Building MobileVLCKit from repository on macOsX with XCode - iphone

I would like to make an application for iOS(iPhone and iPad) that can play streaming videos through RTSP protocol (that includes mms). I imagined to achive a specified application using VLC player or libVLC library.
On the official vlc git repository (;a=tree) in projects/macosx/framework/ folder there is xcode project MobileVLCKit.xcodeproj for which I assume that is a somewhat usable VLC framework for iOS.
Now the problem is that I can't/don't know how to build this project. When I try to build MobileVLCKit.xcodeproj I get an error that says it can't find files inside extras/contrib/hosts/i686-apple-darwin10/ios/ folder.
I have looked within that folder (extras/contrib) and managed to create folder (with files) extras/contrib/hosts/i686-apple-darwin10/ with make, but there is no ios folder.
So, does anybody knows how to successfully build MobileVLCKit?

$ git clone git://
$ cd MobileVLC
$ ./
Note, using any portion of VLC in your app, makes your app open source and GPL.

i am fighting to build this ios version.
if you git clone the today the version, ,you'ld find a more complete with ios support into the extra folder : extra/contrib/src/Distributions/ios.mak and extra/package/ios/
extra/contrib/bootstrap is now "ios" compliant !
be aware this version need ios4.2 (see
i have problems with ffmpeg but it's another story
vlc build for ios need a "howto" !!!
the entry point is "" calls bootstrap
when this is done correctly (good luck), MobileVLCKit will find the files it needs (i hope)

Don't use git to get the most recently source code。
Since vlc is not available for iOS。
but you can get mobilevlc 1.1.0, from
and you 'd better install Xcode 3.2.5 and iOS SDK 4.2


Where can I find the latest Movesense Showcase app source?

According to the showcase app source is open source. But the source code that’s there in the repo is at least couple of versions behind in terms of UI.
Is there an updated repo location for the latest? Our client is looking at the app in AppStore thinking the source code should be the same.
Well, the source code in the repository is exactly the same as has been used for generating and compiling the app store version. Could you please make sure you are using the master branch of this repo: ?
Also, please make sure that you are opening the folder MovesenseShowcase in xcode, not IOS-example (which is the old example app for iOS)
In addition, please make sure you are using Xcode 11 (latest) and following the instructions in

Integrating GPGS and AdMob or Vungle

Using Unity 5.2.3.
Using Android SDK Rev. 23.1.1
Using Google Play Game Services Package 0.9.31a (Services Version 8.4.0) for unity.
Using AdMob 3.0.1
Using Vungle (can't link, stackoverflow not allowing more than 2 links)
Note: I am using AdMob and Vungle separately with Play game services.
I have integrated Play game services with my app and that's work fine but whenever I try to include any other packages like AdMob or Vungle following happens.
AdMob: I have included the package, whenever Compile or Reopen the project play-services-basement-8.4.0 get deleted, Play Games Package has Resolve Client Jars and I am 100% sure that to blame.
Vungle: I configured Vungle Package as described in their documentation but again whenever I compile or reopen the Project several of Vungle files along with Vungle's main file Assets/Plugins/Android/libs/"android-support-v4.jar" get deleted. Again maybe Resolve Client Jars to blame.
In both cases above, I have manually copied the missing files and include them while Unity was closed but those were gone as soon as project opens.
I have issued a bug report with Unity but they said they can't help with 3rd party and they don't have issue on Unity's end.
Please Help and let me know any additional information, ill be happy to assist you.
Since PlayServicesResolver just find dependency by rules and copy "NEWEST" to project folder and Google Play Games already have dependency on support-library-v4 23.1.+. , we can not resolve this within Unity Plugin.
I would recommend:
As work around, you can navigate to Assets>Google Play Services>Settings>uncheck-"enable background resolution"
and manually copy support library from
Assets/Plugins/Android, and run Assets>Google Play Services>Resolve Client Jars and keep 21.0.3"
This will leave "older version" of "android-support-v4.jar", but Google Play Games might not work with this version of "android-support-v4.jar".
Can you please try this?

working with samsung smart tv sdk 4.1 for Mac

i have stupid question)
im install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg and download and setup .ova file for virtual box.
so i thought finally all is DONE. but not.
when im check in directory cd ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/ icon 'Samsung Smart TV SDK Editor' for launch editor i have this
==The alias “Samsung Smart TV SDK Editor ” can’t be opened because the original item can’t be found.==
so before i must insall ECLIPSE ?
because when i get info of icon = i seen the path of original ==/Users/SDK/SDK_INSTALL/build_tree/Samsung Smart TV SDK 4/eclipse/
i have not ECLIPSE IDE and i need install eclipse now ? and after egain install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg ?
if its true . which kind of ECLIPSE type ? indigo? juno? which version ? (i use MAC v 10.7.5)
so! my update! for everyone who need smart tv sdk for MAC . 8 steps
download eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2 for macosx (example eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2-macosx-cocoa.tar.gz)
download and install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg (go to link
move all files 'eclipse' folder (from archive eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2-macosx-cocoa.tar.gz) to directory where your smart tv sdk (example ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/)
install virtual box and setup 2013_Smart_TV_Emulator_4_1 (2013_Smart_TV_Emulator.ovf file) - instruction here
launch Samsung Smart TV SDK Editor (i have icon-launcher here ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/)
setup work environment (all Apps must be here ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/Apps)
create project and if you need -> import file-application form other store (if someone already developed an app and you need to open that app)
launch virtual box -> launch smart tv emulator -> open App and choose your project
The accepted answer didn't work for me when getting the IDE up and running on OSX 10.8.4, but this did:
Install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg
It will install files to your User Directory
Download this version of Eclipse:
Copy the from the above download into ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/ directory...
Tried the above steps but didn't get it to work. So I experimented a bit. Here's my two cents:
Make sure that the eclipse you download is the appropriate version for your Mac (that is 32bit or 64bit). If you get a strange error mentioning that it's not able to load SWT components, then it's likely you downloaded the wrong version.
I tried both copying all eclipse files from ~/Downloads/eclipse to ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse, and only to ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/. However it worked when I merged all files EXCEPT directory configuration and artifacts.xml from ~/Downloads/eclipse to ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/. Make sure that you don't delete and write directories plugins/ and features/, as the Samsung SDK version contains the eclipse plugins.
Hope I helped!

Tesseract 3.02 for iOS?

i made some googling to make my iOS app faster for OCR (i use tesseract 3.01).
(i downloaded it from here
i came across some links (
How can I make tesseract on iOS faster?
)here that say using tesseract 3.02 for OCR. but i couldnt find the link or svn for it.
is there anyone who uses tesseract 3.02 on his/her iOS apps? it would be great if there is sample project.
The SVN url is Tesseract SVN
If you use a SVN software you will download the latest version available, but you have to compile for iOS
BTW, I tested the suzuki script and it works with the lastest version, but it doesn't include some new .h files (6 or 7), so you will need to search for them in the tesseract folfer (they are in the ccutil and ccmain folders)
EDIT: I uploaded my compilation to github, it's a plugin for phonegap, but you can pick the dependencies folder an use it on any regular iOS project.
OCR Plugin

Adobe AIR packager yields Unable to open destination file: ... Info.plist in Application Loader

I have an app in the App Store that I produced using the Adobe AIR 2.0 packager back in March 2011. Now, the client wants to update it. But, I can no longer upload an update.
I get the following error when using the Application Loader:
Unable to unzip application. Underlying reason: Unable to open destination file: /var/folders/05/d7xltrms59j0n1bplx_nvwr0000gn/T/Protocols.ipa/Payload/, No such file or directory.
Looking inside the IPA, Info.plist is certainly in there.
I tried using new provisioning and new certificates, I tried using Java 32-bit, I tried reinstalling Flash CS5. I tried the 2.5 SDK (I can't using anything higher though).
I wonder if this packager is creating an outdated IPA that Apple no longer accepts. Ideas anyone?
I managed to solve the problem. I used the AIR 2.5 SDK and PFI. Then, I upgraded Application Loader to 2.4.1 and that did the trick.
To download AIR 2.5 SDK, go to the Adobe archives:
To download an updated version of PFI, go to the following link:
There is a Windows version, but I can't post that link since I'm only allowed to post 2 hyperlinks.