Make a call from iPhone application without quitting - iphone

Is it possible to make a call from application with out quitting application in iOS 4?

You will have to have your application remember its state. That way it can be resumed when launched again. Even with the new multitasking your suspended apps may be forcibly quit if the device needs more memory.
Apple has a guide named "Supporting Multitasking In Your Applications" which you should be able to locate.
Related SO: Does iOS 4 make “Real Multitasking” available to 3rd party developers?
However, you may not replicate core OS functionality so this is the only way to get what you want.


Reverting to a non-iPad App

I have a Universal app existing in the app store for a client. The client wants to release an update just for the iPhone and ignore the iPad.
I said this wasn't possible because the app is already Universal, however, im not sure if I am right now.
Can I release an update that reverted to a non-universal app?
If so will the iPad customers get the update as a 2x app?
Are there any other options? Can I push an upstate just to iPhone customers?
if it is a universal app, then you can just change the iPhone code and leave the iPad code as it is. Both devices will get possibility for an update. I'd recommend adding something like
Update for iPhone side, nothing changed for iPad
to the release notes.
Answering your questions:
No idea, but I wouldn't do it
I don't think so
Other option: change only iPhone side and then test it on devices before publishing. That will show you if something will go wrong on iPad
I do believe one of the apps installed on my iPhone had something like that.
Hope it helps
You can revert to a non-universal app by making the appropriate changes to your project settings. This will cause all devices to receive the update when released, and on the iPad the app will revert to the 'iPhone 2x' interface. You cannot (as far as I can see) push an update to iPhone only.
Reverting to a non-universal app might upset some of your client's customers if they have become accustomed to using the iPad User Interface for the app when they find themselves back in the iPhone UI.
However - if the change you need to make is only to the iPhone User Interface, and doesn't affect the iPad UI or your application logic; Or if the change is to the application logic and won't break the iPhone or iPad UIs, you could still make that change and stay as a universal app ... In other words an iPhone UI update doesn't need to change or remove iPad UI functionality, and a logic-only change which doesn't break either of the UIs won't need you to revert to iPhone only even if that logic change only affects the iPhone.
If you need different behaviours within the app for iPhone and iPad, you can check which device your app is running on and carry out different functions automatically.
Basically, check what the update will affect in each of the UIs, and if the iPad UI won't break just leave it universal.

iOS platform: Running application on background

am new to the ios application development.
I had developed an application on iOS platform using 4.3 SDK.
When it runs on simulator or a device, if we are trying to press on the application icon again after quit the application at run time, the application is again starts its execution from the begining, not from the previous stage it has stopped.
By going throgh the documentation i came to know the multitasking facility is inbuilt for an iOS application.
Or we need to do any coding for implementing this multitasking facility.? Experts please help.
Thanks in advance.
Basically you should be able to go background and then foreground when using the simulator. remember that when running on simulator the GDB debugger is attached to the process thus you cannot terminate the app and start again but you can go background and start again. I think there is a good chance you are crashing and that's why the app starts again. Try to implement the app delegate methods "didResignActive" and "didBecomeActive" and make sure you manage the saving of the state correctly there...

Persistence unnecessary in iOS 4.0?

I noticed that when the home button is pressed on the iPhone simulator to exit an app and then the app is re-entered it starts off right where it left off. Does this mean that programming persistence is no longer necessary? What if the user presses the power button on their ipod touch?
There are still several cases to mention, which should make it clear that persistence is still necessary!
The Target Device doesn't run iOS4
The Target Device runs iOS 4 but doesn't support Multitasking (like the iPhone 3G)
iOS terminates your background app when it's running out of memory
The App crashes
The Target device reboots
The User manually terminate your app via the "Task Manager"
I'm not fluent with the details, but my understanding is that the application is put to sleep. Just like closing the lib on a Macbook. Persistence is definitely required because your data is not preserved and therefore a power off or application kill will loose it.
If you double click the home button you can see the current app running in background, here you can close an app.
Hower there are some device that can't support multitasking: iPhone 3g and early iPod touch.
Last but not least don't forget that there are a lot of device that still have 3.x iOS version.

What are the implications of multi-tasking in iOS 4.0 for developers?

I just watched this video from Apple that shows multi-tasking on the new iPhone (running iOS 4.0). What are the implications of multi-tasking to developers? Include both positives and negatives.
For example what happens if the user decides to launch two resource-intensives apps at the same time, one of the apps crashes and progress in a game (for example) is lost. Should developers be considering this when writing apps for the new OS and phone?
For example what happens if the user
decides to launch two
resource-intensives apps at the same
time, one of the apps crashes and progress in a game (for example) is lost?
One of them will run on foreground. If the system gets thin on resources, it will terminate the one running in background. The application always gets a chance to save its state.

iPhone app alert without push notification?

How can I alert a user that they need to do something without using a push notification? For instance, if I have an alarm clock app, how can I get it to ring when it is not already running without using a push notification?
You can't. As of writing, iPhone OS does not support background processes. (There wouldn't be any need for push notifications if iPhone OS supported background processes!) You can alert the user while your application is running using UIAlertView, but once your app is closed, you can't do anything.
As #Henrik P. Hessel mentions, it is rumoured that background processes will finally be supported in iPhone OS 4.0. Rumours also suggest that iPhone OS 4.0 will be previewed at the January 27 Apple Special Event. We'll soon see whether they're true...
That's not possible yet. There're rumors though that multitasking and background processes will be allowed in iPhone OS 4.0. But that's more than speculative.
You can't do it in the official iPhone OS 3.1.2 or lower. As mentioned by others, there are rumors that iPhone OS 4.0 will support background processes, but nothing about that has been confirmed by Apple.
You may, however, develop an application that can alert the user without push notifications if you forgo the officially sanctioned SDK + App Store route, and build applications for jailbreak (Cydia or Rock). There are a growing number of for-pay apps in jailbreak land these days. Of course, this will limit your app's exposure, and will be negatively looked at by Apple, but if you have a niche market (and don't mind requiring jailbreak users) or this is only for yourself/friends, this might be a good direction to go in.