Can I subclass UITableView to make it a specific style? - iphone

Basically I want to re-style UITableView(Controller). Each cell will have a picture as a background and such. this tableview will be used throughout the app thats why I want to subclass it, because I want to be able to define the style once and then reuse it everywhere, but still be able to change things per view. For instance, I'd like every cell to have the same blue background and a specific font, but I might want to change the font in one view, or make the cell taller/shorter. You get the idea.
Can I subclass UITableViewController and create the style in the methods in that? Then subclass MyCustomUITableViewController when I want to create a table view? Or would it better to subclass UITableView and then [self.view addSubview:(MyCustomTableView *)tableVie]?

You will probably want to subclass UITableViewController to define relevant UITableViewDelegate methods, but I think that the real work will be in subclassing UITableViewCell to get the look that you want.
UITableViewCell is a UIView, so it can have a background color and it can contain a UILabel, for example.
Your -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: will need to instantiate your UITableViewCell subclass (or load it from a nib) - and then configure it appropriately. I.e., setting text, image, font, etc.
Hope this helps.


How to insert more than one piece of a data into a single cell of UITableView

I am interested to know how to add more than one piece of data into one line of data into a cell of UITableView.
For example in the StopWatch of the Clock App in Iphone, they are able to have more than one piece of data.
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Interested to know how to add three values into one cell at a time...
You'll need to create your own cell, which inherits from UITableViewCell.
Here's an example of how to create your custom UITableViewCell.
You would have to create a custom uitableviewcell for that checkout this tutorial or refer to Apple Documentation for more detail
You could either subclass UITableViewCell, or you could choose the "Custom" attribute on IB on the cell, and drag and drop labels, buttons, and whatever you want into the UITableViewCell. Set tags on each IBOutlet you create. Then you can do like this in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath
UILabel *yourLabel = (UILabel *)[cell viewWithTag:tag]; // Set your own tag and outlet.
From there you can customize it just how you want, without having to subclass it.
When that is said, the usual way is to subclass UITableViewCell. That way, you can have each cell store information, and add the IBOutlets as properties to the CustomTableViewCell as normal. Then you could add the information to the CustomTableViewCell, and let the cell take care of the rest.

UITextView in UITableViewCell subclass, how to keep the data separate from the view

So I don't know what the best way to follow MVC is. Similar to the address books app, I want to have a UITableVeiewcell that has the ability to edit notes. I figured I would do that with a UITextView in a UITableViewCell subclass. My subclass has just that as a property, and a label that says "notes". I can see a few use cases that I need to consider,
1) when they are done editing and click outside or hit return.
2) when the text goes beyond the size of the cell I need to resize the cell.
Because my UITextView is in IB, is there a good way to define the delegate methods for the UITextView since my UITableView is in another ViewController subclass? Like how do I pass that information back?
Or, is it better to create my UITableViewCell subclass in code since it's just a couple of items so all my delegate and resizing code is done in the view controller class?
After text field editing was finished, you can store it's value in some dictionary in your controller. You can use cell's indexPath as key in this dictionary. In such way you will not lose your data with dequeue cells.
To resize cell you must call reloadData method and change rowHeight property of entire tableView or implement tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: delegate method to set needed row height to current cell.
I haven't use UIKit since iOS 3.1, so the second part of my answer can be out of date, but I hope it will help you =)

iphone programming ?. Change UITableViewCellEditingStyle image?

I just need to know is it possible to change UITableViewCellEditingStyle image ?. If possible please tell me How to do that?
I don't see any delegate methods for changing the editing-style view.
You could change the editing button title with the delegate method -tableView:titleForDeleteConfirmationButtonForRowAtIndexPath:, however.
You could also override UITableViewCell and create a custom cell with UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone and a custom editing style behavior and appearance.
In case you're still interested you can actually get this to work by intercepting willTransitionToState and didTransitionToState in a subclass of UITableViewCell. The solution does involve "hacking" around in the cell view hierarchy. Look for the description of recursiveDescription on UIView on how to "dump" a hierarchy, but you will find a UIImageView of which you can change the .image property...
Fairly ugly hack, but does not actually use any private api.

Adding a subview to UITableCellView

I want to add a subview to the UITableCellView class. However, non of the provided views in the class seem to be able to do exactly what I was looking for.
I basically want to add my own background view, filling the whole cell. However, if I replace the backgroundView, the style from the grouped table view layout isn't displayed anymore. If I add a subview to backgroundView, the subview is not shown at all. If I add a subview to the contentView, I can't draw behind the accessory icon.
What am I missing?
Basically you can't change the backgorund of GroupedTable View.
Try using it with PlainTable.
and add the your backgroung image (of size = cellsize) to cellforRowAtIndex method.
You might want to take a look at this article:
"Easy custom UITableView Drawing"
In particular:
First: the UITableView does not itself
draw anything except the background.
To customize the background of a
UITableView, all you need to do is set
its backgroundColor to [UIColor
clearColor] and you can draw your own
background in a view behind the
Simply add the custom view as part of your contentView. Set a unique reuse identifier for that cell, configure it when you create it and from then on simply reset the data components (this is easiest to do if you create a custom cell controller class so that it can track all the parts and use setters/getters for the data).

UITextField in UITableViewCell's and proper usage

I have a complex settings style table where individual cells represent different aspects of a data model class. Users can click into a cell and edit individual attributes, such as say if I have a user class, a name, date of birth, etc. My question is, do I need to have an instance of UITextField for each unique cell? Can I just create one subclass of UITableViewCell, set up a delegate, and determine where it is from there?
What's the best approach?
I would recommend creating a subclass of a UITableViewCell. You could do this either purely programaticaly, or if you have an aversion to CGRect's (or want to be able to drag and drop your layout around) with a combination of a XIB and a custom class file.
The Subclass would then contain the UITextFiled's you need, and can also have a delegate or datasource that you can use to point it to your data model object.
It's better to have the UITableViewController you are using act as the text view delegate for each cell - make sure you are re-using cells and when you create them or reuse them attach your class as the delegate for the UITextViews you have via a custom UITableViewCell class with accessors to get to the UITextViews.
If you set cell classes as text delegates you may run into issues if the user scrolls a table view cell off screen with the keyboard up.