how do i fully customize a tableview - iphone

i want to customize my tableview, like the tipulator app for the iphone.
And heres my app:

Each UITableViewCell has a few subviews which you can replace with your own. They are:
As Gendolkari pointed out, Cocoa With Love has a great guide on custom UITableViews.
The theory is that you replace each of those views with an appropriate view to "skin" your UITableViewCells.
When replacing the background view, you check for the first and last cells when skinning the background view, otherwise you can use a "middle" background image. Implement it as a UIImageView. As far as the other views, use what you want.
Additionally, you can use a completely custom NIB file and load that in instead of the default styles provided by UIKit.

While the others are right in suggesting ways to subclass UITableView or its components, this screenshot doesn't look like it's showing a UITableView.
My guess is that they're just drawing custom images onto a background and checking certain areas for taps. What you should do is read up on the drawing methods as well as on intercepting taps and touches.

Here's a really good guide on custom styling for your table:

Create your own UITableViewCell, and use it, rather than a "generic" one.
You can do this directly in XCode with "File->New File" Then in "Cocoa Touch Class", choose "Objective-C Class" - and under the "Subclass" popup, select "UITableViewCell".
It well generate a XIB, which you can use in IB to customize the look.
Instantiate and pass-in there cells in your UITableView code, instead of the normal UITableViewCells.


How To Replicate This User Interface Design?

I want to create a UI like the on in app. Is it a UIScrollView with UITableView cells in it?
Notice how each block/cell has multiple data values in it.
This is all about customising the table view and table view cells. The best tutorial I've found is Cocoa with Love: Easy custom UITableView drawing. It's a good place to start.
This is a UITableView with UITableViewStyleGrouped and multiple sections. The spacing between sections appears to be increased from the default value.
The cell backgrounds have a slight gradient added to give them depth. Each section appears to have a different custom layout of labels, and, in the one case, a custom slider-like object. The object on the right is a standard UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton.
You can achieve similar effects by subclassing UITableViewCell.

Updatable, custom view on a UIToolbar

I want to make a small area to present some information in the middle of a UIToolbar and was wondering what the best way to do this is.
I need to show some text and a graphic, both of which need to be updated (around every 3 seconds) as new information arrives. The graphic is similar to the iPhone signal strength indicator, so it can be either custom drawn or selected from one of 3 graphics (low, medium, high strength).
I'll probably use initWithCustomView: to create a UIBarButtonItem, although I would like the view to be clickable (to allow the user to change the information shown).
What's the best way to make that view? Can I use a NIB, or do I need to do custom drawing in the view? What's the best way to update the buttons? I'm assuming that I'll have to remake the toolbarItems array each time and set it when the information changes. Is there a cleaner way to do this? Thanks.
Using initWithCustomView: sounds like a good way to go. You can create your custom view any way you want: with a NIB, by drawing it, even using images. It can also have its own subviews. It can be any object that inherits from UIView. (So, if you wanted, you could even make it actionable by using a UIButton, a custom UIControl, or a custom UIView with a gesture recognizer attached.)
You shouldn't have to remake toolbarItems (or, for that matter, do anything with it after you've added all your button items) if you just keep a pointer to your custom view UIBarButtonItem. It could be an instance variable. Then, to update the custom view, you could access it as you would any other view. I've never actually tried this, but I can't see any problem with doing it.
You sound like you had it mostly figured out. Hope this is helpful.
I needed the same solution and was hoping for some code examples from you. So I ended up doing it all in IB and the steps are here as follows:
Create UItoolbar in IB with no Items. (A Bar Button Item will be added again once you add the UIView)
Add UIView as subview of UIToolbar
Add UILabels to subview of UIView that is already a subview of the UIToolbar.
Create IBOutlets from UIToolbar, UIView and each UILabel and then you can reference the labels in your app.
I did set the backgrounds to clearColor so the text appears on top of UIToolbar without any box or borders.
And the text updates dynamically which was the desired outcome.
Hope this helps someone as this has been eluding me for a while.

Mimic ABNewPersonViewController UI

I'd like to replicate the iOS 4.x ABNewPersonViewController UI layout (see link text) in a custom view but I'm unsure about the best way to achieve this. I was thinking of a single grouped UITableView, but what about the first section? How do I achieve the smaller cells (first,last,company)? And finally the "add photo canvas" is it just a sub UIView with a background image for the shadow and the rounded border or can this be done programmatically?
Many thanks in advance!
your idea about a single grouped UITableView could work. The way to get the smaller cells as well as the photo cell would be to subclass UITableViewCell and create it like that. and yes the photo canvus is just a custom UIView added on top of the UITableView. I'm not sure i see the point of rolling your own here, but thats how i'd start. Also i think i recall seeing a tutorial on how to build this page..try googling for it.

How to realize the same effect like iPhone's homescreen

I want to add some custom buttons and realize the same effect like the iPhone's home screen. What I can think of is to calculate the position of each button and add them to the view. Are there any other ways to do this? e.g. add buttons to the tableview
Check TTLauncherView from Three20,
I realized the same view of the thumbnails in the photo app (which in principle differs only because of the background color and the rounded effect of the buttons) using a custom cell (with 4 UIButtons inside) in a normal tableview.
In my case, this is because I need to scroll up and down, in your specific case there should be a way to "lock" the table from scrolling. By the way, for this reason, it could be simpler to design the custom view in the interface builder, it is very quick to design such a view, and then create a custom controller to provide simple methods to assign icons and actions to the UIButtons dynamically.
You could also look at the Three20 libraries as already suggested, it is already implemented, but you app will easily be rejected by Apple if you do so.

Edit mode for UITableViewCell using Interface Builder

I converted my old UITableViewCell from being programmatically created to using Interface Builder and a Xib. When implemented in code and in edit mode, I moved some of the labels in the cell to make room for the delete button. How do I change the layout of the cell in edit mode when implemented as a Xib? Preferably animated. Links or tutorials are certainly welcome!
If it matters, this is for a 3.0 SDK app.
You need to get a reference to the subviews you would like to move. Two ways to do this are:
Tag the views in IB
Use IBOutlets
If you tag the subview you would like to move, you can find it by:
[cell.contentView viewWithTag:kMyTag];
If you choose to use IBOutlets, you should consider creating Cell Controllers for each cell.
A good tutorial on this can be found here:
Also consider moving your cell logic into the cell controllers and out of the table view controller as mentioned in this tutorial: