How the routes are sequenced in Sinatra if we alias the methods? - sinatra

Routes selection is different in sinatra then in rails. In rails routes.rb file is scanned top to bottom and first matching route is selected.
Sinatra associates routes with each method, in this scenario how the routes are selected if two methods are aliased.

Sinatra routing system is very versatile.
You can use method pass to jump routes. check out here [ ]
get '/guess/:who' do
pass unless params[:who] == 'Frank'
'You got me!'
get '/guess/*' do
'You missed!'

Unlike Ramaze actions—for which this question might make sense—Sinatra's routes are not defined by the presence of methods. Rather, you use methods to define the routes, and the order in which you call those methods partially defines the route priority.
For example, you write:
get "/" do
get "/products" do
"We sell stuff!"
There are no custom "index" or "products" methods to alias. For more information, see The Sinatra Book online.


REST API designing for resource with aggregated property

We are currently trying to come up with a set of REST API that would fit our resource models.
A simplified example of the resource is:
CompanyInfo: {
totalNumberOfEmployees: Number,
employees: [...employees],
Employee: {
name: String,
In this case, "CompanyInfo" is like a virtual resource that does not exist in DB. It is a short cut for getting all the data related to the Company resource. The idea was to reduce the amount of logic on FE and create more convenient endpoint instead.
Our current endpoint design is:
GET /api/companyInfos/{companyId}/employees
GET,POST,PUT,DELETE /api/companyInfos/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId}
The reason for the extra {companyId} is because these endpoint does not return "Employees", it instead return a "CompanyInfo" that contains "Employees" embedded in the payload.
This is to avoid the aggregated property "totalNumberOfEmployees" not being updated in case sync when we call POST to create a new "Employee"
So my questions are:
Is this the correct approach to the problem of "too many requests" or "too much logic in FE"?
Is it acceptable for the endpoint to return a completely different resource than what its url describe?
Thanks a lot :)
For your Fist question
Is this the correct approach to the problem of "too many requests" or "too much logic in FE"?
yes Sometimes this is how it is suppose to be done. when data sent is small in each request. to many request does not affect the performance so This is how it is suppose to be done .
And Generally it is recommended to write one monolithic Ajax call in front end which will be capable of making any kind of call , By taking callback as parameter, and method , arguments as parameters .
So it will not be to much of logic if you follow this approach . All you have to write is callback for each of Ajax call . How ever sometimes situation may not allow for this Example:if you are using content-type like 'multipart/mixed'
there you have to write another ajax call code
However nowdays most front end has too much of logic based on how interactive website is . So your primary concern should be about look of web site .
For you second question
Is it acceptable for the endpoint to return a completely different resource than what its url describe?
yes . It is acceptable . but it is recommended that client mention all the MIME types which it expects in Accept header and Only those MIME types should be returned by Api.

RESTFUL URLS in rails?

Hi I'm building REST api for an app, I have a requirement in URL
such that url should be something like this e.g and so on
There are cases
case: The number of params are not limited it can change frequent
if today it is something like this
tomorrow it can be like this
Is there a configuration where once you configure the url pattern
and every thing go smooth
and in conrtoller params should contain this kind of key-value pair
{ "param1" => "value1","param2" => "value2","param3" => "value3"...and so on }
any suggestion !! how to achieve this ??
If your params are not fixed you can use wildcard in routing
for e.g
get 'items/list/*specs', controller: 'items', action: 'list'
def list
specs = params[:specs] # e.g, "base/books/fiction/dickens" #split it and place in a hash
Rails routing provides a way to specify fully custom routes with static and dynamic segments as explained in the Rails Routing Guide.
Your requirement should be achievable with
get '/api/param1/:param1/param2/:param2/...', to: 'controller#action'
You can use route scoping for this particular kind of problem . In other way it is nested routes
More details :
This is a example,
GET /magazines/:magazine_id/ads/:id/edit ads#edit
return an HTML form for editing an ad belonging to a specific magazine
I think this would be helpful for you.

Nested REST routes and subnamespaces in CakePHP3

In CakePHP 3 the rest routing doesn't call classes in subnamespace. For example the route "posts/2/comments/10" call App\Controller\CommentsController. I want it to call App\Controller\Posts\CommentsController because comments are not always for posts...
Here is my solution :
Router::scope('/posts/:post_id/',['post_id'=>'[0-9]+','prefix'=>'posts'], function($routes){
It works fine but i don't know if it is a good practice.
Thank you
If you want to group controllers by namespace use Router::prefix() or $routes->prefix() instead of $routes->scope()

Mojo Routes: Handle asorted tags in url

I am building a Mojo app to replace a vanilla mod_perl application.
The app currently handles url structures like:
key/value pairs in the URL, that can exist in any order.
I am looking for a way to handle that without simply making a route for every permutation of tag, as that gets repetitive even after 3 different types of tags
In that case you should probably just make a route that matches everything and parse the url yourself.

How to route lower-case URLs ('questions/add_to_favorites/123') with underscores in ASP.NET MVC2?

ASP.NET MVC 2 controllers and actions use UpperCamelCase.
For some reasons many big sites, including SO, use lowercase (with underscore) for controllers and actions in the urls. Examples:
I would like to know how this is accomplished.
The default router seems to be case-insensitive, ie. will be directed to Questions-controller's Ask() method without a problem.
However, say we want to direct questions/add_to_favorites to Questions-controller's AddToFavorites() action.
How is this accomplished?
Is it now required to use Html.ActionLink("add_to_favorites")
instead of Html.ActionLink("AddToFavorites") to make the links in the HTML point as questions/add_to_favorites instead of Questions/AddToFavorites?
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ASP.NET MVC: Get lowercase links (instead of Camel Case)
One way to support underscores is to use the ActionName attribute:
public ActionResult AddToFavorites() {
// ...
However, this doesn't work for controllers. Perhaps if we could somehow remove all the underscores from the request before it gets to the routing mechanism, then it would work.
You can add custom routes manually. This is not an universal solution and must be added for every controller and action separately.
"Web2.0 RoR style lowercase URLs with underscores",
new { controller = "Questions", action = "AddToFavorites" }
The cool thing is that the URL generating Html-helper methods don't need to be modified. The routing table is used to route incoming requests and to generate URLs. So,
Html.ActionLink("Add to favorites", "Questions", "AddToFavorites"); maps to /questions-foo/add_to_favorites.
Note that the original /Question/AddToFavorites still works as does /qUeStIoN/aDdtOfAvOrItEs as well as /qUeStIoNs-FOO/ADD_TO_FAVORITES because the default routing mechanism is case-insensitive.