perl Get indexes of matches in array - perl

I want to search for an element in an array. What I want to get from this search is the all the indices of the array where I find a match.
So, for example the word I want to search is :
$myWord = cat
#allMyWords = my whole file with multiple occurrences of cat in random positions in file
So, if cat occurs at 3rd, 19th and 110th position, I want those indices as a result of it. I was wondering if there is a small and simple method to do this.

With List::MoreUtils:
use List::MoreUtils qw(indexes);
my #indexes = indexes { $_ eq 'cat' } #words;
If you haven't read the file yet, you can read it using "slurp mode":
local $/; # enable slurp mode
my #words = split(/\s+/, <>);

I got the answer. This is the code that will return all the indices in the array where an element we are searching for is found.
my( #index )= grep { $allMyWords[$_] eq $word } 0..$#allMyWords;
print "Index : #index\n";


Perl: Find a match, remove the same lines, and to get the last field

Being a Perl newbie, please pardon me for asking this basic question.
I have a text file #server1 that shows a bunch of sentences (white space is the field separator) on many lines in the file.
I needed to match lines with my keyword, remove the same lines, and extract only the last field, so I have tried with:
my #allmatchedlines;
open(output1, "ssh user1#server1 cat /tmp/myfile.txt |");
while(<output1>) {
#allmatchedlines = $_ if /mysearch/;
my #uniqmatchedline = split(/ /, #allmatchedlines);
my $lastfield = $uniqmatchedline[-1]\n";
print "$lastfield\n";
and it gives me the output showing:
I don't know why it's giving me just "1".
Could someone please explain why I'm getting "1" and how I can get the last field of the matched line correctly?
Thank you!
my #uniqmatchedline = split(/ /, #allmatchedlines);
You're getting "1" because split takes a scalar, not an array. An array in scalar context returns the number of elements.
You need to split on each individual line. Something like this:
my #uniqmatchedline = map { split(/ /, $_) } #allmatchedlines;
There are two issues with your code:
split is expecting a scalar value (string) to split on; if you are passing an array, it will convert the array to scalar (which is just the array length)
You did not have a way to remove same lines
To address these, the following code should work (not tested as no data):
my #allmatchedlines;
open(output1, "ssh user1#server1 cat /tmp/myfile.txt |");
while(<output1>) {
#allmatchedlines = $_ if /mysearch/;
my %existing;
my #uniqmatchedline = grep !$existing{$_}++, #allmatchedlines; #this will return the unique lines
my #lastfields = map { ((split / /, $_)[-1]) . "\n" } #uniqmatchedline ; #this maps the last field in each line into an array
print for #lastfields;
Apart from two errors in the code, I find the statement "remove the same lines and extract only the last field" unclear. Once duplicate matching lines are removed, there may still be multiple distinct sentences with the pattern.
Until a clarification comes, here is code that picks the last field from the last such sentence.
use warnings 'all';
use strict;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq)
my $file = '/tmp/myfile.txt';
my $cmd = "ssh user1\#server1 cat $file";
open my $fh, '-|', $cmd // die "Error opening $cmd: $!"; # /
while (<$fh>) {
push #allmatchedlines, $_ if /mysearch/;
my #unique_matched_lines = uniq #allmatchedlines;
my $lastfield = ( split ' ', $unique_matched_lines[-1] )[-1];
print $lastfield, "\n";
I changed to the three-argument open, with error checking. Recall that open for a process involves a fork and returns pid, so an "error" doesn't at all relate to what happened with the command itself. See open. (The # / merely turns off wrong syntax highlighting.) Also note that # under "..." indicates an array and thus need be escaped.
The (default) pattern ' ' used in split splits on any amount of whitespace. The regex / / turns off this behavior and splits on a single space. You most likely want to use ' '.
For more comments please see the original post below.
The statement #allmatchedlines = $_ if /mysearch/; on every iteration assigns to the array, overwriting whatever has been in it. So you end up with only the last line that matched mysearch. You want push #allmatchedlines, $_ ... to get all those lines.
Also, as shown in the answer by Justin Schell, split needs a scalar so it is taking the length of #allmatchedlines – which is 1 as explained above. You should have
my #words_in_matched_lines = map { split } #allmatchedlines;
When all this is straightened out, you'll have words in the array #uniqmatchedline and if that is the intention then its name is misleading.
To get unique elements of the array you can use the module List::MoreUtils
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
my #unique_elems = uniq #whole_array;

Matching different instances of the same word

How to match different instances of the same word.
Eg: if the string is synergy. How to match it with synergizes, synergism, synergically, synergistic.
I could write the following:
chomp $_;
my $line= $_;
What you probably want to do is called stemming.
However, for this to work, you have to stem all the words in the text plus the one you search for. Hopefully all of your listed words result in the same stem. I haven't tested it yet.
use Lingua::Stem;
my $stemmer = Lingua::Stem->new( -locale => 'EN-UK' );
# first convert text to list of words
my #words;
while(<IN>) {
push #words, split(/\b/, $_); # you can do better here
# now stem all words.
my $stemmed_words = $stemmer->stem(#words);
# results in an array ref of stems in the same order as the words have been.
# now stem your search
my $stemmed_search = $stemmer->stem($word);
# and do the search from above inside stemmed array.
Now it depends on what you want. If you want to exchange all those words with something, you have to get the indexes of the matched (stemmed) words and do the replacement at the same positions inside your text.
You're going to want to use regular expressions. It is unclear what exactly the criteria you want to match, but in your example all the words start with "synergi" so if($string =~ \bsynergi\w*\b) would find all lines containing "synergi" anywhere in them.
You might want to check out Text::Soundex. For example,
use Text::Soundex;
# The following all return S562
print soundex("synergizes"), "\n";
print soundex("synergism"), "\n";
print soundex("synergically"), "\n";
print soundex("synergistic"), "\n";
Further reading: Perldoc Text::Soundex

Grep to find item in Perl array

Every time I input something the code always tells me that it exists. But I know some of the inputs do not exist. What is wrong?
#array = <>;
print "Enter the word you what to match\n";
chomp($match = <STDIN>);
if (grep($match, #array)) {
print "found it\n";
The first arg that you give to grep needs to evaluate as true or false to indicate whether there was a match. So it should be:
# note that grep returns a list, so $matched needs to be in brackets to get the
# actual value, otherwise $matched will just contain the number of matches
if (my ($matched) = grep $_ eq $match, #array) {
print "found it: $matched\n";
If you need to match on a lot of different values, it might also be worth for you to consider putting the array data into a hash, since hashes allow you to do this efficiently without having to iterate through the list.
# convert array to a hash with the array elements as the hash keys and the values are simply 1
my %hash = map {$_ => 1} #array;
# check if the hash contains $match
if (defined $hash{$match}) {
print "found it\n";
You seem to be using grep() like the Unix grep utility, which is wrong.
Perl's grep() in scalar context evaluates the expression for each element of a list and returns the number of times the expression was true.
So when $match contains any "true" value, grep($match, #array) in scalar context will always return the number of elements in #array.
Instead, try using the pattern matching operator:
if (grep /$match/, #array) {
print "found it\n";
This could be done using List::Util's first function:
use List::Util qw/first/;
my #array = qw/foo bar baz/;
print first { $_ eq 'bar' } #array;
Other functions from List::Util like max, min, sum also may be useful for you
In addition to what eugene and stevenl posted, you might encounter problems with using both <> and <STDIN> in one script: <> iterates through (=concatenating) all files given as command line arguments.
However, should a user ever forget to specify a file on the command line, it will read from STDIN, and your code will wait forever on input
I could happen that if your array contains the string "hello", and if you are searching for "he", grep returns true, although, "he" may not be an array element.
if (grep(/^$match$/, #array)) more apt.
You can also check single value in multiple arrays like,
if (grep /$match/, #array, #array_one, #array_two, #array_Three)
print "found it\n";

PERL -- Regex incl all hash keys (sorted) + deleting empty fields from $_ in file read

I'm working on a program and I have a couple of questions, hope you can help:
First I need to access a file and retrieve specific information according to an index that is obtained from a previous step, in which the indexes to retrieve are found and store in a hash.
I've been looking for a way to include all array elements in a regex that I can use in the file search, but I haven´t been able to make it work. Eventually i've found a way that works:
my #atoms = ();
my $natoms=0;
foreach my $atomi (keys %{$atome}){
push (#atoms,$atomi);
#atoms = sort {$b cmp $a} #atoms;
and then I use it as a regex this way:
while (<IN_LIG>){
if (!$natoms) {last;}
if ($_ =~ m/^\s*$atoms[$natoms-1]\s+/){
Is there any way to create a regex expression that would include all hash keys? They are numeric and must be sorted. The keys refer to the line index in IN_LIG, whose content is something like this:
8 C5 9.9153 2.3814 -8.6988 1 MLK -0.1500
The key is to be found in column 0 (8). I have added ^ and \s+ to make sure it refers only to the first column.
My second problem is that sometimes input files are not always identical and they make contain white spaces before the index, so when I create an array from $_ I get column0 = " " instead of column0=8
I don't understand why this "empty column" is not eliminated on the split command and I'm having some trouble to remove it. This is what I have done:
#info = split (/[\s]+/,$_);
if ($info[0] eq " ") {splice (#info, 0,1);} # also tried $info[0] =~ m/\s+/
and when I print the array #info I get this:
Array: 8
Array: C5
Array: 9.9153
Array: 2.3814
How can I get rid of the empty column?
Many thanks for your help
There is a special form of split where it will remove both leading and trailing spaces. It looks like this, try it:
my $line = ' begins with spaces and ends with spaces ';
my #tokens = split ' ', $line;
# This prints |begins:with:spaces:and:ends:with:spaces|
print "|", join(':', #tokens), "|\n";
See the documentation for split at (or with perldoc split)
Also, the first part of your program might be simpler as:
my #atoms = sort {$b cmp $a} keys %$atome;
my $natoms = #atoms;
But, what is your ultimate goal with the atoms? If you simply want to verify that the atoms you're given are indeed in the file, then you don't need to sort them, nor to count them:
my #atoms = keys %$atome;
while (<IN_LIG>){
# The atom ID on this line
my ($atom_id) = split ' ';
# Is this atom ID in the array of atom IDs that we are looking for
if (grep { /$atom_id/ } #atoms) {
# This line of the file has an atom that was in the array: $atom_id
Lets warm up by refining and correcting some of your code:
# If these are all numbers, do a numerical sort: <=> not cmp
my #atoms = ( sort { $b <=> $a } keys %{$atome} );
my $natoms = scalar #atoms;
No need to loop through the keys, you can insert them into the array right away. You can also sort them right away, and if they are numbers, the sort must be numerical, otherwise you will get a sort like: 1, 11, 111, 2, 22, 222, ...
$natoms can be assigned directly by the count of values in #atoms.
while(<IN_LIG>) {
last unless $natoms;
my $key = (split)[0]; # split splits on whitespace and $_ by default
$natoms-- if ($key == $atoms[$natoms - 1]);
I'm not quite sure what you are doing here, and if it is the best way, but this code should work, whereas your regex would not. Inside a regex, [] are meta characters. Split by default splits $_ on whitespace, so you need not be explicit about that. This split will also definitely remove all whitespace. Your empty field is most likely an empty string, '', and not a space ' '.
The best way to compare two numbers is not by a regex, but with the equality operator ==.
Your empty field should be gone by splitting on whitespace. The default for split is split ' '.
Also, if you are not already doing it, you should use:
use strict;
use warnings;
It will save you a lot of headaches.
for your second question you could use this line:
#info = $_ =~ m{^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)}xms;
in order to capture 9 items from each line (assuming they do not contain whitespace).
The first question I do not understand.
Update: I would read alle the lines of the file and use them in a hash with $info[0] as the key and [#info[1..8]] as the value. Then you can lookup the entries by your index.
my %details;
while (<IN_LIG>) {
#info = $_ =~ m{^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)}xms;
$details{ $info[0] } = [ #info[1..$#info] ];
Later you can lookup details for the indices you are interested in and process as needed. This assumes the index is unique (has the property of keys).
thanks for all your replies. I tried the split form with ' ' and it saved me several lines of code. thanks!
As for the regex, I found something that could make all keys as part of the string expression with join and quotemeta, but I couldn't make it work. Nevertheless I found an alternative that works, but I liked the join/quotemeta solution better
The atom indexes are obtained from a text file according to some energy threshold. Later, in the IN_LIG loop, I need to access the molecule file to obtain more information about the atoms selected, thus I use the atom "index" in the molecule to identify which lines of the file I have to read and process. This is a subroutine to which I send a hash with the atom index and some other information.
I tried this for the regex:
my $strings = join "|" map quotemeta,
sort { $hash->{$b} <=> $hash->{$a}} keys %($hash);
but I did something wrong cos it wouldn't take all keys

How do I print unique elements in Perl array?

I'm pushing elements into an array during a while statement. Each element is a teacher's name. There ends up being duplicate teacher names in the array when the loop finishes. Sometimes they are not right next to each other in the array, sometimes they are.
How can I print only the unique values in that array after its finished getting values pushed into it? Without having to parse the entire array each time I want to print an element.
Heres the code after everything has been pushed into the array:
$faculty_len = #faculty;
while ($i != $faculty_len)
printf $fh '"'.$faculty[$i].'"';
use List::MoreUtils qw/ uniq /;
my #unique = uniq #faculty;
foreach ( #unique ) {
print $_, "\n";
Your best bet would be to use a (basically) built-in tool, like uniq (as described by innaM).
If you don't have the ability to use uniq and want to preserve order, you can use grep to simulate that.
my %seen;
my #unique = grep { ! $seen{$_}++ } #faculty;
# printing, etc.
This first gives you a hash where each key is each entry. Then, you iterate over each element, counting how many of them there are, and adding the first one. (Updated with comments by brian d foy)
I suggest pushing it into a hash.
like this:
my %faculty_hash = ();
foreach my $facs (#faculty) {
$faculty_hash{$facs} = 1;
my #faculty_unique = keys(%faculty_hash);
#array1 = ("abc", "def", "abc", "def", "abc", "def", "abc", "def", "xyz");
#array1 = grep { ! $seen{ $_ }++ } #array1;
print "#array1\n";
This question is answered with multiple solutions in perldoc. Just type at command line:
perldoc -q duplicate
Please note: Some of the answers containing a hash will change the ordering of the array. Hashes dont have any kind of order, so getting the keys or values will make a list with an undefined ordering.
This doen't apply to grep { ! $seen{$_}++ } #faculty
This is a one liner command to print unique lines in order it appears.
perl -ne '$seen{$_}++ || print $_' fileWithDuplicateValues
I just found hackneyed 3 liner, enjoy
my %uniq;
undef #uniq(#non_uniq_array);
my #uniq_array = keys %uniq;
Just another way to do it, useful only if you don't care about order:
my %hash;
my #unique=keys %hash;
If you want to avoid declaring a new variable, you can use the somehow underdocumented global variable %_
my #unique=keys %_;
If you need to process the faculty list in any way, a map over the array converted to a hash for key coalescing and then sorting keys is another good way:
my #deduped = sort keys %{{ map { /.*/? ($_,1):() } #faculty }};
print join("\n", #deduped)."\n";
You process the list by changing the /.*/ regex for selecting or parsing and capturing accordingly, and you can output one or more mutated, non-unique keys per pass by making ($_,1):() arbitrarily complex.
If you need to modify the data in-flight with a substitution regex, say to remove dots from the names (s/\.//g), then a substitution according to the above pattern will mutate the original #faculty array due to $_ aliasing. You can get around $_ aliasing by making an anonymous copy of the #faculty array (see the so-called "baby cart" operator):
my #deduped = sort keys %{{ map {/.*/? do{s/\.//g; ($_,1)}:()} #{[ #faculty ]} }};
print join("\n", #deduped)."\n";
print "Unmolested array:\n".join("\n", #faculty)."\n";
In more recent versions of Perl, you can pass keys a hashref, and you can use the non-destructive substitution:
my #deduped = sort keys { map { /.*/? (s/\.//gr,1):() } #faculty };
Otherwise, the grep or $seen[$_]++ solutions elsewhere may be preferable.