passing :rails_env in capistrano to chef/cookbook/monit/mongrel.conf - capistrano

How do we pass the :rails_env vairable so that it recognizes what version we are into i.e. staging, production, demo
We are trying to get the :rails_env from the deploy.rb in capistrano to pass to cookbook and then to monit and then create a mongrel.conf file with different values for the environment (demo..production). In mongrel.erb, we can pick up this variable/parameter and set the RAILS_ENV=xxxx
in the command line, want to specify what deployment we are doing -- cap chef:bootstrap production
this "production" sets the :rails_env in deploy.rb

Set the environment variable in your shell (command line) before running your scripts and let your scripts pick up it's value i.e.:
export RAILS_ENV=production
You can access the value of RAILS_ENV using $RAILS_ENV in your scripts. Here's an example of somebody doing something similar at Pivotal Labs:


There does not seem to be a good substitute for core.exportVariable in github-script right now

Every time we use core.exportVariable which, as far as I know, is the canonical way to export a variable in #action/core and, consequently, in github-script, you get an error such as this one:
Warning: The set-env command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see:
That link leads to an explanation of environment files, which, well, are files. Problem is files do not seem to have such a great support in github-script. There's the #actions/io package, but there's no way to create a file with that.
So is there something I'm missing, or there is effectively no way to create an environment file form inside a github-script step?
You no longer need the actions/github-script nor any other special API to export an environment variable. According to the Environment Files documentation, you can simply write to the $GITHUB_ENV file directly from the workflow step like this:
- name: Set environment variable
run: echo "{name}={value}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
The step will expose given environment variable to subsequent steps in the currently executing workflow job.

Access System Environment Variables in Azure Pipeline Powershell Script Task

We are using powershell to do some deployment tasks in the target environment(e.g. a VM).
However, it seems the script does not have access to the system environment variables, as well as other programs run by the script.
So far, it only has access to the variables defined in the pipeline.
Also, inside the .NET program run by that script, we have:
var env = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine);
but it still does not have access to the desired environment variable.
Is there a way we can allow the pipeline script to access the system variable?
Or, do we have to define a stage-scoped pipeline variable and make it consistent with the targeting machine's system variable?
If you refer to get the system environment variables of the target machine, you just need to run the pipeline with the self-hosted agent installed on the target machine. Then use $ env: VARIABLE_NAME in the powershell script to get the system environment variables of the target machine.
The system environment variables of the machine obtained by powershell script in Azure Devops are determined by the agent that runs the pipeline. The agent on which machine is used to run the pipeline can access the system environment variables of that machine.
In addition, you can try the method mentioned by Mar Tin in the comment to define system variables as pipeline variables.

How to add secret variable as task environment variable in VSTS

This documentation states that secret variables are
Not decrypted into environment variables. So scripts and programs run by your build steps are not given access by default.
One of my build tasks require that an environment variable be set that is stored in a secret variable. Does this mean it's impossible to do this using secret varaibles in VSTS? If not, how do I do this?
For further background, I'm trying to code sign my electron app using electron-builder. It requires that two environment variables be set: CSC_LINK and CSC_KEY_PASSWORD. One of these is the password to a code signing certificate so needs to be kept secure.
Set Environment Variable
Use a Command Line task, like this:
target_environment_variable now contains the value of secret_variable.
Add a subsequent Command Line task that writes all environment variables to a disk file, like this: (note: in the Arguments text box, write to a folder that both you and build agent can access):
Queue the build definition, then view the file containing the environment variables:
When using the YAML-syntax this can be achieved too:
- script: |
MySecret: $(Secret_Variable)
You can supply variables to pass to tasks in the Variables page of the build definition:
Then they can be passed in to a task as an input like so:

Can Bamboo variables be overridden by a Script task?

I'm interested in using a script task to override one of these Bamboo plan variables for subsequent tasks but I'm not sure if it's possible or how to go about doing so. It appears that Bamboo allows for various levels of variable overrides for Build Plans all the way down to particular branches however they all seem to require defining the values within the Bamboo UI. The problem with this is that it requires admin privileges to modify these variables whereas some of them need to be modified by developers that do not have this level of access. As a solution I want to be able to specify some variable overrides in files that exist in the source repository itself.
Attempt 1: Overriding environment variables
I've attempted to set the environment variables exposed by Bamboo using a Powershell script and specifying something like $env:bamboo_xyz = 'ABC' but it doesn't seem to have an effect past the task context in which it was specified in. Presumably Bamboo must be re-setting the environment variables individually for each task or executing them within their own contexts but it's not clear to me exactly from the documentation.
UPDATE: It appears from some testing that environment variables set in one Script task are not available in subsequent Script tasks in the same Job. This leaves me with no apparent way to override variables based on anything other than hard coded values in Bamboo.
Attempt 2: Using the Bamboo Inject Variables Plugin task
I've tried using the Bamboo Inject Variables Plugin task to override variables but because what appears to be a required namespace parameter it only seems to be able to define new variables and not override existing ones.
Enviroment variables are only valid in the current session. So if bamboo starts one script ( one powershell session ) completes that and then start a new powershell script ( New Session ) the enviroment variable will not be kept.
So then there are a few options, set the variable in each script.
Or set it using registry at the start of the process. And if ncessary set it back to default value in the last step/script.

Set umask for remote commands

How can I direct processes started on remote machines via ssh to run with a certain umask? I want this to apply to commands run as part of standard Capistrano recipes too, so I can't just make an explicit call to "umask" part of the command.
It does not appear that ~/.bash_profile on the remote machine is read, with the way that Capistrano invokes remote commands.
I was confronted to the same issue and got around it by using the then-undocumented SSHKit.config.umask in config/deploy.rb. Note that this will set the umask for every ssh command.
Put umask 0002 in the .bashrc of the user account you use to deploy.
Agreed with Alain--set the umask in your .bashrc instead of .bash_profile. When deploying with Capistrano in a typical setup, your .bash_profile isn't loaded by default. Reading up on the difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile will help in understanding the purposes of the two.
I have environment variables set in my .bashrc file and they are certainly used when I deploy or for running any other commands with capistrano.
Another option is to create a task to set your umask value before you begin creating files on deploy. For example, in Cap 3, you can use this:
task :set_umask do
on roles(:all) do |host|
execute "umask 0002"
before "deploy:starting", "set_umask"
#beauby's answer using SSHKit is good, but it works only for Capistrano 3 as Capistrano 2 doesn't use SSHKit.
A common problem in relation to umask and Capistrano is that bundle install installs gems with permissions that are too restrictive. For this specific issue, the solution I've found for Capistrano 2 is to say:
namespace :bundle do
task :postinstall do
run "chmod -R u=rwX,go=rX #{bundle_dir}"
after 'bundle:install', 'bundle:postinstall'