Simulate touch on iphone - iphone

Im trying to simulate a touch on as UIWebView, how can I programmatically fire a touch event at a certain location? (x and y coordinates)
Just call touchesBegan?
Ideally I'd like to do it without any javascript hack because in the future it may not be a uiwebview

It's not easy to synthesize a touch event on the iPhone: you have to use undisclosed API, so you have a high probability of breaking on every update of the iOS and getting rejecting from Apple.
Here's a link that demonstrates how to synthesize a touch event on the iPhone:
Here's another question on StackOverflow: How to send a touch event to iPhone OS?

It's worth pointing out the KIF framework here. It's intended to run in the simulator but part of the code is simulating touch evens in code. with luck, this will be a good starting point.
Specifically, look at stepToTapViewWithAccessibilityLabel in KIFTestStep.m and the line
[view tapAtPoint:tappablePointInElement];

What you need to do is first create the events you want, and then send them to SpringBoard over the "purple port" eg. mach port. To make them system wide you must forward them to each application over the port. That means you need to actually do what the windowmanager does and looking at which app is active, screen locked, etc.
There are a hand full of private framework APIs that work (IOSurface, GraphicServices, SpringBoardServices, etc.) to get you the pieces you need.
You will have to load these private frameworks at runtime using something like dlopen().
This is 100% possible without jailbreak as of iOS 6.1.4 (current ATM), but you will be loading private frameworks which is not allowed by apple for AppStore ;)

It is possible. Exactly how you mentioned, using GSEvents and sending them to the purple named port of the aplication you are trying to control/simulate. Of course you need KennyTM's GSEvent.h to accomplish this.
I've done this for iOS 4.3, just by changing some of the values that Kenny had (like kGSHandInfoTypeTouchDown), but now I'm trying to do it for iOS 5 and it's not working, till now.
EDIT: It is now working for iOS 5.1.

Without jailbreaking there is no real way to hook a gesture recognizer into all views of the entire system. First off, your app running in the background doesn't have the ability of executing this code.


Simulating System Wide Touch Events on iOS [duplicate]

Im trying to simulate a touch on as UIWebView, how can I programmatically fire a touch event at a certain location? (x and y coordinates)
Just call touchesBegan?
Ideally I'd like to do it without any javascript hack because in the future it may not be a uiwebview
It's not easy to synthesize a touch event on the iPhone: you have to use undisclosed API, so you have a high probability of breaking on every update of the iOS and getting rejecting from Apple.
Here's a link that demonstrates how to synthesize a touch event on the iPhone:
Here's another question on StackOverflow: How to send a touch event to iPhone OS?
It's worth pointing out the KIF framework here. It's intended to run in the simulator but part of the code is simulating touch evens in code. with luck, this will be a good starting point.
Specifically, look at stepToTapViewWithAccessibilityLabel in KIFTestStep.m and the line
[view tapAtPoint:tappablePointInElement];
What you need to do is first create the events you want, and then send them to SpringBoard over the "purple port" eg. mach port. To make them system wide you must forward them to each application over the port. That means you need to actually do what the windowmanager does and looking at which app is active, screen locked, etc.
There are a hand full of private framework APIs that work (IOSurface, GraphicServices, SpringBoardServices, etc.) to get you the pieces you need.
You will have to load these private frameworks at runtime using something like dlopen().
This is 100% possible without jailbreak as of iOS 6.1.4 (current ATM), but you will be loading private frameworks which is not allowed by apple for AppStore ;)
It is possible. Exactly how you mentioned, using GSEvents and sending them to the purple named port of the aplication you are trying to control/simulate. Of course you need KennyTM's GSEvent.h to accomplish this.
I've done this for iOS 4.3, just by changing some of the values that Kenny had (like kGSHandInfoTypeTouchDown), but now I'm trying to do it for iOS 5 and it's not working, till now.
EDIT: It is now working for iOS 5.1.
Without jailbreaking there is no real way to hook a gesture recognizer into all views of the entire system. First off, your app running in the background doesn't have the ability of executing this code.

iPhone SDK multitasking with CoreLocation

I am developing an iPhone app which uses CoreLocation.
I'm having trouble finding out if the CoreLocation location continues to get updated when the app enters the background. I would like to have it stop updating, but I am not sure if I need to explicitly tell it to stop or not.
Could anyone shed some light on this?
You need to explicitly set whether your application will run in background mode. As documentation says Background Execution
Also you notice an icon in status bar will disappear when core location stops updating location data when your app. go to background mode
Kindly check the following url .. hope it is useful to you
As with most things, programming related; if you want an action to occur, you almost always need to tell it to do that thing, or an ancillary thing which side effects that.
If you want it to stop updating, tell it to do so. (And yes, there are two different modes that will collect location info in the background. One is only on the iPhone 4 though.)

Playing iPhone movies through TV out

Is there any way to emulate the Videos app such that we still maintain controls on the device (iPad/iPhone), but sends the video out through the cables to the TV? I looked into screen mirroring, but it's way too slow for videos, and regardless, the UIGetScreenImage() used by screen mirroring is no longer allowed by Apple.
The Videos app seems to have exactly what I need, but I don't see anything simple to make that happen.
Update (10/15/10): So apparently movies played through UIWebView have TV-Out support, while MPMoviePlayerController movies don't.
However, there is a caveat: this does not work on older devices updated to the most recent iOS. That is, iPod touches, iPhone 3G & 3GS don't work, while iPhone 4 and iPads do. Hoping there's some more stuff that we can use to fill in the gaps in compability, since I know its possible. Apps like AirVideo and StreamToMe currently support this functionality.
I am not sure if there is an official way to do this. But as for your examples, AirVideo uses method Swizzling (check out: to override checks in Movie Player, and acting like Videos app
I guess some with some reverse engineering on SDK, you can find where the checks are made, and swizzle that method, with your custom one.
In 3.2 and later (postdating the site you link to), UIScreen has a class method, 'screens' that'll return an array of one object — the main screen — if no external display is available, or two screens — the main screen and the external screen — if a TV lead is connected. The task should be as simple as positioning the views you want to appear on the external screen within its frame and the controls you want on the device within the other.
Have you tried that?
Edited for one additional comment: also as of 3.2, it is explicitly permissible to create an MPMovieController and then grab the view from it to treat as a normal UIView rather than doing a full 'present'. So that's how you'd get a movie view that you can position as you wish.

Implementing tracing gestures on iPhone

I'd like to create an iPhone app that supports tracing of arbitrary shapes using your finger (with accuracy detection). I have seen references to an Apple sample app called "GestureMatch" that supposedly implemented exactly that, but it was removed from the SDK at some point and I cannot find the source anywhere via Google. Does anyone know of a current official sample that demonstrates tracing like this? Or any solid suggestions on other resources to look at? I've done some iPhone programming, but not really anything with the graphics API's or custom handling of touch gestures, so I'm not sure where to start.
If you're on 3.1.3 firmware you can use the touchesBegan, touchesChanged, and touchesEnded methods. If you were to do an iPad app on 3.2, you'd have access to gesture recognizers such as UIPanGestureRecognizer - which provides the same basic functionality but also gives you some extra information.
The problem here is that they will not give you a smooth line without some extra work on your part, but these are the basic ways to handle finger tracking.
Unfortunately I don't have any examples to give you, but check out the stuff I mentioned in the developer documentation. You should be able to at least get started from that.
I'm uncertain if gesture recognizers are available in 4.0. Might be worth checking out.

Does UIApplication send a "Shake-to-Edit" notification in iPhone OS 3.0?

In iPhone OS 3.0, UIApplication allows you to set a applicationSupportsShakeToEdit flag. The documentation says "The default value is YES. Set the property to NO if you don’t want your application to display the Undo and Redo buttons when users shake the device."
This is all great and it ties in to the new NSUndoManager class nicely. However - I don't want to use the built in NSUndoManager in my app! I'm writing a drawing app, and I already have an undo/redo manager that does some fancy stuff (it manages the data required for each undo operation, and will page it to disk if the app is low on memory). I'd much rather just listen for a notification from the UIApplication and trigger undo myself. (I could just make a bogus NSUndoManager, but I also don't want the "Are you sure?" panel to show...)
Does anyone know if such a notification exists? I figure it must - but I can't find it documented anywhere. Is there a way to monitor all notifications going through the app, maybe?
You may well have solved this issue by now, but in case someone comes across this searching for a Shake solution as I did I laid out how you can get the 3.0 Shake event messsages easily in this thread:
How do I detect when someone shakes an iPhone?
It outlines how you can respond to shake without using an UndoManager or presenting the Undo API. Even if you set applicationSupportsShakeToEdit to NO, these events will still be received..