restrict delete of a referenced managedobject - iphone

I have a simple Core Data model:
Entity Team (name, logo)
Entity Sport (name, teams to->many Teams)
So, a Sport can have many Teams
I create the Team first, then add or edit a Sport and add the Teams.
If I delete a Team, my app starts crashing.
I believe because it is looking for the deleted reference.
So, how can I restrict via Core Data, not to delete an Entity which is being used as reference from another Entity's relation.
I don't want to set the relationship to nil. And I don't want to go and delete the Team from the Sport first, and then delete it alone. I just want it to notify that I can't delete it. i.e. I'm looking for a built-in checker.

You might want to read up on Core Data's "Relationship Delete Rules", if you haven't already. And you want to make sure that your Team <<---> Sport relationship is bidirectional.
Alternatively, instead of calling the generated removeXxxObject and removeXxxs methods directly, you may want to implement wrapper methods that do necessary checking before calling 'remove' methods.


Delete nsmanagedboject from context with many to many relationship core data iOS

My model have 2 Entity (Category and News) with many to many relationship: (It mean a category may have many news and a news article may belong to one or more Category).
Below is my design:
Entity 1:
Category (attributes: categoryID, title, show, position) and a relationship with News Entity called "news".
"news" relationship has destination is "News", inverse relationship is "categories", type to-many relationship and delete rule is cascade.
Entity 2:
News (attributes: newsID, quote, content, link) and a relationship with Category Entity called "categories".
"categories" Relationship has destination is "Category", inverse relationship is "news", type to-many relationship and delete rule is nullify.
Object graph look like this:
News <<-------------->> Category
My question is:
1> Is my designed model is good ?
2> Arcoding to my designed model, if I delete a News object from it context example like:
id newsObjectToDelete = ....
[managedObjectContext deleteObject:newsObjectToDelete];
Does Category object that newsObjectToDelete belong to automatically remove newsObjectToDelete from NSSet of relationship "News".
3> If I want to constraints that a "News" must belong to at least one "Category". How to implement that constraints
Thank in advance. Sorry for poor English
It's tough to say whether or not this is a good fit for your app, but it looks like a pretty standard relationship.
If you delete an object, it is automatically removed from all Core Data relationships. Don't worry about a dangling reference to some deleted object, Core Data handles that for you.
Core Data can really only generate an error (and blocking the save) or take some automatic action during the save. You can do either of the following:
In Your Data Model: Using the data model editor, uncheck "Optional" for this relationship, and/or set the "Minimum" count to 1:
In Your "News" Subclass: If you need more fine-grained control and/or error reporting, you can check this during validation (to generate an error) or maybe take some automatic actions during the save process.
Note that using validation (either in the model or in your code) is only going to help during the development and debugging processes - calling -save: on the managed object context will fail, returning NO and generating an error. This should be a last resort, and really just there to keep bad data from getting into your persistent store. A validation failure like this tells you that some other part of your code is wrong and generating bad objects.

Is it possible to tell if an entity is tracked?

I'm using Entity Framework 4.1. I've implemented a base repository using lots of the examples online. My repository get methods take a bool parameter to decide whether to track the entities. Sometimes, I want to load an entity and track it, other times, for some entities, I simply want to read them and display them (i.e. in a graph). In this situation there is never a need to edit, so I don't want the overhead of tracking them. Also, graph entities are sent to a silverlight client, so the entities are disconnected from the context. Hence my Get methods can return a list of entities that are either tracked or not. This is achieved dynamically creating the query as follows:
DbQuery<E> query = Context.Set<E>();
// Track the entities in the context?
if (!trackEntities)
query = query.AsNoTracking();
However, I now want to enable the user to interact with the graph and edit it. This will not happen very often, so I still want to get some entities without tracking them but to have the ability to save them. To do this I simply attach them to the context and set the state as modified. Everything is working so far.
I am auditing any changes by overriding the SaveChanges method. As explained above I may, in some low cases, need to save modified entities that were disconnected. So to audit, I have to retrieve the current values from the database and then compare to work out what was changed while disconnected. If the entity has been tracked, there is no need to get the old values, as I've got access to them via the state manager. I'm not using self tracking entities, as this is overkill for my requirements.
QUESTION: In my auditing method I simply want to know if the modified entity is tracked or not, i.e. do I need to go to the db and get the original values?
DbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries ( returns DbEntityEntry objects for all tracked entities. DbEntityEntry has Entity property that you could use to find out whether the entity is tracked. Something like
var isTracked = ctx.ChangeTracker.Entries().Any(e => Object.ReferenceEquals(e.Entity, myEntity));

Save One, Save All in Entity Framework

I'm still learning about Unit of Work patterns, repository patterns, etc.
My app:
I have a list of entities, say customers in a listview
When I select a customer a detail form shows, where their details can be edited
I'm trying to understand the standard MVVM/Entity Framework way of accomplishing the following:
When the user edits a customer it shows as "changed" (but not saved)
The user can chose to either save the current customer, or save all the changed customers
The Save or Save All commands/buttons are disabled if that option is not available (the current customer is unchanged, or all customers are unchanged)
Seems simple enough? But I have no idea how to approach this using MVVM/EF. Do I use UoW, do I detach objects and re-attach to the context so I can save them one at a time? How do I detect if an object is changed or unchanged?
Help! Thanks!
I throw in a few remarks:
The critical point in your requirements is in my opinion the option to save either one single customer or all changed customers. You need to take into account that Entity Framework doesn't have a method to save changes of a single or a few selected objects in the context. You can only save the changes of the whole Unit of Work (which is the ObjectContext or DbContext in EF) by calling myContext.SaveChanges().
This leads to the conclusion that you cannot use the list of all customers and the customer detail form in one single Unit of Work (= EF context) which holds all customers as attached entities. If you would do this you could provide a function/button to save all changes but not an option to save only the current customer in the form.
So, I would either think about if you really need those functions or I would work with the entities in a detached state. This would mean that you have to load the customer list from the database and dispose the context after that. When you save the changes - and now it doesn't matter if all changes or only changes of a single customer - you can create a new context, pull the original entity/entities from the database and update with the changed properties.
But working with either attached or detached entities - or either having one living EF context per view/form or creating only one short-living context per CRUD operation - is an important design decision in my opinion. Generally the possibility to have your entities attached to a context during the lifetime of a view/form exists to make your life as programmer easier because it offers you features like lazy loading and change tracking out of the box. So you might think twice if you want to give this up.
To recognize if a customer object has been changed or not the EF context could be helpful because it tracks the state of an object. You could for instance query the ObjectStateManager for a customer and check if it is in a "Changed" state. But to have this option you would need to work with attached entities as explained above. Since you cannot save (or also cancel) single object changes it is questionable if it would make sense at all to show the user that customer 1 and customer 3 has changed. (I would probably only show "some customers have changed".)
If you are working with detached entities you have to manage by hand which customers have changed or not by implementing some kind of "dirty flag" logic. Here is a thread about this:
Different ways to implement 'dirty'-flag functionality

How to create Entity dynamically in Objective-C?

I'm building an iPad application where I need user to create entity dynamically. I'm already having 3 entities which program uses.
Could you help me with code how to do it?
I want to understand the whole structure according to my understanding I have to create new managedObjectModel, add new entities and than merge it with existing one, is it correct?
While it is possible to create a new entity and a new model on the fly in practice this is massively complex. If nothing else you would have to migrate any existing persisted data to the new model and a new persistent store file. I strongly recommend against attempting this especially if you are just starting out with Core Data.
You do have options:
Firstly, are you sure you actually need a new entity? People just starting out with Core Data often mistake entities for managed objects. Entities are to managed objects as classes are to instances. Entities are abstractions used to create the object graph. They don't actually contain data. The times when you need new entities are very,very rare.
Secondly, if you do need some kind of dynamic entity, it would usually be best to decompose the dynamic entity into numerous fixed subentities and then use relationships to create a virtual entity. E.g. you need a dynamic Person "entity" so you create several entities in the model each of which holds one attribute of the person. You could have a Field entity which would have a fieldName attribute and then a fieldValue attribute. Then have a an actual Person entity that has no attributes but just relationships to the necessary Field objects. You could add any fields needed to any person and then reconstitute an virtual person object by walking the relationships to its fields.
I rather doubt however that you need that kind of flexibility. Such a need is very rare. I would step back and see exactly what dynamic data you think the user might need to enter.
That's correct -- you'd create an array of NSEntityDescription objects, then call setEntities: on the new managed object model. Then, finally, you'd merge that model with your built-in model.
But note that you can't change a model once it has been used to create a managed object context (or used for storage). You'll need to create new storage and context after the model is changed.

iphone Core data and entity inheritance

This is a two part question, here is the situation:
I have an app that lists a set of product models. The user should be able to select from this list the product models that they specifically own. They can own more than 1 of the same type of product and should also be able to set a custom name for the products they own. So I set up my data model with two entities. Product, and OwnedProduct. OwnedProduct inherits from the Product entity and adds a customName property.
Question 1: Is this the best way to implement the model or should I be doing something with relationships? Right now I don't have any relationships in place.
The next question involves actually creating an OwnedProduct record from one of the Products that has been selected by the user.
Question 2: Is there a way to take the selected Product object, duplicate it , and then cast it as an OwnedProduct? Or would I have to create a brand new instance of OwnedProduct and then manually assign all of it's properties from the properties of the Product instance?
Question 1: Is this the best way to implement the model or should I be doing something with relationships? Right now I don't have any relationships in place.
Do you plan to have multiple owners within the same context?
Can a single product be owned by different owners with different custom names?
If yes I would take a look at relationships. I would not duplicate a product because of an ownership. If the product changes, it probably should change for all owners.
A possible datamodel for your requirements:
Question 2: Is there a way to take the selected Product object, duplicate it , and then cast it as an OwnedProduct? Or would I have to create a brand new instance of OwnedProduct and then manually assign all of it's properties from the properties of the Product instance?
As the clone will be a separate instance within your context you have to create a new one and copy all necessary properties. You can speed things up by iterating over NSEntityDescription properties and relationships. There is already a solution to cloning NSManagedObjects on SO