I have created a roo project following the typical persistence setup instructions resulting in a Hibernate and Hypersonic in-memory data layer. I was wondering how it's possible to add another, say Hibernate and PostgreSQL, persistence layer with the ability to switch between both, using one for development and the other for production.
When Spring 3.1 comes out you will be able to define the beans by region - https://jira.springsource.org/browse/SPR-1876. Investigate using Maven Profiles to assist with switching - http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-building-for-different-environments.html
Hope this helps.
Gordon Dickens
I really like using the Deltaspikes Datamodule with its Repositories.
To improve in productivity and lower the Errors i am also writing Unittests via JUnit.
Before i used DBUnit with Plain JPA/Hibernate inside the testcases, but i would like
to test my deltaspike JPA repositories via JUnit - or maybe enhanced with DBUnit.
Are there any best practises or ways how to do this?
I found some integration project that combines dbunit with Deltaspike, but i was not able to getit running with Hibernate JPA Provider.
Thanking you very much in advance for any help
Best regards, Shane
I was able to do this by using Database Rider.
I really can recommend this project for all people who want to have a foll integrated JUnit 5 Test combined with Apache Deltaspikes Repository structure
I just started learning Spring Data JPA, I connected to mysql in localhost and able to save a record but I am unable to understand why it is working if I am not giving dialect property in properties file and is hibernate a default implementation of spring data instead of ibatis or Eclispe link, because in my pom.xml I just added the dependency of spring-data-jpa and never mentioned what kind of JPA implementation I want to use.
Since you have an application.properties I assume you are using Spring Boot and not just Spring Data JPA.
In order to use JPA with Spring Boot you would typically add spring-boot-starter-data-jpa to your dependencies. This indeed comes with Hibernate out of the box as you can see when you inspect the dependencies.
Spring Data JPA itself doesn't come with a JPA implementation. You have to add that.
iBatis is not a JPA implementation.
If the assumption above doesn't match your scenario you can use the maven dependency plugin to inspect your (transient) dependencies. The following is a good starting point.
mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose
If you use a different build tool, it probably has a similar feature.
I am new to Spring. I am learning it from different sources. Spring Recipes, Spring In Action and Spring documentation. According to Spring 3.+, XML configuration can be ignored at all. This is good for me as a beginner.
I am using Spring Tool Suite, is there a Spring Web project template that starts with annotations only? All the project templates I have found use XML configuration. I don't even know where to put my DispatcherServlet. I don't know where to put my controllers.
I also had the same problem when Starting out with Spring to find only annotation based templates. Then I found this from John Thompson. This project is completely annotation based and the only xml file involved is pom.xml
I recommend you to run through Spring Guides - they are up to date and use annotation based configuration.
This is guide how to make a restfull web service using spring-boot. It has description how to made project with maven, gradle or STS.
The official recommendation is to base all new projects on Spring Boot which is XML-less out of the box.
STS offers a nice integration with the Spring Initializr service: just go to "New -> Spring Starter Project", fill in a few fields like project name etc. and tick the boxes next to modules you're interested in.
I'm looking to create some projects with common classes for every other project I create, web or standard.
In eclipse I'd already created two projects with the maven quickstart archetype without the jpa facet, but with the eclipselink libraries in the maven POM to anotate entities and jpa stuff. One project is for generic JPA access and another project for security (user entities, user services, user repository) that uses the JPA access project.
Then I create a 3rd project with the same archetype from last 2 project for testing the previous 2, but this have the JPA facet and the Persistence.xml. When I try to do something JPA related, it says the metamodel is empty. Then I found on the internet and the documentation says I have to use the tag in my persistence.xml, but I dont know how since Im including the previous two project in the build path of eclipse, not exactly any jar file. How can I achieve this?
Excuse my english translation.
You probably need an Composite Peristence Unit. Also, it will probably require some care in your built/deployment scripts.
I've searched for an answer to my problem on google and various forums, but couldn't find a solution. I'm currently trying to modify the persistence.xml at runtime by adding a persistence unit to the file.
The solutions for this question were always "pass a Map of properties when creating an EntityManagerFactory (or EntityManager)" but i need to save the new persistence unit in the persistence.xml, because the application is going to have 100 or even more persistence unit's, one for each tenant that will register to the service, each tenant will have his own database. I'm currently using EclipseLink 2.3.3 as my JPA implementation, EJB 3.1 and jboss 7.1.1.Final as my application server.
Is it possible to modify the persistence.xml at runtime (on the fly)?
The persistence.xml is a deployed artifact, so would be difficult to modify at runtime. I think passing a properties map to createEntityManagerFactory is your best solution, what issue are you having with this?
You may also want to try using the PersistenceProvider API, createContainerEntityManagerFactory() that takes a PersistenceUnitInfo.
Also, consider using EclipseLink's multi-tenant support,