How does facebook single sign-on work under the hood? - facebook

I am using the new javascript sdk and I am developing locally (ie. no hosted server).
I was successfully able to get the access token which the js api stores in a cookie for localhost domain. However what I don't understand is:
How fb js is able to set a cookie for localhost. Doesn't this violate same origin policy?
If fb uses Oauth 2.0 protocol for authentication/authorization, how is the single sign-on able to retrieve the access token even when though I haven't specified a callback url and there are no redirect from my main page.
Can someone demystify what is happening under the hood here?

FB JS is able to set cookies on localhost because you're including the FB JS SDK on your domain via a <script> tag there by giving them access to your cookies (much the same way Google Analytics writes cookies for your domain).
OAuth 2.0 involves a redirect to your website, there's really no other way for Facebook to return the code necessary for your app to retrieve the access_token.


How to get facebook code from redirect uri in Java desktop application

im a newbie in graph facebook api. I try to get MY_VERIFICATION_CODE by send http request:
and then Facebook will redirect to code=MY_VERIFICATION_CODE
but I cant get code from response. I copy link1 to chrome, it redirects to url with a code appended as parameter, but this url stays just for seconds and then it changes to this:
My question is how to read the code from the redirected uri in a java desktop application?
It's all described in the docs at
When using a desktop app and logging in, Facebook redirects people to the redirect_uri mentioned above and places an access token along with some other metadata (such as token expiry time) in the URI fragment:
Your app needs to detect this redirect and then read the access token out of the URI using the mechanisms provided by the OS and development framework you are using. You can then skip straight to the Inspecting access tokens step.

OAuth2 : redirect_uri post LinkedIn & Facebook

I'm performing the server side oAuth2 flow.
I noticed that google has added a cool feature for their oAuth2 signin API which is redirect_uri=postmessage so we don't show the real redirect_uri on the browser url bar and the authorization code won't be included in the redirect url.
For linkedin, when the users accepts to share his personal data with the app, the response url looks like :
it's the same for Google unless we replace the real redirect_uri by postmessage.
If the redirect_uri + the response code is set in the url Every malicious script could be able to retrieve the returned code from the url and perform its own authentications.
So, is there any way to hide the return parameters and the redirect_uri for LinkedIn and Facebook ?
LinkedIn and Facebook are not vulnerable to malicious scripts accessing the redirect_uri.
Assuming you use the recommended response_type=code both APIs require you make a request from your server that includes your API secret and the code value in order to get the users token. LinkedIn describes this in Exchange Authorization Code for a Request Token and Facebook describes this in Exchanging code for an access token.
Additional security with Facebook can enabled with requiring that every request be signed with your API secret. Additional protection in general can be had by using a strong Content Security Policy to help prevent malicious scripts from running in the first place. And be sure to host your site exclusively over TLS to prevent your own JavaScript from being modified.

Interaction with Facebook API without full OAuth, is it possible?

I need to post message on a certain FB page as a owner by cron, using php and ZF 1.1.X. For this small issue, I don't want to create a full OAuth stack. Is it possible to communicate with FB API (it's desirable, PHP SDK for FB) without it, such as twitter with his precreated access tokens (Access token, Access token secret)?
As long as you need an active user access_token to retrieve desired data this is not possible to skip OAuth flow.
Without authenticating user you only have application access_token (in old format APP_ID|APP_SECRET, but it's still works) and only limited access to most of Graph API endpoints and Application settings.
Actually there is nothing hard in implementing the user authentication with OAuth flow and it is completely transparent with usage of PHP-SDK.
Just look at the sample code in documentation for server-side authentication
Yes, you need to build an app and then authorize the page via the app while requesting the manage_page permission.
You should make yourself familiar with the Server Side Auth process as well.

Out-of-band OAuth authentication with Facebook

TL;DR version:
Can you authenticate with Facebook without having a callback URL for a web application since the web application isn't actually running on a server.
Full explanation:
I'm working on building a connectedTV platform application where the "app" itself is a bunch of HTML/JS/CSS running locally (like File -> Open on your desktop browser) and I'd like to integrate Facebook into this.
The problem is that all of Facebook's OAuth calls for the web require you to have a callback URL to redirect the user to in order to complete authentication. Here's the gotcha -- there is no URL for this application -- it's a locally running webpage on the device.
I know this is what out-of-band authentication was designed for, but I can't seem to find any documentation on how to use this (or how to do a non-callback OAuth flow) with the Facebook OAuth system.
You're describing desktop authentication or any situation where you are authenticating to FB without a server. The redirect URL you pass to the OAuth dialog is When the browser redirects you can get the access token. You can read all about it in the FB documentation, way at the bottom in the Desktop Apps section (
Just reread your question and since the application runs inside a browser you will need to open another window to authenticate and get the access token from that.
If you're doing HTML/Javascript, use their Javascript SDK. You can log the guy in simply by using FB.login and getting the access token from the callback from that.
I really don't think this is directly possible. Unless there is something totally undocumented, Facebook has no mechanism to send authentication data except by loading a url. I'm sure it's meant at least partly as a security measure, functioning as sort of a "whitelist" of where auth data will be sent.
The only way I can think of for you to work around it might be to set up a url on a server somewhere that could answer the redirect and store the auth data, and have your client-side code poll that server to get it. Kind of a proxy authentication service, in effect. You would probably have to open a second browser window with the Facebook auth screen in it, but in theory it could work.

Facebook new API still require xdreceiver?

In old API the init function required path to xdreceiver and now i see it disapeared from docs.
I thought the xdreceiver is for seting cookies in your domain from facebook, but how it's working now?
Assuming your talking about an external or iframe Facebook application then Facebook uses the OAuth2.0 system and stores a cookie on your server of the form fbs_APPID where APPID is obviously the application id of your connect/canvas application.
Inside this cookie there is an access_token which is used to by both the old rest API and the new graph API to make requests on behalf of the user. This means the xdreceiver file is no longer required.
See the Facebook Developers article on authentication in OAuth2.0 here
Canvas applications can also take advantage of a new experimental signed request in order to receive the access_token.
That file is not required anymore. My understanding is that they store cookies on their side in database somewhere and then emulate cookie headers when sending HTTP requests to your app, so to your application it seems like regular cookies from a browser.
You can read briefly about cookies here, couldn't find anything better.
Seeing BeRecursive's answer, I want to clarify that I was talking about cookies that you manually set from your canvas app. Maybe it's not what you asked about.