First chance vs Second chance exception - adplus

When I generate a dump file using ADPlus, I get both First chance and second chance exception but when I use task manager for generating dump file, I only get once dump file. Is it the second chance exception? I am bit confused about this 1st and 2nd chance exception anyways even though i have read a little bit about it. May be if someone can provide some good analogy, that might clear up things for me

See here: Link
In short, First chance exception gives the debugger a first chance to inspect the exception and application state before the application handles the exception.
You can stop the debugger at this point (it' usually a setting like "break into debugger when exception is created". Often this is off by default). If you don't, or if you let the application continue to run, the exception is passed on to the application.
The debugger gets a second chance at the exception when the application doesn't handle it. Again, you can break into the debugger here (this isusually on by default).
Note that if the application doesn't handle the exception, the application will usually terminate.


ReleaseHandleFail after upgrading to .net 4.0, possibly related to EntityFramework

I recently upgraded an application from .net 3.5 to 4.0. Since I did that, with debug settings to break on all exceptions enabled, I've been getting a few of these exceptions each time I start a section of the application that connects to a database using the EF. The exact number is variable; sometimes I only get one, others several in rapid succession.
ReleaseHandleFailed was detected Message: A SafeHandle or
CriticalHandle of type
'Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeCapiHashHandle' failed to properly
release the handle with value 0x06AD3D08. This usually indicates that
the handle was released incorrectly via another means (such as
extracting the handle using DangerousGetHandle and closing it directly
or building another SafeHandle around it.)
I never got exceptions like this when targeting 3.5. These exceptions don't have any meaningful call stack attached, all I get is [External Code], denying any easy way to localize where they're coming from. The reason I suspect EntityFramework is somehow involved is that one section of the app uses nHiberate instead doesn't generate any of these messages.
To run down other dependencies that might be involved: In all cases, the ORM is talking to an Sql Compact database MS Sync Framework 2.1 is being used to update the local DB from SqlServer. The Entity framework models have been regenerated with the 4.0 framework, and I upgraded the cache DB to v4.0 as well.
Since there's no call stack I'm not sure if these messages fall into the category of "harmless" errors automatically cleaned up internal to the framework; or if there's an exception eater catching them elsewhere in the application.
This is not an exception, it is a Managed Debugging Assistant warning. You might have gone over-board a bit when you changed the settings to "break on all exceptions enabled". Debug + Exceptions, Managed Debugging Assistants node, untick the "ReleaseHandleFailed" warning. It is off by default.
The MDA catches an old bug that's gone undetected for a while in the AesCryptoServiceProvider class. Backgrounder is here.
Judging from your comment, you are about to make a drastic mistake. You do not solve this by avoiding encryption or compromising your dbase connection security. You accidentally turned on an MDA that's normally off. MDAs in general tend to produce false warnings and many of them are turned off by default. The warning is in fact bogus, releasing the handle failed because it was already released. This happens in the finalizer thread, that's why you don't get a stack trace. And thus can't easily find out what code uses the class in the first place.
The proper way to fix it is to use the Debug + Exceptions dialog properly. Fix the problem you created by clicking the Reset All button. Then click only the Thrown checkbox for Common Language Runtime exceptions. That's what you are trying to debug.

Mysterious inadequate stack traces in XCode give no context to where the error is occurring

I'm running into lots of instances with the latest version(s) of XCode (I believe this has been happening since 4.2 or so) where the stack trace when an exception is thrown is woefully devoid of details.
The screeshot here illustrates one such case; in fact, this scenario at least has SOME context (it shows me that it happened in the JKArray class), where many times I get nothing but "internal" stack items (just 2-3 entries in the thread, none of which reside in user code or anything I can look at). Even in this example, I don't know where the JKArray was allocated or released, so I have no idea what instance or where the problem is.
I've tried adding a generic "on exception" breakpoint
There is some minor information available in the output; in this case: " malloc: * error for object 0x10e18120: pointer being freed was not allocated * set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug". Doing this doesn't get me any further, though, since the breakpoint gets hit in the same stack as the exception...
I've tried switching to the other debugger
I've tried using my own custom exception handler
I've tried using the Profiler to look for leaks. There are no leaks that I can find.
No matter what I do, I can't seem to isolate the issues plaguing my app. Furthermore, the issues do not seem to be exactly the same each time, likely due to the high amount of concurrency in my app... so I'm left without a good way to fix the problems.
Edit: in the case of this particular exception, I did end up finding the cause. I had attempted to [release] and object that was [autoreleased]d. However, all of this was happening within my code; I can't understand why XCode would not give me a decent stack trace to help me find the problem, rather than forcing me to hunt through my whole app...
Sometimes it is impossible to pinpoint the real problem, because the issue that causes the symptom has happened much earlier.
Your issue provides a great example: when you release your object, cocoa has no idea that you've done anything wrong: you are releasing an object that you own, this is precisely what you should be doing, so there's no red flags. The code that leads to a breakdown is executed well after your method has finished, and gave the control back to the run loop. It is at this point that the run loop gets around to draining its autorelease pool, causing the second deallocation. All it knows at this point, however, is that the run loop has made an invalid deallocation, not your code. By the time the error happens the culprit is safely off the stack (and off the hook), so there is nothing else Xcode can report back to you.
A solution to problems like this is to profile your memory use: the profiler should catch issues like that, and pinpoint the places where they happen.
It goes without saying that switching to automatic reference counting will save you lots of troubles in the memory management department.

App quits and goes back to home screen, can try + catch deal with it?

When an app suddenly quits and returns back to your home screen, can this always be dealt with alternatively with a try, catch block, or are there exceptions (other than memory leaks, too much memory) that can never be tried and catch, and result in the app quitting?
Many errors cannot be caught with try/catch. In most cases, you should not even attempt to. If you're throwing exceptions or causing a SEGV, then that indicates a serious problem that likely cannot be effectively recovered from. The correct behavior in a mobile environment is to terminate the app. Using tools like TestFlight you can try to recover the logs and stack so that you can resolve the bug.
The way to avoid crashing is careful coding and testing. You should not try to avoid it with a try block.
You need to find and resolve the cause of the app crashing, not just mask it with a try-catch around everything. To answer your question, "no".

Thread 1: Program received signal : "EXC_BAD_ACCESS"

I am currently programming a iPhone-app for my maturity research. But there is an behavior I don't understand: Sometimes when i compile my project there is:
Thread 1: Program received signal : "EXC_BAD_ACCESS".
But when I compile the same code a second, or a third time the code just runs fine and i can't get why. I use some MonteCarloSimulation but when it fails it fails executing one of the first 100 simulations. But when every thing runs fine it executes 1000000 simulations without an error.. Really strange isn't it?
Do you have any idea? Can this be an issue of Xcode or arc?
All other things just work perfect.
Do you have to get any further information? I can also send you my code as an email.
This usually means you're trying to access an object that has already been deallocated.
In order to debug these things, Objective C uses something called "NSZombie" that will keep those objects around so you can at least see what it is that's trying to be called. See this question for some details on how to use it.
This is typically caused by accessing some memory that's been corrupted, chances are you have a reference to an object which has been deleted. A lot of the time you may find that the memory where the object was located has not yet been overwritten, so when you attempt to access that memory your data is still intact and there is no problem, hence it working some of the time.
Another scenario would be that you've got some code writing into memory using a bad reference, so you're writing into an area you shouldn't be. Depending on the memory layout when the program starts, this could have no effect some of the time but cause something catastrophic at other times.

iPhone Production/Release Exception Handling

In advance, please excuse my lack of understanding for iPhone/Objective-C Best Practices; I come from a .NET/C# background.
Although, I've read many posts regarding exception handling for the iPhone, I'm still not exactly clear on what most people do for production code. Also, I haven't been able to find any open source apps with error handling that I would normally expect. Here are my questions:
1) If an unexpected result occurs that would cause the application to eventually fail, would you throw an exception or just wait for it to fail later? For example,
if (![fileManager createDirectoryAtPath: myNewDir
withIntermediateDirectories: YES
attributes: nil
error: &myError]) {
// My app shouldn't continue. Should I raise an exception?
// Or should I just log it and then wait for it to crash later?
2) Do you validate parameters? For example, in C# I would usually check for null, and if needed throw an ArgumentNullException.
3) When an app crashes, does the crash info get logged automatically or do I need to set the unhandled exception handler? Can I show a UIAlertView within this method to inform the user something bad happened, instead of having the app just disappear? (If so, I couldn't get it to work.)
4) And finally, why don't I see anyone actually using #try/#catch/#finally? It's used extensively in C#, but I haven't found open source apps using it. (Maybe I'm just looking at the wrong apps.)
Ad 1. The example you give is a somewhat classical example of when one should use a "checked exception" in Java. The caller of the method has to be prepared, that the call can fail for reasons which are outside of what it can control. In particular, in the example given, I would allow the error descriptor object allow to propagate back to the caller:
- (BOOL) prepareDirectories: (NSString*) path error: (NSError**) location {
if( ![fileManager createDirectoryAtPath: path
withIntermediateDirectories: YES
attributes: nil
error: location] ) {
return NO;
// ... additional set-up here
return YES;
If the error is really not recoverable, you may actually raise an exception, but that will also forfeit any chance to show a proper error message to the user of your application.
Ad 2. Yes, parameter validation is definitely something you should do. And raising an exception for unexpected nils is entirely appropriate. A bad parameter is a "programmer's error" and you cannot guarantee, that the program is still in a consistent state. For example, NSArray raises an exception, if you try to get an element using an non-existent index.
Ad 3. When the app crashes due to an uncaught exception, the fact is logged automatically. You can catch the exception if you really want to display an error message. However, the app is likely to be in an inconsistent state, and should not be allowed to continue, so simply allowing it to go down seems the best solution here.
Ad 4. I don't know.
In the specific case you mention, you should present a notification to the user about what just happened with instructions on how to fix the situation. Except in extreme circumstances your app should not quit. You should let the user fix whatever is wrong, then try again.
Parameter validation depends on a lot of factors. One thing to keep in mind is that in Obj-C it's perfectly valid to send messages to nil (nothing happens if you do) so in a lot of situations you don't need to check for nil. If I'm in a model class I always validate parameters in methods. If I'm not I almost never validate anything, type checking is good enough.
Some information should be logged but it's always helpful to log more specific information to your situation. Ideally you shouldn't ever reach the unhandled exception state.
Cocoa classes will rarely throw exceptions for environmental reasons, they are almost always because you did something wrong. For example, you wouldn't usually put a #try/#catch block around [NSString stringWithString:] because the only way it'll throw an exception is if you try and pass nil. Make sure you aren't passing nil and you won't have to worry about catching exceptions. When a method might fail because of something outside of your control, they usually communicate via an NSError. See the - (BOOL)save:(NSError **)error method of NSManagedObjectContext for example.