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I am using software (DVR) that is meant to talk directly to an IP camera. I am trying to pass a h264 stream directly into it, but it does not work if I just throw a stream onto it.
Can you recommend any "spoofing" software to emulate an IP camera? For the sake of argument, we can say that the camera we want to emulate is Axis P3301.
Given that a lot of software out there can talk to IP cameras, is there a way to use something like vlc/ffmpeg to look like its an IP camera ?
Axis IP cameras provide video through RTSP. Any RTSP server can be used to spoof the video aspect of an IP camera.
Streaming with VLC
Open VLC
Select Media > Stream
Select source media, then click "Stream"
Click "next" to confirm the source
Under "New Destination" select "RTSP"
Deselect "Activate Transcoding" (make sure your source is h264/aac)
Click Add.
Select port and path to mimick the camera. Port is usually 554 but path varies by camera model.
Click Stream
Now you can connect with your DVR software.
Note that Axis cameras also have APIs to pant/tilt/zoom and set options like resolution and bitrate. You won't be able to emulate that.
Another good option is the Axis SDK that's available as part of their Application Development Partner program. The SDK includes software that will mimic an Axis camera perfectly. To join you fill out some paperwork and talk to a representative, but there's no cost and if you're working with Axis there are a ton of benefits.
If you want to fully emulate an Axis camera, there is a free software provided by Axis which allows you to do it with all the functionalities. It is mandatory to have that camera just one time to create the virtual camera template.
Axis Virtual Camera Download
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Closed 4 months ago.
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I want to build voice chat application for iphone.
After surfing and searching i conclude that for making of voice chat app i have to use VOIP/SIP protocol.
So my question is that,
It's necessary to use VOIP/SIP protocol for voice chat? If YES then how can i use VOIP/SIP in my app? Is there any tutorial or blog which explain step by step implementation?
And if it's not necessary to use VOIP/SIP then what is the alternate way for developing Chat application ?
Thanks in advance.
It is not necessary to use SIP. SIP is one of the umbrella standards that enable you to create multimedia sessions of any kind, however with SIP you will also have to implement a number of other things - Offer/Answer model using SDP (Session Description Protocol), use a RTP (Real time protocol) for actual voice transmission, likely MSRP (Message Session Relay Protocol) for session oriented messaging and then possibly look at Presence and whole slew of standards under SIP/SIMPLE.
Now you don't have to do it all and it all depends on what you want to do and how many and what types of other clients and 3rd party servers you want to interface with.
Have a look at existing free SIP software and see what makes sense for you.
Alternatively have a look at XMPP which is more suited for chat and presence kind of requirements. Specifically look at Jabber and see if that makes sense.
You do not need to use SIP. For example, ConnectyCube video solution is based on XMPP for chat and signaling to establish the connection before the call and WebRTC standard for video calls. You can check code samples to see how they implemented it on iOS.
To try the solution you can register a free account. If it suits you, you can use their SDK to speed up the development.
The benefit of using a ready backend with SDK is also that you do not need to worry about setting up a STUN/TURN server for routing video calls. They have a shared one you can use.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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Looking for a device that give maximum possible combination of:
Rotation matrix
Linear acceleration
Magnetic field
Rotation vector
Or any other sensor which gives any data about 3D orientation.
OR: Are there devices that embed InvenSense MotionFusion chips?
I'm looking for a device which is already available for sale on market, however any confirmed information about any upcoming devices will help as well.
A couple of Market apps, AndroSensor and Sensor List show actual phone sensors with running data. Good old Nexus One has Accelerometer and Magnetic compass. I assume you want a gyroscope.
My year-old AT&T Galaxy S has a couple of orientation sensors that may add-up to 6 axis but not a true gyro. A wealth of gyroscople links are documented on SO and more details on Galaxy S sensors here.
Max, let us know which device you settle on, please, and how it works out.
Apparently, Galaxy S2 has LOTS of sensors Orientation type of the sensor
My HTC Desire (aka the Nexus One) is an oldish device now and it has all the sensors needed to detect it's orientation in 3 dimensions (gyro) and movement therein (acceleration).
I suspect most phones have these sensors - they're commonly used in Apps and people tend not to use stuff which isn't widely available (like proper multitouch for example).
It must have some sort of light sensor as it has an automatic backlight adjustment too - tho I've never tried to access that for any development purpose.
In fact, those apps which demonstrate sensor values only show a blank against things like temperature sensors which I suspect few devices have!?
If you'd like me to check it for any other sensor value - let me know - but I've developed a few Apps which use those sensors widely so I know they do work...
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to do a high school project, where i want to create a remote control car with mecanum wheels using matlab. Would anyone know if this is possible and how it is done? I have ordered matlab now and it being shipped, therefore i can mess around with it soon.
MATLAB can communicate with external peripherals using an RS-232 serial port. (That kind of port, usually found on older computers, can be added to newer computers using a USB adapter.) You'll want to build or find a radio control system that can use that interface to connect to the computer, and then you will need to write a MATLAB program to send the correct commands in response to user input, sensors, etc.
Typically you need the following:
A computer with matlab, and an
gpib or some kind of io port
that can interface with your
actuator (in your case you
probably have 2, 1 for steering and
moving back and forward).
An I/O device that matlab can
connect to (typically it is serial
port as idealmachine said, but you
can get serial to usb/serial to
Ethernet drivers that make the
device look like serial devices if it is not specifically an RS-232 connector)
such as the serial port, and
make sure that device can properly
interface with your actuator. You may need the Instrument Control Toolbox
You must find an I/O device (the gpib or some other device - national instruments has a large variety that are as easy as plugging in a USB and only as hard as plugging a PCI card into a pc) that can read/write to your actuator. Make sure you:
Have the proper device drivers for your I/O
device for you PC
Understand what kind of signals your
actuator will accept
The fact that you are using mecanum wheels is less relevant than setting up your interface to those wheels. This undertaking is not simple, and may be out of the scope of your high-school courses, unless you have some really great teachers of course. Also this project will probably cost at least $3-400 after buying the I/O devices and your R/C car (if you have a computer you can use), matlab, and your actuation devices (if you need to get different ones or modify the existing equipment on the R/C car). Doing this wirelessly is just one more complication to your system - start off wired, then once you get the hang of it move up to wireless.
well you can always use an Arduino, Arduinos will be connected to Transceivers which will act as master and slave at the same time, control your car from Matlab, send code to Arduino and watch the magic happen.
Am I sure?
Yes, I am building one now however with automatic response, initial tests worked
so to answer your question, it is possible.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to develop an online multiplayer game for iphone.
I have developed two iphone applications but they weren't games.
so This is my first game .
so Basically I know nothing about how online multiplayer games works on iphone.
I just want to know the strategy , beginner's precautions and other design elements that helps me in understanding multiplayer games in iphone .
e.g.: If there is an online casino game (not bluetooth) ,how the connections and sessions work between all players.How they manage turns , results .
I have put these questions separately also as suggested by Brad Larson and ChrisF :
How the game will search for other online users and will display the list of all users ?
How one can request someone to join the game and then visible to other users ?
How the connection and session will work between players of a table ? (Sockets ?)
What sort of network programming is necessary as part of the server and client ?
please tell me how all these works ? ( Just concepts )
Thanks .
How the game will search for other online users and will display the list of all users ?
You'll need a server that returns a list of online players to your iPhone client is some kind of data format, maybe XML or JSON.
How one can request someone to join the game and then visible to other users ?
The easiest approach would be the person who wants to to join the game sends that command to the server, the server tells that other person they want to join. Wait for a response. If player two says "yes", returns to the server which forwards to the first player.
It's basically a series of commands sent to and from the server. This is how all multiplayer games work - for example the Quake engine sends very compact commands, as little as 4 bytes for things like "get me all players on a server". Given the flakeyness of the iPhone connection this would be a good model to copy, as the Quake networking code was designed for 56k modems.
How the connection and session will work between players of a table ? (Sockets ?)
The connection could either be a continuous stream (UDP would be best), or polling from the client. You'll need to consider scaling for both, as it's possible 100 people playing could bring your server to its knees.
The session will be dropped if one player loses their connection. Alternatively as it's turn based, each player can simply send a command when they're online and the other client picks this up when he's online - there's no need for session in this model, and the commands are stored on the server in a datastore.
What sort of network programming is necessary as part of the server and client ?
I'll broaden this out:
An in depth knowledge of byte and bit manipulation including bit shifting
A knowledge of creating and reading UDP packets
Network programming in C (Objective-C may simplify a lot of this)
The server: writing daemons on Linux, or services on Windows to listen for commands
A knowledge of SOAP, XML or JSON if you're not concerned with bandwidth and connection drops
One thing you might need is a server to store the game state as you can't guarantee that both (all?) players will be on-line at the same time. One of the things this would store would be whose turn it was.
Then when a player turns on his/her phone or starts the game they would see a message saying it's their turn.
You could use this server to store high scores and tables too.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am planning to start a computer vision based project on a smart phone platform.
I know iPhone and Andriod have openCV support. I am interested in knowing how was your experience with the level of integration, support and ease of building good apps on either platform.
Also I do want to consider windows phone 7 ( and Zune) as a platform, Are there any Computer Vision libraries for that platform or any good development tools( does Aforgenet work or any other good suggestion) ?
Also can you suggest some popular augmented reality apps which uses cutting edge technology (I am aware of Pranav Mistry's SixthSense)
Thnx in advance!
Unfortunately on Windows Phone 7 there is no access to the camera's data stream currently. Instead you are limited to launching the camera app, letting the user take a picture, then receiving that picture data.
This is a much requested feature so could change at any time.
Check out WordLens for cutting edge AR.
I've built AR and other computer vision apps on iOS using OpenCV and found it to be a solid platform. If nothing else, it provides you with a fast, robust set of libraries for Matrix mathematics as well as optimised versions of some of the more common vision algorithms from feature extraction to 3D reconstruction. It's pretty much a defacto standard so there's a great support community out there too and I'd definitely recommend it.
From a development point of view, I tend to write command line OpenCV apps on my Mac and then, when debugged and running, I look at moving them to iOS. This shortens the test/debug cycle (as I don't have to worry about deploying and debugging under iOS) as well as allowing me to focus on the problem at hand rather than vagaries of the mobile device.
It also makes it straightforward to move on to Android platforms though I've found the Java wrappers for OpenCV on Android to be less great. Again however, focus on getting your core algorithm and processing pipeline working on the desktop in (say) C++, then moving it to a mobile device wrapping in the necessary native code format.
Most probably you will use deep learning If yes you need to optimize everything like deep learning networks to smaller networks, mobile dl frameworks such as Tensorflow lite, etc.
You also need to consider the inference time depending on the hardware