Focus and zoom in on a UITextField when touched? - iphone

How in the world does one get the iPhone view to zoom in on a focused UITextField? I need to tap on a text field that I want to edit, and my view should zoom in to the tapped text field and pull up the keyboard (which it already does), similar to how many Internet text fields gain focus on the iPhone. Is this some type of overlay?
I've been looking everywhere for this solution but maybe I've just got the wrong terminology. Thank you in advance.

Could be a duplicate of this StackOverflow question.
In essence, there are a number of ways, but you have to program this effect manually. A textfield is already an overlay. You can either move it, or scroll the containing view.

Please follow the following steps.
Implement the delegate method for all textfield.connect the outlet of textfield in interface builder basically it's setting the delegate property.then in delegate property you can defined the method whatever you want to implement or wanted to do functionality.


Customizing suggestions in a text view in iPhone

I have a textview. When we are editing a textview, we can see suggestions as shown in the image. I want to customize the suggestions. ie, Instead of the default words in suggestion box, I want to show words from my array. How can i do this?
Thanks in advance...
To disable suggestion there are 2 methods:
First one is:
UITextField* f = [[UITextField alloc] init];
f.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo;
Second one is:
The Interface Builder also has a dropdown field to disable this. As you're more likely to create textfields in the interface builder, look for it there. You can find it in the Attributes Inspector next to 'Correction'.
For your array in suggestions go through this link:
Disable autocorrect for that text view, then have a custom view ready and place it above the other views matching wherever the cursor is. There's probably other SO posts to find out where that cursor is...
You'll probably use the delegate pattern 2-way. One way, the custom view is made aware of changes in the UITextView so it knows when to update itself's suggestions.
The other delegate is your view or the textView, notified when someone hits the button.
This should all be easy to make, the only hard part is figuring out how your custom view's logic will behave

How to change the UISearchBar from round to rectangular? [duplicate]

I'd like to change the appearance of the default UISearchBar. As an example, how would you recreate the search box in the Google iPhone app as seen below? How would you overlay an image to produce this effect?
Upon some investigating of possibilites to customize the search bar, I'm inclined to say this is a custom component that has nothing to do with UISearchBar, but instead recreates its functionality.
You don't need to subclass anything.
Create a new UIView that has the buttons and text field and then when then entire view is going to load do this:
[self.searchDisplayController.searchBar addSubview:customSearchBarView];
Make sure to set the new text field as the first responder so it has access to the keyboard.

How to make a UItextField with a UIPickerView

i wanto to make somethink like this . I want to know if it's just a UItextField with a picture in the right or not ?
and my second question is why i don't have this in my interface builder ? i just have this ?
Help me please , i'm a newbie :(
Again it is pretty close to this one. You will have to set the desired view (in that example, it was the UIDatePicker instance) as a text field's input view. Take a look at the example in the answer and you can model UIPickerView instance to be the input view in a similar fashion.
As for the second question, the control you want is a Cocoa control and not a Cocoa Touch control. You will have them available when developing for mac.

iPhone SDK: How to create a UITextView that inserts text where you tap?

I'd like to create a UITextView that you can tap anywhere within it and start typing at that location. The default behavior of the control is that typing starts where the last character ended. So, if I had a UITextView with no text in it and tap in the middle of the control, I'd like typing to start there--not in the upper left.
What is the best way to implement this behavior? I've considered making the default text value of the view to be 3000 space characters or something similar, but this seems like not an elegant solution. Suggestions?
I suggest deriving from UITextView to create a custom view that handles taps. You'll want to override the following methods, probably:
Make sure the userInteractionEnabled property has a default value of YES. Override hitTest:withEvent and pointInside:withEvent to figure out where in your view the user tapped.
Be sure and read the Responding to Events section in the View Programming Guide for iOS, and also see the Event Handling Guide for iOS for more details.
Anyway, once you figure out where the user touched, you can modify the text or reposition the karat as appropriate.

iPad custom Keyboard GUI

I want to create custom GUI for keyboard layout instead of normal layout. How can I achieve this?
Can anyone help me ?
Is there any built-in style/layout available or do I need to create a view for same?
You use the inputView property of a UITextField or UITextView. Simply assign it a custom view of your own. Then, when the receiver becomes the first responder, the system will automatically show your custom view as the keyboard. It will also hide it, when resigning first responder.
As far as I know, there are no templates.
I collected a view links about this topic with screenshots of keyboard-layouts + links about the programming-background. The article is in german but the links are all english:
Thanks for your answer, Jorge!