Can event viewer in Windows 2000 consume ETW trace? - windows-2000

I think in Windows 2000 the events logged are in binary format as compared to the XML format in Windows Vista. I want to know whether its possible for the event viewer in Windows 2000 to consume the events from ETW Trace in real-time. I seriously doubt whether that functionality is made available in Vista when the event tracing and logging was rewritten for Event viewer. Please confirm! Is there any way to make the event viewer in Windows 2000 consume the ETW Traces real-time? If yes, Please tell me how to do it!

It can't! Better use normal event logging rather than ETW in Windows 2000.


Is there a Powershell interface to read messages from MQ?

I'm looking at writing a collector to read log messages off an MQ queue. I could have someone write Java or C# code, or I can write it in Powershell. Big question is can I actually? I haven't seen anything that talks about using MQ as an input source to Powershell. It seems like it would fit the model from a "pipeline" perspective...
SupportPac MO74 is a Powershell interface and it's been updated to at least v8.0.0.2.
So, if you want to get the message from MS queue you can use msmq cmdlets. Check this
In the other hand if you want to read it from a websphere queue try MQ Modules
Similarly if you want to try with some other queues I assume they should have an API. You can load the dll thru relection and use it in powershell.

Improving reliability of a server running programs in Interactive Services?

I have a bunch of programs that i run as services in FireDaemon (30+ programs). They all "interact" with the desktop as they have a GUI. I usually check the status and change parameters every now and then by going into the Interactive Services via the Detection message.
The server is a Windows Server 2012 R2 and has plenty of resources (20 cores, 72GB ram, plenty of I/O) and usually is very stable. However, if i am in Interactive Services looking at the program statuses or/and modifying anything it frequently locks me out and i cannot get back onto the server. It is essentially frozen.
How can i increase the stability? Is there something i can do to add more resources to the Interactive Services? Is there a limit to how many programs i can run in interactive services?
Any insight helps - thanks!
You either probably already know this or have seen this since you're using FireDaemon Pro, but they have a free techinical preview of a Zero Session viewer that does just that. We have the same issue and when zero session causes problems it's almost like somebody pulled the network cable to that server.
So far, so good with their session 0 viewer.

Single client talking to multiple Servers

I'm working on a project where I have a single client that need to open a Telnet session to multiple servers (100) and wait for messages. The messages are small (< 80 bytes) and will occur at random.
I've read that it's bad form to do this by creating a thread for each "server". I'm looking for suggestions as to the best way to handle the multiple sites with TCPClient, or Winsock or Catalyst or ???
Thanks for the help !
Gary M
As it is Windows platform, there are many options. You can use Winsock select function, or WSAPoll, or WSAAsyncSelect, or completition ports.
select/WSAPoll work almost like in Posix, and there are plenty of examples, and some ready libraries on how to use those.
WSAAsyncSelect will send events to the UI thread (you need to have window for that). If you application has a window, this might be the simplest option, as all activity will occur in the window thread, and library takes care of event serialization.
Also take a look at (it is important as you have more then 64 connections):
Using Windows completition ports:

is it possible to write record as NO-UNDO in transaction?

we are making some loging issue, where we need write the logentries in the DB. But the process run in a transaction and by rollback are our new logentries also deleted. can I make a write in DB out of the transaction? something like write in temptable with NO-UNDO option...? that the new logentries still remain in DB...?
Another possibility would be to use an app server. Transactions on app server sessions are independent from transactions in the original session (that's what the optional and redundant "DISTINCT TRANSACTION" syntax is all about).
Another option would be to use a simple messaging system. One very easy to setup and use option is STOMP. It is platform neutral and very easy to get going with.
Julian Lyndon-Smith posted the following on PEG about a month ago, and it really is as easy to setup and use as he says (I've tried it, I used ApacheMQ which is also very easy to setup and use):
Following on from presentations in Boston and Finland, dot.r is
pleased to announce the open source Stomp project, available
Download from either or , the dot.r stomp programs allow you
to connect your progress session to any other application or service
that is connected to the same message broker.
Open source, free message brokers that support Stomp are:
( [a Progress company now owned by Red Hat inc]
Fuse MQ Enterprise is a standards-based, open source messaging platform that deploys with a very small footprint. The lack of license
fees combined with high-performance, reliable messaging that can be
used with any development environment provides a solution that
supports integration everywhere
Apache ActiveMQ (tm) ( the most popular
and powerful open source messaging and Integration Patterns server. Apache
ActiveMQ is fast, supports many Cross Language Clients and Protocols, comes
with easy to use Enterprise Integration Patterns and many advanced features
while fully supporting JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4.
Apache ActiveMQ is released under the Apache 2.0 License.
RabbitMQ is a message broker. The principal idea is pretty simple: it
accepts and forwards messages. You can think about it as a post
office: when you send mail to the post box you're pretty sure that Mr.
Postman will eventually deliver the mail to your recipient. Using this
metaphor RabbitMQ is a post box, a post office and a postman.
The major difference between RabbitMQ and the post office is the fact
that it doesn't deal with paper, instead it accepts, stores and
forwards binary blobs of data - messages.
Please feel free to log any issues on the issue system, and fork the project in
order to commit back all those new features that you are going to add
dot.r Stomp uses the permissive MIT licence
Have fun, enjoy !
Every change to the database must be part of a transaction. If you do not explicitly start one it will be implicitly started for you and scoped to the next outer block with transaction capabilities.
However and although I would not recommend you to, work with sub-transactions. You can invoke a sub transaction by explicitly specifying a DO TRANSACTION within the transaction scope. Although the database will never know about it, the client can roll back the sub transaction while the database can commit the transaction.
But in order to implement something like this you must master the concepts of transaction scope, block behavior and error handling.
Write your log entries to a no-undo temp-table.
When the code will commit a transaction, or transactions aren't active (transactionID = ?) have your code write the log entries out.
I don't think there is any way to do this in ABL as you planned either efficiently (sprinkling temp-table flushes or other tidbits all over the place is gross) or reliably (what if the application crashes with an un-flushed temp-table?), as others have mentioned. I would suggest making your complicated logging less coupled to your app by making the database writes asynchronous, occurring outside of your application if possible.
Since you're on Windows, you could change your logging to use the .NET log4net library instead of ABL constructs. log4net has a few appenders that would be useful:
AdoNetAppender which lets you log directly to a database
RemoteSyslogAppender which uses the syslog protocol, letting you log to an external Unix syslog or rsyslog daemon (rsyslog supports writing log messages to databases)
UDPAppender which sends the log messages via UDP packets somewhere else to be handled (e.g. a logFaces server, which supports writing to databases)
If you must do it in ABL then you could use a named output stream specifically for your log messages (OUTPUT TO STREAM) which writes to a specific location where an external process is listening to handle it. This file could be a pipe created by something like mkfifo or just a regular text file that is monitored for changes with inotify (not sure what the Windows equivalents of these are). This external process would handle parsing the messages and writing them to the database (basically re-inventing rsyslog).
I like the no-undo temp-table idea, just be sure to put the database write part in a "FINALLY" block in case of unhandled exceptions.

Does JavaMail support server-push?

Does JavaMail support notification of new emails through server-push?
If yes, where is the documentation for that?
If no, is there a library that can do it?
You should be using IMAPFolder's idle function to issue the idle command to the server. That will then listen for events, such as a new mail or deleted mail. (See the IMAP spec to see what the messages look like). And you should be using a MessageCountListener to execute code when a number of emails in the mailbox change.
IMAP's idle function is exactly meant to imitate "push" functionality.
Sorry I didn't post any code that shows how this is used. I didn't want to waste my time since there are many readily available examples on the internet if you search for this stuff.
But be forewarned, this method won't work for more than one IMAP account since the idle command blocks. Unless you want them all on different threads (bad idea).
A Store event listens for notifications issued by your backend store:
But in my experience the java mail docs are so thin in places, that the best way of finding out what is going on, is to debug through the process yourself.
This is a great allround resource as well; the JavaMail FAQ :