Standard ML permutations - smlnj

I am working on a function to the permutations for all values in a list.
Here is what I have so far:
fun rotate e [] = [[e]]
| rotate e (x::xs)= (e::x::xs)::( (fn l => x::l) (rotate e xs));
fun perm [] = []
| perm (x::xs) = List.concat( (fn l => (rotate x xs)) xs) # perm xs;
- perm [1,2,3];
val it = [[1,2,3],[2,1,3],[2,3,1],[1,2,3],[2,1,3],[2,3,1],[2,3],[3,2]]
The output should be something like [[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2], [2, 1, 3], [2, 3, 1], [3, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1]]. As you can see I am missing something here. I believe the issue is my 3 is not being passed to rotate as rotate 3 [1,2] is what I am missing from my code along with two 2 element lists being here for some reason.
How can I correct my perm function to show the output correctly? Any help no matter how big or small would help me a lot.

Here is a simple fix for your attempted solution. You were nearly there.
fun interleave x [] = [[x]]
| interleave x (h::t) =
(x::h::t)::( l => h::l) (interleave x t))
fun permute nil = [[]]
| permute (h::t) = List.concat( (fn l => interleave h l) (permute t))

I don't think that the rotate approach is the one you'll want to take. Rather, as Shivindap describes here, a good way to do this sort of this is to pull the first element from the argument list, and append it to all permutations of the tail. Rinse and repeat this for every element of the list, and you'll end up with all the permutations.
You'll find an in depth explanation of this approach here. For code samples in ML, you could also check this out.
Best of luck to you!


Root finding using a loop

I have one equation defined in the function
def fun(x, y, z, v, b):
Y = (z*(np.sign(x) * (np.abs(x))**(y-1))) - (v*np.sign(b) * (np.abs(b))**(v-1))/(1-b**v)
return Y.flatten()
that I want to solve for the value of x, given the values of Z0, SS (year 1: Z0=1.2, SS=2, ...) and different combinations of alpha and kappa, for which I am creating a grid.
Z0 = [1.2, 5, 3, 2.5, 4.2]
SS = [2, 3, 2.2, 3.5, 5]
ngrid = 10
kv = np.linspace(0.05, 2, ngrid)
av = np.linspace(1.5, 4, ngrid)
q0 = []
for z in range(len(Z0)):
zz = Z0[z]
ss = SS[z]
for i in range(ngrid):
for j in range(ngrid):
kappa = kv[i]
alpha = av[j]
res0 = root(lambda x: fun(x, alpha, zz, kappa, ss), x0=np.ones(range(ngrid)))
q0 = res0.x
where y = alpha; v=kappa, z = Z0; b = S.
I am getting all [], [], ....
Not sure what is going on. Thanks for your help
Before you attempt to use res0.x, check res0.success. In this case, you'll find that it is False in each case. When res0.success is False, take a look at res0.message for information about why root failed.
During development and debugging, you might also consider getting the solver working for just one set of parameter values before you embed root in three nested loops. For example, here are a few lines from an ipython session (variables were defined in previous lines, not shown):
In [37]: res0 = root(lambda x: fun(x, av[0], Z0[0], kv[0], SS[0]), x0=np.ones(range(ngrid)))
In [38]: res0.success
Out[38]: False
In [39]: res0.message
Out[39]: 'Improper input parameters were entered.'
The message suggests that something is wrong with the input parameters. You call root like this:
res0 = root(lambda x: fun(x, alpha, zz, kappa, ss), x0=np.ones(range(ngrid)))
A close look at that line shows the problem: the initial guess is np.ones(range(ngrid)):
In [41]: np.ones(range(ngrid))
Out[41]: array([], shape=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), dtype=float64)
That's not what you want! The use of range looks like a simple typo (or "thinko"). The initial guess should be
In ipython, we get:
In [50]: res0 = root(lambda x: fun(x, av[0], Z0[0], kv[0], SS[0]), x0=np.ones(ngrid))
In [51]: res0.success
Out[51]: True
In [52]: res0.x
array([-0.37405428, -0.37405428, -0.37405428, -0.37405428, -0.37405428,
-0.37405428, -0.37405428, -0.37405428, -0.37405428, -0.37405428])
All the return values are the same (and this happens for other parameters values), which suggests that you are solving a scalar equation. A closer look at fun shows that you only use x in element-wise operations, so you are in fact solving just a scalar equation. In that case, you can use x0=1:
In [65]: res0 = root(lambda x: fun(x, av[0], Z0[0], kv[0], SS[0]), x0=1)
In [66]: res0.success
Out[66]: True
In [67]: res0.x
Out[67]: array([-0.37405428])
You could also consider using root_scalar instead of root.

How to implement A = sparse(I, J, K) (sparse matrix from triplet) in a Fortran mex file?

I'm trying to create a sparse square matrix in Matlab through a mex function (written in Fortran). I want something like A = sparse(I,J,K) . My triplets look like this, there are repetitions among the entries
femi = [1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 4, 6, 6, 5, 5, 2]
femj = [2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4]
femk = [2, 1, 5, 4, 2, 4, 5, 7, 2, 1, 6, 2, 1, 4]
I've written a rough piece of code, it works for small matrix dimensions, but it's much slower than the intrinsic Matlab's sparse. Since I have almost no background in coding, I don't know what I'm doing wrong (wrong way to allocate variables? too many do loops?). Any help is appreciated. Thank you. This is the mex computational subroutine. It returns the pr, ir, jc indices array to give to the sparse matrix
subroutine new_sparse(femi, femj, femk, pr, ir, jc, n, m)
implicit none
intrinsic:: SUM, COUNT, ANY
integer :: i, j, k, n, indjc, m
real*8 :: femi(n), femj(n), femk(n)
real*8 :: pr(n)
integer :: ir(n),jc(m+1)
logical :: indices(n)
indices = .false.
k = 1
indjc = 0
jc(1) = 0
do j=1,m
do i =1,m
indices = [femi==i .and. femj==j]
if (ANY(indices .eqv. .true.)) then
ir(k) = i-1
pr(k) = SUM(femk, indices)
k = k+1
indjc = indjc + 1
end if
end do
if (indjc/=0) then
jc(j+1) = jc(j) + indjc
indjc = 0
jc(j+1) = jc(j)
end if
end do
As suggested by users #jack and #veryreverie in the comments below, it's better to sort directly femi, femj and femk. I guess that ranking/sorting femi first (and sorting femj and femk according to femi) and then ranking/sorting femj (and sorting femi and femk according to femj) provides the desired result. The only thing left is to deal with duplicates.
Edit #2 :
I translated line by line the serialized version of the C code by Engblom and Lukarksi . This document explains very clearly their reasoning and I think it's useful for beginners like me. However, due to my inexperience, I was unable to translate the parallelized version of the code. Maybe that prompts another question.
subroutine new_sparse(ir, jcS, pr, MatI, MatJ, MatK, n, m)
! use omp_lib
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
integer, intent(in) :: n, m
real(dp), intent(in) :: MatK(n), MatI(n), MatJ(n)
! integer*8, intent(out) :: nnew
integer :: i, k, col, row, c, r !, nthreads
integer :: hcol(m+1), jcS(m+1), jrS(m+1)
integer :: ixijs, irank(n), rank(n)
real*8 :: pr(*)
integer :: ir(*)
hcol = 0
jcS = 0
jrS = 0
do i = 1,n
jrS(MatI(i)+1) = jrS(MatI(i)+1)+1
end do
do r = 2,m+1
jrS(r) = jrS(r) + jrS(r-1)
end do
do i = 1,n
rank(jrS(MatI(i))+1) = i
jrS(MatI(i)) = jrS(MatI(i)) + 1
end do
k = 1
do row = 1,m
do i = k , jrS(row)
ixijs = rank(i)
col = MatJ(ixijs)
if (hcol(col) < row) then
hcol(col) = row
jcS(col+1) = jcS(col+1)+1
end if
irank(ixijs) = jcS(col+1)
k = k+1
end do
end do
do c = 2,m+1
jcS(c) = jcS(c) + jcS(c-1)
end do
do i = 1,n
irank(i) = irank(i) + jcS(MatJ(i))
end do
ir(irank) = MatI-1
do i = 1,n
pr(irank(i)) = pr(irank(i)) + MatK(i)
end do
This should work:
module test
implicit none
! This should probably be whatever floating point format Matlab uses.
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
subroutine new_sparse(femi, femj, femk, pr, ir, jc, n, m)
integer, intent(in) :: n ! The size of femi, femj, femk.
integer, intent(in) :: m ! The no. of rows (and cols) in the matrix.
integer, intent(in) :: femi(n) ! The input i indices.
integer, intent(in) :: femj(n) ! The input j indices.
real(dp), intent(in) :: femk(n) ! The input values.
real(dp), intent(out) :: pr(n) ! The output values.
integer, intent(out) :: ir(n) ! The output i indices.
integer, intent(out) :: jc(m+1) ! Column j has jc(j+1)-jc(j) non-zero entries
! loop indices.
integer :: a,b
! Initialise jc.
! All elements of `jc` are `1` as the output initially contains no elements.
jc = 1
! Loop over the input elements.
do_a : do a=1,n
associate(i=>femi(a), j=>femj(a), k=>femk(a))
! Loop over the stored entries in column j of the output,
! looking for element (i,j).
do b=jc(j),jc(j+1)-1
! Element (i,j) is already in the output, update the output and cycle.
if (ir(b)==i) then
pr(b) = pr(b) + femk(a)
cycle do_a
! Element (i,j) is not already in the output.
! First make room for the new element in ir and pr,
! then add the element to ir and pr,
! then update jc.
ir(jc(j+1)+1:jc(m+1)) = ir(jc(j+1):jc(m+1)-1)
pr(jc(j+1)+1:jc(m+1)) = pr(jc(j+1):jc(m+1)-1)
ir(jc(j+1)) = i
pr(jc(j+1)) = k
jc(j+1:) = jc(j+1:) + 1
end associate
enddo do_a
end subroutine
end module
program prog
use test
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 14
integer, parameter :: m = 6
integer :: femi(n), femj(n)
real(dp) :: femk(n)
real(dp) :: pr(n)
integer :: ir(n),jc(m+1)
integer :: a,b
femi = [1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 4, 6, 6, 5, 5, 2]
femj = [2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4]
femk = real([2, 1, 5, 4, 2, 4, 5, 7, 2, 1, 6, 2, 1, 4], dp)
write(*,*) 'Input:'
do a=1,n
write(*,'(a,i0,a,i0,a,f2.0)') '(',femi(a),',',femj(a),') : ',femk(a)
call new_sparse(femi,femj,femk,pr,ir,jc,n,m)
write(*,*) 'Output:'
do a=1,m
do b=jc(a),jc(a+1)-1
write(*,'(a,i0,a,i0,a,f2.0)') '(',ir(b),',',a,') : ',pr(b)
end program
This writes:
(1,2) : 2.
(2,2) : 1.
(3,1) : 5.
(2,1) : 4.
(2,1) : 2.
(4,3) : 4.
(5,3) : 5.
(5,6) : 7.
(4,3) : 2.
(6,1) : 1.
(6,1) : 6.
(5,2) : 2.
(5,2) : 1.
(2,4) : 4.
(3,1) : 5.
(2,1) : 6.
(6,1) : 7.
(1,2) : 2.
(2,2) : 1.
(5,2) : 3.
(4,3) : 6.
(5,3) : 5.
(2,4) : 4.
(5,6) : 7.
The bottleneck in your algorithm comes from the instructions indices = [femi==i .and. femj==j], any(indices .eqv. .true.) and sum(femk, indices). These all take O(n) operations, and as these are within a double loop the overall cost of the subroutine is O(m^2*n).
My algorithm works in two stages. The first stage, the do b=jc(j),jc(j+1)-1 loop, compares each element in the input with each element in the matching column of the output, for a maximum cost of O(mn) operations. If the input element is found in the output, then the value is updated and nothing more needs to be done.
If the input element is not found in the output, then it needs to be added to the output. This is handled by the second stage, the code after the do b... loop. Since this needs to move the output elements in order to make space for the new element, this stage has a maximum of O(n'^2) operations, where n' is the number of unique elements in the input, which should satisfy n'<=n and n'<<m^2 for a sparse matrix.
My algorithm should run a lot faster for large m and n, but it certainly has a lot of scope for improvement. I suspect it is worth using an intermediate data structure for storing ir and pr, so that new elements can be inserted without having to re-arrange all the elements to do so.

How to trick Scala map method to produce more than one output per each input item?

Quite complex algorith is being applied to list of Spark Dataset's rows (list was obtained using groupByKey and flatMapGroups). Most rows are transformed 1 : 1 from input to output, but in some scenarios require more than one output per each input. The input row schema can change anytime. The map() fits the requirements quite well for the 1:1 transformation, but is there a way to use it producing 1 : n output?
The only work-around I found relies on foreach method which has unpleasant overhed cause by creating the initial empty list (remember, unlike the simplified example below, real-life list structure is changing randomly).
My original problem is too complex to share here, but this example demonstrates the concept. Let's have a list of integers. Each should be transformed into its square value and if the input is even it should also transform into one half of the original value:
val X = Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val y = => x * x) //map is intended for 1:1 transformation so it works great here
val z = => for(n <- 1 to 5) (n, x * x)) //this attempt FAILS - generates list of five rows with emtpy tuples
// this work-around works, but newX definition is problematic
var newX = List[Int]() //in reality defining as head of the input list and dropping result's tail at the end
val za = X.foreach(x => {
newX = x*x :: newX
if(x % 2 == 0) newX = (x / 2) :: newX
Is there a better way than foreach construct?
.flatMap produces any number of outputs from a single input.
val X = Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
X.flatMap { x =>
if (x % 2 == 0) Seq(x*x, x / 2) else Seq(x / 2)
#=> Seq[Int] = List(0, 4, 1, 1, 16, 2, 2)
flatMap in more detail
In, f is a function that maps each input to a single output. By contrast, in X.flatMap(g), the function g maps each input to a sequence of outputs. flatMap then takes all the sequences produced (one for each element in f) and concatenates them.
The neat thing is .flatMap works not just for sequences, but for all sequence-like objects. For an option, for instance, Option(x)#flatMap(g) will allow g to return an Option. Similarly, Future(x)#flatMap(g) will allow g to return a Future.
Whenever the number of elements you return depends on the input, you should think of flatMap.

What is a BitVector and how to use it as return in Breeze Scala?

I am doing a comparison between two BreezeDenseVectors with the following way a :< b and what i get as a return is a BitVector.
I haven't worked again with this and everything i read about it, was not helpful enough.
Can anyone explain to me how they work?
Additionally, by printing the output, i get: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }. What is this supposed to mean?
You can check BitVectorTest.scala for more detail usage.
Basically, a :< b gives you a BitVector, which indicates which elements in a smaller than the ones in b.
For example val a = DenseVector[Int](4, 9, 3); val b = DenseVector[Int](8, 2, 5); a :< b will gives you BitVector(0, 2), it means that a(0) < b(0) and a(2) < b(2), which is correct.

What is the best way to translate the generation of a multidimensional cell array from Matlab to Clojure

I'm halfway through figuring out a solution to my question, but I have a feeling that it won't be very efficient. I've got a 2 dimensional cell structure of variable length arrays that is constructed in a very non-functional way in Matlab that I would like to convert to Clojure. Here is an example of what I'm trying to do:
pre = cell(N,1);
aux = cell(N,1);
for i=1:Ne
for j=1:D
for k=1:length(delays{i,j})
pre{post(i, delays{i, j}(k))}(end+1) = N*(delays{i, j}(k)-1)+i;
aux{post(i, delays{i, j}(k))}(end+1) = N*(D-1-j)+i; % takes into account delay
My current plan for implementation is to use 3 loops where the first is initialized with a vector of N vectors of an empty vector. Each subloop is initialized by the previous loop. I define a separate function that takes the overall vector and the subindices and value and returns the vector with an updated subvector.
There's got to be a smarter way of doing this than using 3 loop/recurs. Possibly some reduce function that simplifies the syntax by using an accumulator.
I'm not 100% sure I understand what your code is doing (I don't know Matlab) but this might be one approach for building a multi-dimensional vector:
(defn conj-in
"Based on clojure.core/assoc-in, but with vectors instead of maps."
[coll [k & ks] v]
(if ks
(assoc coll k (conj-in (get coll k []) ks v))
(assoc coll k v)))
(defn foo []
(let [w 5, h 4, d 3
indices (for [i (range w)
j (range h)
k (range d)]
[i j k])]
(reduce (fn [acc [i j k :as index]]
(conj-in acc index
;; do real work here
(str i j k)))
[] indices)))
user> (pprint (foo))
[[["000" "001" "002"]
["010" "011" "012"]
["020" "021" "022"]
["030" "031" "032"]]
[["100" "101" "102"]
["110" "111" "112"]
["120" "121" "122"]
["130" "131" "132"]]
[["200" "201" "202"]
["210" "211" "212"]
["220" "221" "222"]
["230" "231" "232"]]
[["300" "301" "302"]
["310" "311" "312"]
["320" "321" "322"]
["330" "331" "332"]]
[["400" "401" "402"]
["410" "411" "412"]
["420" "421" "422"]
["430" "431" "432"]]]
This only works if indices go in the proper order (increasing), because you can't conj or assoc onto a vector anywhere other than one-past-the-end.
I also think it would be acceptable to use make-array and build your array via aset. This is why Clojure offers access to Java mutable arrays; some algorithms are much more elegant that way, and sometimes you need them for performance. You can always dump the data into Clojure vectors after you're done if you want to avoid leaking side-effects.
(I don't know which of this or the other version performs better.)
(defn bar []
(let [w 5, h 4, d 3
arr (make-array String w h d)]
(doseq [i (range w)
j (range h)
k (range d)]
(aset arr i j k (str i j k)))
(vec (map #(vec (map vec %)) arr)))) ;yikes?
Look to Incanter project that provide routines for work with data sets, etc.