How to extend a button touch area? - iphone

I have an arrow button that I want to keep small but I want the touch area around it to be bigger.
I used the answer from the post Here but it made my button larger.
The problem is that the picture of the button is larger than the size it is presented in. But I thought there must be a way to do it without editing it or adding a transparent button.

Use a custom button with an image with mode "center"(which means that it doesn't resize with the button size and stays always in the center). Then you can make the button as big as you want and the button image always stays in the middle with the same size.

You should be able to do it by extending the button class and overriding the hitTest method. In your version of this method you can expand the area checked to include a buffer area and return the button if the touch happens within it.

A transparent button behind this button would also work and just point that to the method... I suppose you could go about this multiple ways. One should prefer the option that is simplest with the least overhead.


Swift: Custom Slider (Slide To Unlock style)

I am trying to implement a slider in the known slide to unlock style from older iphones to perform an action inside my swift app. The Slider should change background color and change the text inside while dragging. When the user drags til the end, the thumbView should stick to the right side and wait for a confirmation (some event) coming in to finally present a new view.
The slider should look something like this:
First state
Second state while dragging
Third state after releasing
I have found a few things on the internet but nothing that comes close to what I want to do. How would I go about doing this? My guess would be a combination of views with drag events but I feel like there must be an easier way. Any Ideas?
Maybe a UISlider with a transparent track on a rectangle view with your text and color. You can set your image as the UISlider's thumb and receive events as the value changes and when the user touches and releases it.
You can use that to for example, animate the thumb back to the start when the user releases on any place except the end of the track. Also, you can set the slider's value from 0 to 1 and use it to calculate the color, so it changes smoothly.
When the user releases on the end of the track, you activate the activity indicator and start your process to present the next view....
Even though this is a possibility, I think I'd try doing a custom control using a pan gesture. It'd give you more control and you could for example choose how the thumb image animates when going back to the start on release.... I dont' think you can do that with UISlider's setValue(animated:).

Dealing with Popup in Corona game engine

I have a screen in Corona to display a puzzle, and once user guess the correct answer, I'm going to display a simple pop up on the screen to do the congratulation a long with close button to dismiss the popup, now I need for a simple work around to disable any control or behaviour on the original screen while displaying the popup, how can I do that?
I think you need to do this by stop or pause transitions, timers and animations etc. before you go to scene with pop up.
You can add transparent rectangle from transparent image file (not just rectangle, as it will not be touchable).
Size of this rectangle must be the size of all screen.
Position of rectangle - under your popup (or better make it as part of your popup).
Add listeners to this rectangle on touch and tap that will just return false - so it will prevent any clicks under it.
That will save you from pausing / disabling buttons, that you don't want to disable/pause.

Make fix size round button as image in iphone sdk

I am developing an application in which I need to round button as image (as I uploaded).
It Show two corner are straight and the rest is in round shape. I tried withmybutton.layer.cornerRadius but make round whole image. I also tried to just make custom button but it leave extra space in button around image i need to fix size button as image show.
Please help me. Thanks in advance. Happy Day.
Here is a one good tutorial on this:
you can download code from here
Hope this helps
An alternate but not really a good one first add an imageView add this particular image over it than add an custom invisible button over the image by adjusting size of the button it will not cover the whole image though but still it will work fine...actually i did use this approach in one of my app :p
OBShapedButton might help. It's an open source UIButton subclass optimized for non-rectangular button shapes. If it still doesn't work, making your own buttons isn't that difficult either. Use a UIView and handle touches within the view. For eg, in touchesMoved:, set the active image and in touchesEnded:, handle the click event!

UI Button with Image Smaller than Touchable Area

I've not much response so am adding some more info.
My buttons are not rectangular, nor organised in a grid so I need a way of creating what looks like a button (and shows that it has been pressed visually, as per a standard UIButton) but where the touchable area is different to the image area.
I am using a transparent PNG and that element works fine. I've added the buttons in Interface Builder and am wondering if that is the problem.
However, if I change imageEdgeInsets, it distorts the image display, which is obviously not what I want.
Bizarrely, if I increase the dimemsions of the button, it doesn't change the image, but if I decrease them it does.
I have tried different combinations of mode (scale to fill etc), but to no avail.
I am aware that there is an image and background image property, but in IB there is only one.
Essentially, I don't understand how the geometry works and the Apple documentation doesn't seem to help.
Surely, I can't be the only person to try to do this. Any help would be warmly welcomed.
Many thanks,
Try setting the buttons setting to Aspect Fit. This will fill the button with your image so a smaller image than the button size would leave the space around the image.
Also set the button type to custom.
In the end, I stumbled across Ole Begemann's Non-rectangular buttons class. It just does what I need - to be able to create buttons where the touchable area follows the visible element of a non rectangular image.
#Helium3 - thanks - that allowed me to use a larger touch area, bit not a smaller one.

how can i animate image that moves up automatically

hi i am new to iphone. what i need is i want to display an image for example balloon. when ever i click the button the balloon automatically start moveing up vertically from bottom of the simulator to top of the simulator.While it reaches top of the simulator automatically it moves towards down.How can i done this.please post any relevant code or link.Thank you in Advance.
Have a look at this example from Apple you just need to recognize the first touch on the balloon and then make it move wherever you want (by using an animation or manually redrawing the UIImageView representing the balloon each time using a NSTimer)