {
return rootViewController;
Call this method to get the rootViewController from anywhere in your app.
UIViewController* controller =
[(AppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] GetRootViewController];