Is there any iOS implementation of the Bayeux protocol (COMET, server push to client)? - iphone

Is there any library with implementation of the Bayeux protocol, for use in iOS (iPhone/iPad) development, for the building Server push technology iPhone client?
And what are your suggestion for doing this?

Even though I haven't tried it, I would check FayeObjC:
"A simple Objective-C client library for the Faye publish-subscribe messaging server. FayeObjC is implementing on top of the zimt Objective-C web socket library and will work on both Mac and iPhone projects. JSON parsing is handled using the excellent JSONKit ( library which is included in the FayeObjC source folder."
For more info:

I know that this question is fairly old, but I googled and found it. Maybe this answer can help someone else:
Take a look at ddunkin cometclient library:
I haven't tested but will try it with my next project.

I suggest you to use my reimplementation FayeClient with many additional stuff like blocks and error handling MZFayeClient

I've created a fork of the DDunkin Comet client that supports ARC and client based subscription management which helps with resubscribing on disconnects. I also added a lot of block support and delegate call backs.


Download a file from server using HTPPS Protocol

I want to download a file from server using https protocol I am using NSUrlConnection but that would not work.any sample code is appreciated
I'd recommend using ASIHTTPRequest which is a great library for handling web services. You can of course roll your own with NSURLConnection, but the advantage of the library is that it handles all the authentication and certificate issues that can arise and generally gives you a more robust and generic solution.
Post some code if you'd rather not use the library, I suspect it might be you are accessing a site that doesn't have a fully valid certificate as IIRC the default behaviour of the iOS is to reject the certificates unless you explicitly allow them as this is the more secure option.
Checkout ASIHTTPRequest
,Use it for network related stuff. Really useful.

Mini server implementation in Objective C

I'm trying to implement a little server service in order to upload files via web browser to my iOS app. An example of this feature is implemented in the following app:
seems to be very simple, but don't know where to start.
I've been also looking for clues or some sample codes about this kind of implementation with no success, but maybe just don't know how to google the problem correctly.
Any clues, guides, links, etc...?
Thanks in advance
Here is a wrapper to embed the moongoose http server in your iphone application. Another simple http server is here. The latter one is the one I used in my application, recently.
There's at least a third one, too.

How do I incorporate WebDAV into my iPhone application?

I would like to add WebDAV to my iPhone application. What is the best way / library to enable this?
WebDAV is just an extension to HTTP. Thus, you can use any of the existing HTTP APIs available on the iPhone to implement WebDAV, assuming that your needs don't require customization to the request/response beyond that which is supported by the underlying API.
There are also a number of Objective-C based WebDAV client APIs. Maybe one of those will work? Hard to say, given the lack of details in your question.
I'd start with this particular trail of clues.

Code for syncing the iPhone with REST-servers

is there any open source code for syncing an iPhone
with a server (preferably REST)?
Found nothing on github and google code.
I have been working with a project called ObjectiveResource (Github project here:, which is focused mainly on the communication layer between your iphone models and a REST based web service. It is targeted at rails applications but should work with any REST api. Part of that project is a more sync oriented solution that is still in early development, but which has been discussed quite a bit lately in the objective resource google group at
I highly recommend objective resource, I've been using it along with sqlitepersistenobjects to handle sync on my iphone project.
I suggest using the excellent ASIHTTPRequest source from All-Seeing Interactive: I'm doing this, and so are several released iPhone apps, so you can be sure the code is pretty solid.
This is a wrapper around the CFNetwork API that makes some of the more tedious aspects of communicating with web servers easier. It is written in Objective-C and works in both Mac OS X and iPhone applications.
It is suitable for performing basic HTTP requests and interacting with REST-based services (GET / POST / PUT / DELETE). The ASIFormDataRequest subclass makes it easy to submit POST data and files using multipart/form-data.
I've used Adrian Kosmaczewski's iPhone Rest Wrapper with success. See also this SO question.
I would recommend checking out RestKit: It provides an excellent API for accessing RESTful web services and representing the remote resources as local objects, including persisting them to Core Data.

Is there a good HttpClient library for J2ME/MIDP?

I want to call some RESTful web services from a J2ME client running on a MIDP enabled mobile device. I read the MIDP api for HTTPConnections and thought this is just crying out for a simple wrapper to hide all those unpleasant byte arrays and such like. Before I write my own I wondered whether there was a good open source library already available.
You might want to check out this little gem, Mobile Ajax for Java ME:
One part is (from the site):
Asynchronous I/O for Java ME
This library provides the equivalent
of XmlHttpRequest for Java ME with
some additional functionality useful
for invoking RESTful web services.
It is layered on top of the library. Features
include -
* Asynchronous versions of HTTP Get and Post
* HTTP Basic Authentication
* Multipart MIME (sender only)
* Progress listeners
LWUIT 1.5 now includes classes for accessing REST, using OAuth2, JSON, etc.
I don't know of any such library, but found some succinct examples of accessing various RESTful web services
We ended up writing our own simple wrapper api for a variety of reasons not the least of which was the fact that the Sony Ericsson K750 that we were developing for had a weird bug (that SE refused to fix) where if you tried to get/use a connection when the device was off network, more than about 20 times, the internal connection pool would get hosed and never recover unless you restarted the app.