How to center a UIActivityIndicatorView along with text (UILabel)? - iphone

I've had this issue come up a couple times doing iPhone development now and have yet to find a good solution for it. What I'm looking for is this:
I want to show some text along with an icon and I want the overall display to be centered within its parent view. Specifically, in my current case, I'm looking to display a box that says "Reconnecting..." with a UIActivityIndicatorView to the left of the text.
Previously, I've just relied on the fact that I know exactly the dimensions of the text and activity indicator, so I can position things absolutely to appear centered. What I'm looking for is something more automatic.
Any ideas?

One of the UIKit additions to NSString will return the pixel size of the text if you give it the font that you're using on the UILabel. So then presumably the total size of the two things together in the layout you describe is:
the difference between label.frame.origin.x and activityIndicatorView.frame.origin.x; plus
the width of the text.
You can then either shuffle both the views appropriately or give them a common parent that's still a subview of the whole thing and shift that.

An activity indicator can be shown in a view just calling a single method.Please click here get SHKActivityIndicator class


Create a UIScrollView that can be embedded into another view

I'm trying to build a custom, reusable UIScrollView that can be added to multiple views. The scroll view is going to be a weight picker. For the life of me, I can't find a decent example for how to implement this neatly or cleanly.
I would love for someone to point me to an existing library or tutorial that shows me how to do this. I've hacked apart a few examples, but so far, nothing is very good or reusable. Please help!!
For what it's worth, I have an image that individual ticks for the weight. So I can select to the tenth of the number (e.g. 160.4). The image has the first tick bold and larger than the remaining 9. I'd like to have the weight/number centered over the large tick. I'll update the points to my label/datasource after scrolling stops.
I need to make this. I have the custom font, background, and ticker image.
I would not do this through an UIScrollView. I think it would be more complex and you would certainly end up having issues when trying to add you custom picker into another scroll view.
What I would do is:
building the picker view by means of a series of CALayers, each one representing a "building block" of your picker view; see attached image:
each building block would represent a specific value by mixing a UILabel (the text) and an image;
use a pan gesture recognizer, or alternatively define touchesBegin/Moved/Ended method to deal with panning;
when a pan is done, you displace the view content to the left or right according to the panning;
when panning, you also add new building blocks to the left or right end of the picker to account for empty areas that would be revealed by the displacement done at point 4.
I think that having a look at another kind of custom control source code would be of great help to you. You would not possibly find your custom picker already implemented, but could get some guidance. Have a look then at cocoa controls.
Hope this helps.
If I were going to implement this, I would create a really wide image that had every weight on it I'd ever need - I would probably create this in code when the app started up. This image is then used as the contentView of your picker. You get all the scrolling features "for free", and you could even update the values shown in the other parts of the view during scrolling (or dragging.
The scrollView is just the area with the tick marks and weight numbers, and resides in a subview above the background, but below the centered vertical line that shows the actual weight.
EDIT: on second thought, forget the image. If you have the code to draw the image, you can do the drawing in a custom UIView. So you get the draw rect, you know the contentOffset, so you can draw just what you need.

TVanimationsGestures Sample code Bug/Weird Behavior Overlapping Cells

Im trying to implement a nice accordion effect on my app. My goal is to "open up" a cell when the user tap on it, diplaying additionnal content (such as text) as the cell height increase.
The perfect sample code for that is the TableView Animations & Gestures sample code provided by Apple. However I am experiencing a strange behavior, that ruins the whole effect.
It appears that depending on the order in which the tableview will display its cells (top --> Bottom or Bottom-->up) the cells textviews will overlap each other or not.
As its a bit difficult to explain with word so here is it with images.
Those screenshots were taken from the TVAnimationsGestures Sample Code, without any changes made to it. It comes from the first version of the sample code without storyboard:
Now the version with the storyboard, first behaved well, but after a while, and without me touching the code it started drawing this :
And I have the exact problem on my custom with my custom cells.
It took me a while to understand what I think the problem comes from. If cells are drawn from the Top cell to the bottom, there is no such problem. However if cells are drawn bottom to the top, they will stack in reverse and therefore overlap each other. I don't think it is possible to control this behavior.
What gave me the hint, is that when I scroll down, forcing the top cell to redraw, they actually redraw nicely, and the screen looks like this:
A Mixture of overlapping cells and "good" cells.
Again, this all comes directly from Apple sample code, without any changes.
Does anyone knows whats going on?
Thanks a lot for your help.
You can increase the cell height by pinching on the cell.

Vertically aligning text within a UILabel and getting views below it to move up accordingly

I'm using the workaround described here to vertically align text in a multiline UILabel to the top. Unfortunately that solves only half of the problem because I also want to collapse the remaining space and move other labels below the label to move up and consume the space.
Is there anyone way to achieve this without having to resort to calculating the Frame's of the other views yourself and thus taking over the layouting?
Here's a screenshot of my problem. To make it easier I've colored the background of the relevant labels. The Blue label is supposed to move up and consume the unused space of the red label. The Red Label is configured for 3 Lines and Font-Autoshrink is off.
You must re-calculate your label frames and then rearrange your labels in the view.
Or you can try to use CoreText to make more complex layouts without the need to cope with these frames rearrangement. On GitHub there is a nice work BSD-licensed, called NSAttributedString+HTML: which tries to port in the iOS the same methods already available in OSX. It is based on CoreText and with this class you can write your page as html and render it on screen without using UIWebView (and without its limitations). Based on your screenshot, it would be easy to achieve the wished result with simple html.

iOS playing cards

I currently have an image which has every suit and value of a deck of playing cards in it. There is an UIImageView to show this picture, with width and height set to show just one card at a time and view mode set to "top left" so it doesn't stretch.
Now I'm just showing what happens to be the top left card, the ace of clubs. I tried finding a way to offset the view to show a different portion of the UIImage, but couldn't find a suitable property (tried fiddling with "frame" and "bounds").
Is there a way to get such an offset working, or am I going about this the wrong way? I'd like to keep all the cards in one image in "sprite sheet" style so that they would be easy to modify later instead of having a bunch of separate pics.
Set the bounds to what you'd like to show, enable 'clipToBounds' and make sure the content stretch mode is set properly. That should work.
EDIT: I do recommend making different images though, because of memory issues (even though not the whole image is shown, you still fully have it in memory).

UIScrollView carousel menu

I'm trying to figure out if I can get what I want out of UIScrollView through some trickery or whether I need to roll my own scroll view
I have a series of items in row that I want to scroll through. One item should always be centered in the view, but other items should be visible to either side. In other words, I want normal scrolling and edge bouncing, but I want the deceleration when the user ends a touch to naturally settle at some specified stop point. (Actually now that I think of it, this behavior is similar to coverflow in this respect.)
Take a look at this project: SwipeView
Good luck
I'd check out, it's awesome.
You should take a look at the "pageingEnabled" property of a UIScrollView. Basically you can define a size of a segment and the number of segments. Then it will automatically stop to adjust to that specific segment like you want. If you set the segments to be smaller than the actual width of the screen I think you should get the behaviour you are looking for.